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A RADICAL rethink of Church teaching on homosexuality that declares it to be "divinely

ordered" is revealed this week in a catechism commissioned by the Archbishop of York.

The second most senior churchman in the Church of England, the Most Rev
David Hope, has given the new catechism his imprimatur and describes it
in his foreword as "a celebration of Christian living". Written by Canon
Edward Norman, canon and treasurer of York Minster, the catechism seeks
to define Anglicanism for the first time since Thomas Cranmer wrote The
Book of Common Prayer in 1662.

The Prayer Book version was a brief inquisitorial text intended for use in a
pre-literate age. Canon Norman's is the first attempt fully to define Anglican
teaching. In the section on sexuality, he contradicts official teaching and
the views of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr George Carey.

"Homosexuality," says the catechism, "may well not be a condition to be

regretted but to have divinely ordered and positive qualities." It continues:
"Homosexual Christian believers should be encouraged to find in their
sexual preferences such elements of moral beauty as may enhance their
general understanding of Christ's calling."

The Anglican Church is deeply divided over its teaching on homosexuality

and at the last Lambeth Conference bishops rowed openly about the issue.
In the end, Dr Carey, supported by African and Asian bishops, passed a
resolution saying homosexual acts were "incompatible with Scripture". The
resolution said "abstinence is right for those who are not called to

A discussion document by the House of Bishops called Issues in Human

Sexuality, published in 1991, forbade clergy from entering into homosexual
relationships. Canon Norman, a highly respected theologian who writes
"meditations" in The Telegraph, was asked to write the catechism by Dr
Hope to provide a tool in training for ministry. An "official" catechism is
being written and published by Church House but the project will take
several years.

Called An Anglican Catechism, the text is praised by Dr Hope for managing

to "explore the relevant issues for today" in the context of "an unchanging
doctrinal basis of faith". Dr Hope was targeted by the homosexual rights
group, Outrage!. After a night of prayer in Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris, he
said his sexuality was "a grey area" and that he was celibate.

Canon Norman addresses the contradictions in what the Church teaches

and practises, saying: "The Church continues to classify homosexuality as
an intrinsically disordered condition, yet significant numbers of Christians
are and always have been homosexual."

The catechism declares that homosexuality "is not in general chosen: it is

an expression of sexuality which derives from conditions of inherited
impulsions or of early infant experience". Richard Kirker, general secretary
of the Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement, welcomed the text as a
"refreshing statement which the Church is crying out for".

 An Anglican Catechism by Edward Norman (Continuum £10.99) is

available for £8.99 plus 99p p&p. To order call 0870 1557222.

30 April 2001: 'Cliques of gay priests are dividing Church'

14 November 2000: Homosexual priests elected to Church's ruling Synod
22 April 1997: Gays should be welcomed as priests, says bishop
14 November 1996: Prayers of protest over cathedral's gay service
12 February 1996: [International] Tutu urges Church to allow gay priests

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