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Kangkong with Tofu and Oyster Sauce

STUDENT 1: Today, we will make Kangkong with

Tofu and Oyster Sauce.

Here are the ingredients: (Student 1 will talk and

others will hold the ingredients.)
STUDENT 2: Kangkong
STUDENT 3: Tofu or tokwa
STUDENT 4: 5 tsp of Oyster sauce
STUDENT 5: 1 medium Onion, chopped
STUDENT 6: 5 cloves of Garlic, chopped
STUDENT 7: ½ teaspoon of salt
STUDENT 8: ½ teaspoon of black pepper

STUDENT 3: Let’s start cooking. First, we will fry the

tofu until it turns to golden brown.

STUDENT 3: Now, we will saute the garlic and onion.

STUDENT 4: Then we will add the oyster sauce

STUDENT 5: Put the kangkong. Cover and let it

simmer for 2 minutes

STUDENT 6: Now, we will put the fried tofu.

STUDENT 7: Then add salt & pepper. Stir well.

STUDENT 8: Turn off the heat and now, it’s ready to

serve. (transferring food to the serving plate.)

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