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ABS: Revenue Recognition Audit Report

As of GL Date <?p_parameter_gl_dt?>

Report Ran Date <?p_report_run_dt?>

Bureau or Group <?p_bu_gp?>

Average Revenue <?p_avg_rev_per_hour?>

per Hour

Pr Pr Pr Proj Pr Pro Rel Reve Hours Hours Rev To Projec Projec Proj W
oje oj oj ect oj jec ate nue as of since enu ta t t ect O
ct ec ec Ow ec t d Accr para para e as l Status Status Crea St
Nu t t nin t Cus Pr ual mete mete of H as of as of tion at
mb Ty O g Na to oje Met r GL r GL repo o param report Dat u
er pe U Org m me ct hod date date rt ur eter ran e s
e r ran s date date a
date s
F pr pr Proj pr pro rel Reve Hours Hours rev_ To proj_s proj_st proj w
pr oj oj ect oj ject ate nue_ _as_o _sinc as_o tal tatus_ atus_o ect_ o
oje ec ec _o ec _cu d_ accru f_par e_par f_re _ on_pa n_rep crea _s
ct_ t_ t_ wni t_ sto pr al_m am_g am_g port H ramet ort_ru tion ta
nu ty o ng_ na me oje etho l_dat l_dat _dat o er_dat n_dat _dat tu
mb pe u org m r ct d e e e ur e e e s
er e s

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