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The Importance Of Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation

For ages, people from all over the world, have offered prayers to the sun, our
infinite source of life and energy. One of them is the yogic sequence of Surya

Let’s get to know this unique practice better and understand its multifaceted

Surya Namaskar is an ancient technique of giving respects to the sun.

Constituting of 12 different postures, it is a form of expressing gratitude to this
source of all life on earth. Surya means sun, Namaskar means ‘to bow,’ to
recognize with your whole being.

Surya Namaskar also embodies the spirit of yoga in the West: It is intensely
physical but can be infused with devotion. And like so much about yoga today,
it reflects both ancient ideas and modern innovation. Understanding its history
and meaning will allow you to bring the healing energy of the sun and a
connection to the Divine into your own practice.

Surya Namaskar Sequence

Science Of Surya Namaskar
In fact, it is important to understand the science behind this ancient technique.
This will help us approach this powerful yoga practice with the right point of
view. Ancient Indian sages have said different energies govern different parts
of the body. For instance, the Solar Plexus that is located behind the navel is
connected to the Sun. Regular practice of Surya Namaskar enhances the size of
the solar plexus. This, increases your creativity, intuitive abilities, decision-
making, confidence and leadership skills. This is why the practice of Surya
Namaskar is highly recommended to everyone.

Change Your Pace

These 3- speed variations can help you get optimum benefits of Surya
Slow Pace: This will help make your body flexible
Medium Pace: This is useful for toning your muscles
Fast Pace: This acts as an excellent cardiovascular workout and aids in weight

When ?
The best time to practice the Sun Salutation is early in the morning when the
sun is rising. You must make sure your stomach and bowels are empty.
However, some might ask if the Sun Salutation can be practiced in the evening
as well. Yes, it can! Surya Namaskaras can be practiced at sunrise and sunset.
But if you want to practice after sunset, it is no longer Sun Salutation, it
becomes Moon Salutation or Chandra Namaskaras, and includes one more
asana. This can be practiced when the moon is out and visible.
There is no restriction on a place to practice these asanas. However, it is
always more enjoyable to practice these asanas outdoors, or in a fully
ventilated room.
You must also learn to listen to your body. Do not overstretch as a beginner. It
is always advisable to practice this asana under the supervision of a certified
yoga instructor.
Women have an advantage cause they are also in sync with the lunar cycles! It
is an amazing possibility that your body is both connected to the solar and the
lunar cycles. Nature has granted this advantage to a woman. She has been
given some extra privileges. But many people don’t know how to handle the
extra energy that is generated by that relationship and so they treat it as a
curse and even a kind of madness, as evidenced by the word “lunar” turning
into “loony.”

 When done daily, systematically, correctly and faithfully and according
to our instructions, the Surya Namaskar strengthens the entire digestive
system (including stomach, pancreas, intestines, liver, etc.) and cures,
and prevents constipation.
 Invigorates the nervous system (including the brain, spinal cord, lower
plexus, and cures brain-fag, forgetfulness, worries and other forms of
mental derangement. Though shattered nerves take a longer time and
are more difficult to repair than other cells, our graduated course of
Surya Namaskars will slowly but surely restore them to normality.
 Invigorates the heart and will cure and prevent blood pressure,
 Develops the lungs, gives you wind and prevents tuberculosis.
 Improves the quality and circulation of the blood. Active circulation of
the blood is the first law of health.
 Stimulates glandular activity; gives a new vivacity to the glands. Owing to
the stretching and compressing movements of the throat and neck the
thyroid gland is stimulated and any tendency to goiter is obviated.

 Improves the color and function of the spleen by enabling it to eradicate

toxic impurities through profuse perspiration and to absorb vital energy
from the atmosphere. A clear skin glowing with ruddy health end vigor is
a winning factor for men and women in business and social life.

 Strengthens the neck, shoulders, arms, wrists, fingers, back, stomach,

waist, abdomen, intestines, thighs, knees, calves and ankles.
Strengthening the back is known to be a simple but efficient remedy for
kidney troubles.
 Improves and develops the chest, keeps it hard, firm and elastic;
restores it to normal loveliness.
 Improves the uterus (womb) and ovaries removes menstrual disorders
such all dysmenorrhea and consequent in pain.
 Giving birth is less painful and more easy. All discomforts from
menopause consequent.
 Increase the quantity and improves the quality or milk in nursing
 Improves sexual health.
 Reduces redundant fat, especially the fat about the abdomen, hips,
thighs, neck and chin.
 Remove kidney troubles. Strengthens the stomach, neck, back, and chest
by the mere rolling of the stomach towards the spine, as in some of the
positions of Surya Namaskar. The positions include Pranamasana, Hasta
Uttanasana, Hastapaadasana, Ashwa Sanchalana, parvatasana, Ashtanga
Namaskara, Bhujangasana, parvatasana, Ashwa Sanchalana,Uttanasana,
Hasta Uttanasana, Pranamasana.
 Not merely gives you external form, shapeliness and muscle of the body,
but improves and normalizes the function of most of the vital internal

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