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Moriel Gwaeron is a 15 year old elf girl. Or, at least she's confident she is.

She has a paler complexion than both

her parents, and her mismatched gold and green eyes are nothing like her parents. Or her long, dark hair. She
shares the same stunning Elven features of her parents though. She is considered somewhat old for her age by
some, an oddity amongst the village for a variety of reasons. At a young age, she was able to grasp the work of
her mother, a herbalist, and often helped people fall asleep while her mother worked on them. She seemed to
know things that a girl her age should not know, or was more knowledgeable than people would expect. As
such, she did not have a lot of friends her age, as she was seen as weird. But still, the community included her.
She did, however, make one good friend: a tiny dinosaur that she found in the woods, whom she named "Tim",
he is always by her side, if not climbing on her. She always seems to know where he is, but isn't at all perturbed
by it. She can even know Tim's feelings, and he seems to know hers.

Moriel later learned that she was technically an orphan: mother had been pregnant, but lost the child during
birth. While the two parents were mourning the loss of their own daughter, a knock came to their door:
answering it, they found no one, just a swaddled baby on their doorstep, which they took in without question.
They named the girl "Moriel", in the elven tongue meaning "Daughter of Gloom" because of the circumstances.
They found her somewhat odd, but loved her unconditionally, even as she showed magical aptitude as a youth.

Moriel has a knack for herbal remedies and influencing people. Lately, she's been interested in people's
dreams. She has been having some weird dreams, where she hears some voice gently and distantly calling her,
but it isn't clear. She also has learned to dream lucidly, and is exploring this new ability.

What she does not know, is that she is a changeling, and soon, she will experience "the calling" in full force.

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