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From our experience in interviewing a political candidate, I think that it was a helpful

move since it was also a sort of inquiry to be able to know if the person is deserving to have a
position in the government. That interview covered specific matters with regard to how the
interviewee answered our questions that are related to political views and how they would
contribute for the benefit of the society. Based on our interview, I have learned that as voters
and citizens of our country, we need to inquire and observe in order to be able to opt the right
person who would serve our country to obtain success. I believe that conducting the interview
was not just a requirement for our subject "Inquiry 101" but it was also a way for us to
determine whether or not the political candidate that we interviewed is worthy of the citizens'
trust. For me, to inquire is crucial because albeit they have time to express their platforms, we
still have to get involved in the way that we should have a direct access to ensure that their
thoughts are widely understood and at the same time, we can raise questions and
clarifications. I can say therefore that inquiry in overall is significant as it would be of great help
for the people to be able to know and interact with the matter directly. The essence of inquiry
for me focused more on "knowledgeable connection" through "direct interaction."

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