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Basic Physics

“Electrical Measurements and Ohm’s Law”

Arranged by :

Nama : Jeclin Inebel Dolontelide

NIM : 19101105011

Departement : Pharmacy

Group : III (three)

Lecturer / Lecture’s Assistant





A. Aim
a. Able to use electrical measuring devices to measure electrical quantities: resistance, potential
difference and strong currents.
b. Can learn and understand ohm law
c. Can compare the results of calculations with the results of electrical measurements

B. Equipment Required
1.AC and DC power supply
3.Connecting cable
4.Analog multimeter and digital multimeter
C. Introduction
In the theory of electricity there are several quantities that can be measured. The first is the
difference in potential or voltage (V). Voltage is the difference or potential difference between
two points in an electrical circuit. For example, a DC current is sent to terminal A through the
element, and back with an outlet at terminal B. It is assumed that to suppress the charge through
the element is needed. So as such it will be said that an electrical voltage (or a difference or
potential difference) appears between the two terminals. (Hayt, 2005)

Voltage has an element called a free voltage source. A free voltage source is characterized
by a terminal voltage that is free or does not depend on the current passing through it. So, if a free
voltage source is provided and it is noted that the terminal voltage is 12V, this size is assumed to
be large regardless of the amount of current flowing through this voltage source. (Hayt, 2005)

Free voltage sources are ideal sources and do not represent exactly a real physical device,
because ideal sources can theoretically transmit infinite amounts of energy and their terminals.
However, this ideal voltage source can provide a reasonable approximation for some practical
voltage sources. For example, a car battery, has a terminal voltage of 12V which essentially
remains constant as long as the current passing through it is no more than a few amperes (not
exceeding the specified current value). (Hayt, 2005)

A small current can pass through the battery in any direction. If the current is positive and
flows out of the terminal marked positive, the battery provides power, for example in car lighting.
If the current is positive and flows into the positive terminal, the battery is experiencing a charging
process. By absorbing energy from the alternator. A free voltage source with a constant terminal
voltage is usually termed a free DC voltage source. (Hayt, 2005)
Currents that appear on a district crossing, for example metal wires, have both a numerical
value and a direction; which is a measure of the rate of movement of the charge past a reference
point in one particular direction. Current flowing in a lead wire is caused by negative charge
movement, not positive charge movement. The current is symbolized by the letter I or i. The unit
of current is ampere (A), which is taken from the name of the French physicist, A. M. Ampere.
This amperage unit is often called "amp" although this abbreviation is not official and is informal.
(Hayt, 2005)

In addition to the free voltage source, there is also a free current source. At a free current
source, the current through the element is completely free or independent of the voltage. Like a
free voltage source, a free current source is a fairly good approximation for its real physical
element. In theory, this current source can send an infinite amount of power from its terminals
because this current source can produce an equal current of equal magnitude for its voltage value,
no matter what the voltage is. This free flow source is a good approach for some practical sources,
especially in electronic circuits. (Hayt, 2005)
The resistance R is defined as the ratio of the voltage V applied across apiece of material to
the current I through the material, or R=V/I. When only a small currentefer result from a large
voltage, there is a high resistance to the moving charge. For many materials (e.g. metals), the ratio
V/I is the same for a given piece of material over a wide range of voltages and currents. In such a
case, the resistance is a constant. Then, the relation R= V/I is referred to as Ohm’s law, after the
german physicist Georg Simon Ohm (1789-1854), who discovered it. (Cutnell John, dkk. 2013)

Ohm’s Law.

The ratio V/I is a constant, where V is the voltage applied across a piece of material(such as a
wire) and I is the current through the material:
V/I = R= constant or V=IR
R is the resistance of the piece of material.
SI Unit of Resistance: Volt/ampere (V/A) = ohm (Ώ)

The SI unit for resistance is a volt per ampere, which is called an ohm and is represented by the
Greek capital letter omega (Ώ). Ohm’s law is not a fundamental law of nature like Newton’s laws
of motion. It is only a statement of the way certain materials behave in electric circuits. To the
extent that a wire or an electrical device offers resistance to the flow of charges, it is called a
resistor. The resistance can have a wide range of values. The copper wire in a television set, for
instance, have a very small resistance. On the other hand, commercial resistors can have resistance
up to many kiloohms ( 1 kΏ = 103Ώ) or megohms (1 MΏ = 106 Ώ). Such resistors play an
important role in electric circuits, where the are typically used to limit the amount of current and
astablish the desire voltage levels. (Cutnell John, dkk. 2013).
To produce an electric current in the circuit, we need a potential difference. one way to
produce a potential difference is with a battery. Georg Simon Ohm determined by experiment that
the current in a metal wire is proportional to the difference in potential V applied to its edges. I α
v (Voltage α Current). For example, if we connect the wire to a 6V battery, the current flow will
be twice that compared to a 3V battery. It would be very helpful if we compare the electric current
with the flow of water in a river or pipe that is influenced by gravity. if the pipe (or river) is
almost flat, the flow velocity will be small. but if one end is higher than the other, the flow
velocity or current will be greater. the greater the height difference, the greater the current. just as
an increase in height causes a greater flow of water, so does a greater difference in electrical
potential, or voltage, causes a greater flow of electricity. (Giancoli Douglas. 1998)
Exactly how much current flows on the wire depends not only on the voltage, but also on the
resistance that the wire gives to the flow of electrons. pipe walls or river banks and stones in the
middle, providing resistance to the flow of current. in the same way, electrons are slowed down
because of interactions with wire atoms. The higher this resistance, the smaller the current for a
voltage V. We then define resistance so that current is proportional to resistance. when we
combine this and the comparison above, we get:

I = V/R
where R is the resistance of a wire or some other device, the potential difference between the
devices and I is the current flowing through it. this relationship is often written as:

V = IR
and is known as Ohm's Law. (Giancoli Douglas. 1998)

All electrical devices, from heaters to light bulbs to stereo amplifiers, provide resistance to
current flow. Light bulb filaments and electric heaters are special types of wire whose obstacles
cause the device to become very hot. generally, connecting wire has very little resistance
compared to filament resistance or wire coil. In most circuits, especially in electronic devices,
resistors are used to control large currents. Resistors have resistance ranging from less than one
ohm to millions of ohms. (Giancoli Douglas. 1998).

The precise magnitude of the current in a wire depends not only on the voltage, but also on the
resistance that the wire provides to the flow of electrons. electron flow is inhibited due to
collisions between atoms in the wire. we define electrical resistance R as a proportional factor of
voltage V (between the ends of the wire) and current I (through the wire) (Giancoli
In the theory of electricity there are several quantities that can be measured, including the
difference in potential / voltage (V), the strength of the electric current (I) and the electrical
resistance (R). Measurement of electrical voltage using a voltmeter, measuring the strength of an
electric current is an ammeter and measuring an electrical resistance is an ohmmeter. Now the
tools to measure these three quantities have been combined in one device called a multimeter
(AVO METER). Multimeter can be used for measurement of AC and DC current and voltage. The
measurement results displayed on the analog multimeter are: Where V is the given potential /
voltage difference, I is the strong current and R is the conductance resistance. Equation (1) above
will apply if V and I are linear. There are differences in how to measure resistance, voltage and
current strength. Resistance can be measured directly on the resistor without an electric voltage
source and without having to pay attention to its polarity. voltage is measured by arranging the
voltmeter in parallel with the component to be measured while the current strength can be
measured by assembling ammeters in series on the component (South,2019)

D. Procedur
 Measuring Resistance
1. Turn the multimeter switch in the Ohmmeter position
2. Calibrate the device by connecting the two ends of the multimeter cable. If the pointer does not
exactly point to zero, turn the calibration switch until the needle shows zero.
3. Connect the two wires to the resistors to be measured respectively at both ends / legs.
4. So that the results have a small errata, adjust the measuring limit with the resistor to be
5. Read the number indicated by the multimeter needle then write it in table 1.
6. Perform steps 1-5 for other resistor variations and for two or three resistors arranged in series
and in parallel.
 Measuring Voltage
1. Rotate the multimeter scale in the DC Voltmeter position.
2. Arrange the tool as shown below.

3. Connect the positive pole of the B1 battery to the positive end of the multimeter, as well as the
negative pole.
4. In order to obtain results with a small errata, adjust the measuring limit to the voltage to be
5. Read the numbers indicated by the multimeter needle and write the results in table 2.
6. Perform procedures 1-4 for B2 batteries.
7. Perform procedures 1-4 for B1 batteries connected in series with B2.
8. Perform procedures 1-4 for B1 batteries which are arranged in parallel with B2.
 Measuring Current
1. Rotate the multimeter scale to the Amperemeter DC position.
2. Arrange the device as shown below, with B1 batteries and resistors.

3. Read the numbers indicated by the Ammeters needle and write the results on the table
4. Perform procedures 1-3, for battery B1 and R2 resistor, B2 battery with resistor R1 and B2
battery with resistor R2.
1. Arrange the tool as shown below

2. Read the measurement results on the Voltmeter and Ammeters.

3. By adding (changing) the voltage source 3 times, read the measurement results of the
Voltmeter and Ammeters.
4. Perform procedures 1-3 by changing the resistor value 3x.
E. Result
F. Analysis
Pada praktikum ini ada beberapa prosedur yang dilakukan yaitu yang pertama, pengukuran
resistansi menggunakan multimeter sebagai alat untuk mengukur dan resistor alat yang dapa menjadi
penghambat dalam rangkaian listrik. Pada pengukuran resistansi ada hal yang paling penting untuk
dilakukan terlebih dahulu yaitu mengkalibrasi multimeter digital yang akan digunakan dalam pengukuran
tersebut hal ini dilakukan agar supaya tidak terjadi kesalahan pada saat pengukuran dan hasil
perhitunganya akurat. Dari hasil pengukuran resistor yang pertama dan kedua didapatkan hasil yang
sangat berbeda. Ada juga cara lain dalam menentukan nilai resistansi yaitu dengan mengunakan metode
kode warna, yang dimana kode warna yang dimaksud adalah warna yang ada pada resistor, uerutan warna
yang ada pada resistor sangat berpengaruh terhadap penentuan nilai resistansi. Setelah melakukan
percobaan tersebut didapatkan hasil yang jauh berbeda antara resistor pertama dan kedua.
Perbandingan hasil pengukuran resistor yang pertama dan yang kedua berbedah sedikit, hal ini
karena dipengaruhi oleh perbedaan suhu yang ada pada resistor pertama dan kedua. Pada perbandingan
hasil perhitungan resistansi menggunakan kode warna dengan pengukuran resistansi menggunakan
multimeter digital didapatkan nilai yang tidak jauh berbeda. Sehingga hasil perhitungan dan pengukuran
masih bisa dibenarkan.
Pada prosedur yang kedua, dilakukan perhitungan dan pengukuran tegangan atau beda potensial
dari catu daya atau sumber energi yang digunakan. Pada percobaan ini catu daya yang digunakan adalah
baterai. Baterai yang digunakan pada percobaan ini merupakan kudua baterai dari model yang sama dan
memiliki perhitungan tegangan yang sama sehingga hasil perhitungan beda potensial dari baterai satu dan
dua adalah1,5 volt. Sedangkan pada pengukuran menggunakan multimeter digital didapatkan hasil yang
tidak jauh berbeda dengan hasil perhitungan, sehinggan hasil pengukuran yang ada dapat dibenarkan.
Dalam pengukuran menggunakan multimeter digital untuk B1 paralel B2, terjadi kendala yaitu,
nilai yang didapat pada pengukuran jauh berbeda dengan yang didapat pada perhitungan sedangkan
pengukuran menggunakan multimeter digital untuk B1 seri B2 mendapatkan hasil yang tidak jauh berbeda
dengan perhitungannya, hal ini bisa disebabkan kerena ketidakstabilan penghubungan rangkaian baterai
yang dilakukan.
Pada prosedur ketiga, pengukuran kuat arus menggunakan baterai dan resistor, dilakukan dengan
menggunakan rumus yang sudah ditetapkan pada hukum ohm, yang dimana kuat arus listrik merupakan
hasil dari perbandingan beda potensial dan nilai resistansi. Dengan menggunakan persamaan tersebut
maka didapatkan hasil dari setiap data. Pada hasil perbandingan data perhitungan dan pengukuran kuat
arus listrik untuk B1 dan R1 didapatkan hasil yang sama, begitupun dengan perbandingan hasil
perhitungan dan pengukuran kuat arus listrik untuk B1 dan R2 didapatkan hasil yang sama, sama halnya
dengan perbandingan hasil perhitungan dan pengukuran kuat arus listrik untuk B2 dan R1 didapatkan hasil
yang sama serta pada perbandingan yang terakhir untuk B2 dan R2 didapatkan juga hasil yang sama.
Dalam pengukuran yang dilakukan pada percobaan ini digunakan multimeter digital hal ini
dikarenakan untuk memudahkan penggunaan dan mendapatkan hasil yang lebih tepat dengan cara yang
cepat. Mengapa tidak digunakan multimeter analog karena pada penggunaan multimeter analog harus
dilakukann dengan penuh ketelitian dan memakan waktu yang cukup lama sehingga pengukuran yang
dilakukan tidak bisa diselesaikan dengan jangka waktu dua jam sedangkan jangka waktu yang tersedian
hanya dicukupkan untuk dua jam.
Untuk mendapakan hasil yang akurat dengan menggunakan multimeter analog ada beberapa
prosedur yang cukup panjang dilakukan, dan pada perhitungan datanya agak cukup sulit serta
menggunakan berbagai macam grafik yang harus dibuat. Karena tidak menggunakan perngukuran dengan
multimeter analog maka prosedur yang ke-4 tidak dilakukan sehingga perhitungan data yang ada hanya
sampai pada prosedur yang ke-3.
Dalam tabel data penggukuran kuat arus dan teganggan untuk hukum ohm tidak dicari hasilnya
karena hal tersebut hanya dikususkan untuk pengukuran yang menggunakan multimeter digital serta pada
perhitungan data tersebut menghasilkan nilai sangat banyak dan perhitungannya harus menggunakan
grafik. Maka dalam hal ini untuk memudahkan perhitungan hasil, data tersebut dihilangkan atau tidak di
cari nilainya.
G. Conclusion
1. Pengukuran besaran listrik terdapat tiga bagian yaitu resistansi(R), tegangan(V), dan kuat arus
listrik(I) dapat diukur dengan menggunakan satu alat saja yang disebut dengan multimeter atau
nama lainnya ialah AVO meter hanya dengan memutar multimeter ke pengukuran sesuai besaran
listrik yang akan diukur.
2. Hukum ohm yaitu meliputi hubungan atau relasi antara resisatansi(R), tegangan(V) dan kuat arus
listrik(I) artinya hukum ohm tidak dapat terjadi jika tidak adanya hubungan antara tiga besaran
listrik tersebut. Hukum ohm menerangkan bahwa besar arus listrik yang mengalir akan berbanding
lurus dengan tegangan dan berbanding terbalik dengan hambatannya.
3. Pengukuran dan perhitungan memiliki perbedaan nilai yang cukup signifikan jika praktikkan salah
menghitung atau tidak tepat saat mengukurnya sehingga diperlukan pengecekkan ulang. Tetapi
juga sudah dibulatkan dan hasilnya tergolong sama atau mendekati, maka nilai tersebut dianggap
sudah benar atau mendekati. Pengukuran berarti nilainya langsung tertera pada multimeter mulai
dari resistensi, tegangan, dan juga kuat arus. Sedangkan pada perhitungan menggunakan nilai
yang terlihat, seperti yang tertera pada badan baterai, atau kode warna pada resistor. Kecuali
untuk kuat arus harus dihitung menggunakan rumus.
H. Reference
South,Verna, dkk. 2019. Modul praktikum fisika dasar. UNSRAT
Giancoli, Douglas. 1998. Fisika edisi kelima. Erlangga. Jakarta.
Jhonson, Cutnell ,dkk. 2013. Introduction physics. Wiley. California,USA.
Giancoli, Douglas. 2014. Fisika edisi ketujuh. Erlangga. Jakarta
Hayt, William. 2005. Rangkaian Listrik Jilid 1. Jakarta:Erlangga

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