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The sidewalk is part of a public open space that serves as a special path for pedestrians to be

able to carry out their activities safely and comfortably. regarding the rights of pedestrians in
Indonesia has been regulated and protected in Law No.22 of 2009 concerning traffic and road
transportation where pedestrians are entitled to the availability of supporting facilities in the
form of sidewalks, crossings and other facilities.
But now, seeing the situation in terms of road users, there are still many pedestrians who do
not use the sidewalk facilities properly. As happened at the State University of Medan there
are still many students who do not use the sidewalk facilities properly. Some students as
pedestrians, especially new students, are often seen not walking on the sidewalk. They are still
often seen walking in the driver's area or on free roads. Which causes discomfort for the driver
and it also endangers the students themselves.
Therefore, this case study was carried out in State University of Medan to validate the
procedure and this paper describes the main outcomes and provides final recommendations to
increase discipline of new student as pedestrian at State University of Medan.

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