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9B GRAMMAR uses of the past perfect © Comple xe sentences with the past simple or past perfect form of the verb in brackets, 1 She told me her parents Ill married for 40 years. (be) had been. 2. I thought we were going to miss the train, but luckily it Im (rot leave) page 3 IF 1M some money, fd lend you some. (have) _ Nobody answered the phone because the office lll for the day. (ust close) lM my phone yesterday, but | think i's OK. (drop) ane We would have been late for the wedding if we lll a taxi. (not take) Where is he? He ill he'd be late. (not say) ae He said he ll breakfast. (already have) If we lM our tickets sooner, they would have been cheaper. (buy) 10 We IMM our friends every weekend when we lived in Glasgow. (see) _ 111. How long Ml you Il him when he proposed to you? (know) 12 She said she mmm meat for over three years. (not eat) ai 13. | would have gone home if you Ill. (not turn up) 14 Idonly get married if lM someone | realy liked. (meet) sees 15. She told me she ll her phone twice before. (lose) seat in avert colun ose ita okt the see ° Read the sentences aloud with the correct verb form.

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