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Steve Baxter Dallas Real Estate Investor

Organization: Steve Baxter Dallas Real Estate Investor

Address: 7529 Stonecrest Drive, Dallas, Texas 75254

Phone: 214-549-0440



Steve Baxter Dallas

Steve Baxter has over 40 years of experience in the real estate business in the Dallas - Fort Worth area and other
major cities in Texas. He has handled the acquisition, rehab, managing, and sale of about $400 million dollars
worth of residential, condominium, multi-family, raw land, and office investments.

Steve Baxter Dallas Multi Family Investment Expert

Steve completed Texas Tech University with a B.S. degree in 1974 with a 3.7 . He was on the Dean’s List semesters
and majored in History with minors in Philosophy and Greek. Steve was President of Friday Night Tape Class.

Steve has worked in the real estate market in the DFW area ever since 1977. He is the owner of Oakwood Property
Company. Steve acquired his real estate Broker’s License in 1978. He purchased his first quadplex in 1979 for
$42,000 with another seminary student. Here he began to learn the expertise to be the general contractor and
rehabilitate property.

Steve Baxter Dallas Multi Family Investment Expert

He accomplished most of the rehab himself and began to learn the remodeling aspect of the business over the
next year. He sold the quadplex a year and a half later for $85,000. That's when he decided he loved this rehab real
estate business.
Steve Baxter Dallas Apartment Specialist

In 40 years of active high school youth ministry, he has been associated with 15,000 students. He has continuously
asked them to think about what they would like to be spoken about themselves at their funerals and engraved on
their tombstones.

Steve Baxter Dallas Real Estate Investor

Seeing his son Andrew Baxter play on the Pearce High School basketball team for example, was an exciting time in
Steve’s life.

As a junior on the basketball team, Andrew Baxter was aware that he was not going to get to play much so he
resolved that he wanted to be the best teammate on the basketball bench. He encouraged the whole bench to
overwhelmingly support the players and be cheerleaders on their Steve Baxter Dallas

behalf. He Dallas Steve Baxter helped all the bench to "go crazy" for the guys playing. It made a huge change in
the basketball team spirit and likely contributed to the fact that the team made it to the playoffs for the first time
in a long time.

Steve Baxter Dallas Multi Family Investment Expert

Andrew Baxter of Dallas was also super active in the Christian ministry of Young Life. While a senior he was Co-
President of Pearce Young Life, an evangelistic outreach to teenagers in schools. Every week 300 high school
students from Pearce High School would assemble for an eventful and fun get together with

singing, games, stories, and an excellent message of great news.

For Andrew Baxter of Dallas, basketball was just the beginning. He was looking forward to the challenges of the
university. He now attends Texas Tech with his brother Brennan.

Steve Baxter Dallas

Andrew’s perspective is amazingly similar to that of his father, Steve, and ultimately to that of the Apostle Paul,
who wrote, "Everything that was gain to me, I consider to be a loss because of Christ. What I mean is, I consider
everything to be a loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.”

Furthermore, the Bible makes a challenge that goes something like this: "I call heaven and earth to record this day,
that I have set before you life and death: therefore, choose life.”

Steve Baxter Dallas Multi Family Turnaround Specialist

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