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Samantha Dube, Stephanie Valentin, Mary Roth, and Sarah Turner.

Lesson objective (First Grade)

The student will be able to use addition with a 100 accuracy as they code in a Minecraft game
from one level to another.
Lesson Opener
The whole class will watch the first Minecraft introduction video.
The teacher will help the students to log in into the
Guided practice
The whole class will continue to play level one together on the projector. The teacher will ask
questions that will invite the students to use their math skills to achieve the task. The teacher will
ask for volunteers to help him/her figure out how many steps they need to go to reach the target.
This will give the students an opportunity to add and count. For this level, the student will need
to move 2 steps forward until they reach a treasure. The teacher will ask the students, “how many
steps do I need to move forward to get to the treasure”. The students will answer, “2”. The
teacher will then show how the 2 is achieved.
In pairs students will work together to code level 2.
Independent Practice
Each student will code on their own levels 3 to 5.
Monitoring Learning
Observe carefully so that you can Identify students are having difficulty coding and those who
will finch ahead of time. Provide needed assistance and added time to those who are struggling.
Allow the fast finishers to go to the higher levels.
The captions we be available on for those who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Give each student a worksheet where they can report how they added/counted each step to get to
the target. This worksheet will have a space to write a code for each level.
Ask the questions, “What did you like about the coding?” “What did you find challenging about
the coding” “What do you wish was different about the coding?”
Follow up
Invite the students to explain to one other person what the learned when coding.

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