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 Travel and Holidays.


There are plenty of things to do in (place)

The narrow streets of the historic city centre are lined with museums and restaurants.
There’re also luvely squares with street artist, musicians and other performances.

Major attractions include the City Hall, the Old Custom House and the Old Port.


Sporting events are held in the Olympc stadium all year round.



A life-size group of adults and children are shown, all pointing in amazement at
something passers-by cannot see.

Whatever your interest (jazz, theatre…) Montreal/Barcelona… has an space / a festival

…. for it. And with over 162 festivals on the calendar, there`s a good chance there will
be one going on no matter when you choose to visit.



-A place to spend the night / to sleep

-Sleeping bag=saco de dormir.

 Dialogue Phrases

-Do you agree that … (+noun, oración sustantivada) ? = ¿Estás de acuerdo con…?

Ej: Do you agree that museums should be free for people to visit?

- I`m + sure/not sure because = estoy seguro, porque. No estoy seguro, porque.

I`m not sure because they (museums) cost a lot of money to run.

-What I mean is = Lo que quiero decir es.

What I mean is that everyone should be able to vist them (museums), even if they
don`t have much money.

-If you ask me what`s I think about, is my favourite…? – I would say…

-It`s nice, isn`t it?

 Lay / Lie

-Lie/Lay/Lain =Tumbarse, tumbó, tumbado

Lie on the sofa if you`re tired

-Lie /Lied/ Lied =Mentir, mintió, mentido.

-Lay/Laid/Laid = poner,colocar, colocó, colocado.

Hens lay eggs. (Las gallinas ponen huevos).

Lay your head on my shoulder if you`re tired.

Lay your bag on the chair if it`s heavy.

I Lay a card face down.


-Setal something from someone: The child stole a chocolate bar from the supermarket

-Rob an institution, house, or a person: The criminal robbed the bank.

-Just staring straight down the deck = solo mirando directamente hacia abajo de la

-In there as long as you live = mientras estes vivo.

-As I grow older = A medida que envejezco ( a medida que cumplo años)

-I’m flabbersgasted about this = Estoy asombrado con esto.

-It wasn't even that hard to do = Ni siquiera fue tan difícil de hacer.

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