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Pityriasis Rosea: An Update on Etiopathogenesis and Management of

Difficult Aspects
Khushbu Mahajan, Vineet Relhan1, Aditi Kochhar Relhan2, Vijay Kumar Garg1

Abstract From the Department of

Pityriasis rosea (PR) is a benign papulosquamous disorder seen commonly in clinical practice. Dermatology, North Delhi Municipal
Despite its prevalence and benign nature, there are still times when this common disorder Corporation Medical College,
Hindu Rao Hospital, 1Maulana
presents in an uncommon way or course posing diagnostic or management problems for the
Azad Medical College, 2South Delhi
treating physician. The etiopathogenesis of PR has always been a dilemma, and extensive MCD Hospital, New Delhi, India
research is going on to elicit the exact cause. This review focuses mainly on the difficult
aspects of this benign common disorder such as etiopathogenesis, atypical manifestations,
recurrent cases, differential diagnosis, therapy and pregnancy considerations. Although we Address for correspondence:
could not find a black and white solution to all these problems, we have tried to compile the Dr. Vineet Relhan,
related literature to draw out some conclusions. Maulana Azad Medical
College, New Delhi, India.
Key Words: Acyclovir, human herpesvirus‑6, 7, pityriasis rosea E‑mail: vineetrelhan@gmail.com

What was known?

• Pityriasis rosea (PR) probably has an infective etiology
• Drugs such as erythromycin and acyclovir have been tried although symptomatic management remains the best for most patients
• Secondary syphilis and dermatophytosis form an important differential diagnoses in cases of PR.

Introduction cases, the eruption improves in 2–8 weeks/time. Familial

Pityriasis rosea (PR) is a papulosquamous disorder first clustering has been reported, and the disease is more
described by  Robert Willan in 1798 but under another frequent in winters.
terminology.[1] Subsequently, various names have been PR is a common condition easily diagnosed and managed
given to this disorder such as pityriasis circinata, roseola by most dermatologists; however, there are certain
annulata, and herpes tonsurans maculosus.[2] difficult aspects or less common aspects which are faced
It typically starts with the development of a large in everyday practice. This review has tried to focus
erythematous scaly plaque also called the herald patch mainly on these aspects and also tried to compile the
or mother patch on trunk or neck, which is followed by relevant literature to the best possible extent. Instead of
an eruption of multiple secondary small erythematous going into detail about the known facts of the disease,
scaly lesions located predominantly on the trunk and we will just focus on these aspects under various
following the lines of cleavage on the back (Christmas headings.
tree or inverted fir tree appearance). Collarette scaling
is seen typically. The eruption is usually preceded by
Etiopathogenesis of Pityriasis Rosea
a prodrome of sore throat, gastrointestinal disturbance, Numerous hypotheses have been postulated about the
fever, and arthralgia. However, since the prodrome may exact cause of PR, incriminating both infective agents
be mild and the eruption may occur sometime after the such as viruses, bacteria, spirochetes, and noninfective
prodrome, the patient may not give a proper history etiologies such as atopy and autoimmunity.
unless elicited. The approximate incidence of PR is There are various factors which have pointed toward an
0.5–2% and affects people of both sexes in 15–30 years infectious etiology for this condition such as seasonal
age group although also seen commonly in elderly and
children.[2] The disease is self‑limiting and in most This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows
Access this article online others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as the
Quick Response Code: author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.

Website: www.e‑ijd.org For reprints contact: reprints@medknow.com

How to cite this article: Mahajan K, Relhan V, Relhan AK, Garg VK.
Pityriasis rosea: An update on etiopathogenesis and management of
DOI: 10.4103/0019-5154.185699 difficult aspects. Indian J Dermatol 2016;61:375-84.
Received: March, 2015. Accepted: January, 2016.

© 2016 Indian Journal of Dermatology | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 375

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Mahajan, et al.: Pityriasis rosea update

variations, presence of a prodrome, familial clustering lesional skin led to the hypothesis that these viruses do
in some cases and presence of herald patch (which may not infect skin cells directly, and PR is actually a result of
be correlated with the inoculation point of organism) a reactive response to systemic viral replication. Authors
followed by the secondary eruption and infrequent also postulated that the previous negative studies may
recurrences. However, despite repeated efforts, there is be because they did not use nested PCR and/or extracted
no definite evidence for a single infectious agent for DNA from formalin‑fixed paraffin‑embedded tissue.[10]
this disorder. Search for this agent led to evaluation Another study by Drago et  al. found herpes virus‑like
of a number of organisms in this disorder such as particles in PR lesional skin, thus further supporting
cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein–Barr virus, parvovirus the role of HHV 6 and 7 in the pathogenesis of PR.[11]
B19, picornavirus, influenza and parainfluenza viruses, Broccolo et  al. further provided additional evidence
Legionella spp., Mycoplasma spp., and Chlamydia spp. by developing a calibrated quantitative real‑time PCR
infections; however, evidence exists that PR is not and detecting cell‑free HHV 6 and 7 in 16 and 39% of
associated with them.[3] patients, with negative results in healthy controls and
patients with other inflammatory diseases.[12] They also
There are few reports evaluating the role of streptococcus
suggested like previous studies that the disease is a
in PR based on premise that PR is usually preceded
result of reactivation rather than primary infection.
by an upper respiratory tract infection. Sharma et  al.
These studies also pointed toward the fact that HHV 7
found raised ASLO titers in 37.7% of their patients
reactivation might cause reactivation of HHV 6 however
and a positive therapeutic effect of erythromycin in
vice versa is not true. The role of HHV 8 has also been
the treatment of PR, thus suggesting the involvement
studied with both positive[13] and negative results.[14]
of streptococcus in PR.[4] However, Parija and Thappa in
a study of 20 cases and controls found that C‑reactive In light of the above studies, HHV 6 and 7 are the most
protein was negative in all patients, ASLO titers were likely etiologic agents for PR and further studies should
raised in only two patients, streptococcus hemolyticus be targeted toward establishing their definite role.
could be isolated on throat swab in only two patients,
and the results were not statistically significant Atypical Variants of Pityriasis Rosea
when compared to controls, thus refuting the role of Atypical manifestations of PR are commonly seen in
streptococcus in PR.[5] dermatological practice, and it should be remembered
Recently, there is an increasing evidence to suggest the that most of these variants are atypical in morphology
role of human herpes virus (HHV) in PR. In 1997, Drago and not in prognosis, and thus a high sense of clinical
et al. first suggested the role of HHV 7 in etiology of PR suspicion is needed to avoid overtreating a patient.
by detecting HHV 7 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells However, it is also important not to ascribe any unusual
and plasma of patients with PR and not in controls, thus or atypical skin eruption to atypical PR unless other
suggesting a probable causal relationship.[6] Subsequent dermatoses have been excluded. The incidence of atypical
studies however could not find any association between PR is 20%.[15] The atypicality may be in morphology, size,
distribution, course, or symptoms.[2] Some authors believe
HHV 7 and PR.[7,8] Yasukawa et  al. showed a causal link
that children are more predisposed to atypical variants
of HHV 6 and PR.[9] Watanabe et  al. performed nested
than adults with atopy playing a facultative role.[16]
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect HHV 6,
HHV 7, and CMV DNA in 14 PR patients and found that The various atypical morphologies described in literature
HHV 7 DNA was present in lesional skin (93%), are discussed below:
nonlesional skin (86%), saliva (100%), peripheral blood • Vesicular: It presents as a generalized eruption of
mononuclear cells (83%), and serum (100%) samples, 2–6 mm vesicles or as a rosette of vesicles. It may be
whereas HHV 6 DNA was detected in lesional skin (86%), severely pruritic, is most commonly seen in children
nonlesional skin (79%), saliva (80%), peripheral blood and young people, and may affect the head, palms,
mononuclear cells (83%), and serum (88%) samples. By and soles. It needs to be differentiated from varicella
contrast, CMV DNA was not detected in these tissues. and dyshidrosis[17]
Control samples from 12 healthy volunteers and 10 • Purpuric (hemorrhagic) PR presents as macular purpura
psoriasis patients demonstrated rare positivity for either on skin and sometimes over the oral mucosa[18]
HHV 7 or HHV 6 DNA in the skin or serum. The results • Urticarial PR  (PR urticata) presents with lesions
indicated that HHV 6 and 7 are both responsible for similar to urticarial wheals often accompanied by
systemic active infection in a case of PR, and CMV has intense pruritus[19]
no role. Authors also postulated that since the virus • Generalized papular PR is a rare form of the disorder
was detected in saliva, patients were experiencing a that is more common in young children, pregnant
reactivation rather than a primary infection since salivary women, and Afro‑Caribbeans. It presents as multiple
glands act as a reservoir only in previously infected small 1–2 mm papules which may occur along with
individuals. Furthermore, the low levels of these viruses in classic patches and plaques[20]

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Mahajan, et al.: Pityriasis rosea update

• Lichenoid lesions can be observed in the course of involving axilla and groins. Lesions are usually larger
atypical PR but is more commonly caused by drugs and more annular[2]
such as gold, captopril, barbiturates, D‑penicillamine, • Oral mucosa: It may be involved in 16% of patients,
and clonidine[21] and the lesions may be punctuate, erosive, bullous,
• Erythema multiforme (EM)‑like PR: They present with or hemorrhagic but are usually asymptomatic in
targetoid lesions along with the classical lesions of nature[2]
PR. An associated herpetic or dermatophytic infection • Localized: Here, the eruptions are localized to
should be ruled out in such cases. Histopathologically, one part of the body. Ahmed and Charles‑Holmes
EM and PR may show similar features except satellite reported a 44‑year‑old woman with an acute onset
cell necrosis which is a distinguishing feature seen of a localized eruption on her left breast whose
only in EM where lymphocytes are seen attached to morphology was similar to PR.[30] Zawar reported a
scattered necrotic keratinocytes[21] case of a child who presented with the onset of PR
• Follicular: The secondary lesions here are typically in scalp, clinically mimicking pityriasis amiantacea.[31]
follicular and present in groups or isolated fashion;
Atypical symptoms
however, associated classical lesions may also be present
in the same patient.[16] Differential diagnoses such as Pruritus may or may not be present in a patient. PR
follicular lichen planus, keratosis pilaris and atopic irritate is a variant in which patient presents with
dermatitis with a follicular element should be excluded extreme itching, especially on contact with sweat and
• Giant: Gigantic PR is rarely reported in the literature thus has multiple excoriations over the body.[15]
and was named after Darier. It consists of plaques Pityriasis rosea in dark‑skinned
and circles of very large size ranging from 5 cm to Dark‑skinned individuals have been shown to have
7 cm wherein the individual lesions may reach the certain atypical features such as face may be involved
size of the palm of the patient[22] frequently, papular lesions are more common, eruption
• Exfoliative dermatitis tends to be more itchy, and subsequent postinflammatory
• Atypical herald patch: Herald patch may be absent in hyperpigmentation is frequent.[32]
20% of patients or present with secondary eruptions
or may occur at unusual sites such as face, scalp, In most of the atypical presentations above, there were
genitalia, or other sites some clinical pointers to the disease such as presence
• Sometimes, the two atypical variants may coexist of prodrome, occurrence of a primary lesion followed by
in the same patient as reported by Sinha et  al., secondary lesion and in most cases, coexistent classical
where a 16‑year‑old girl presented with two atypical lesions were also present. Thus, a clinician should always
morphological variants‑generalized papular and look for these signs to make a diagnosis of PR in atypical
EM‑like.[23] cases. In most cases, histopathology is usually needed to
rule out other simulating disorders.
The lesions may present in atypical site or distribution
as described: These atypical variants may not fulfill the diagnostic
• Inverse: Here, the lesions are predominantly present criteria (discussed below) completely, but it should be
in acral and flexural areas involving axilla, groin, and understood that since most patients do not need specific
face[24] treatment modalities, a good clinical acumen to rule out
• Acral: Polat reported a 14‑year‑old male patient the differentials, and identify a case of atypical PR is
who had a palmar herald patch with truncal lesions more important than to put a case of atypical PR to the
of PR.[25] Zawar described an infant with the acral test of a diagnostic criterion.
distribution of both primary and secondary lesions
where classical annular scaly lesions were located on Pityriasis Rosea and Vaccination
wrists, palms, lower legs, feet, and sole with sparing PR like eruptions has been reported after vaccinations
of trunk and proximal parts of limbs.[26] In such such as Bacillus Calmette–Guerin, influenza, H1N1,
patients, EM, syphilis, necrolytic acral erythema, and diphtheria, smallpox, hepatitis B and pneumococcus.[2,33,34]
drug eruptions should be excluded Papakostas et al. postulated that vaccine‑induced PR may
• Unilateral: This is an extremely rare variant reported be a result of reactivation of HHV virus secondary to
in both children and adult where the lesions were immune stimulation by the vaccine or due to molecular
located on one side of body and patient had herald mimicry with a viral epitope triggering a T‑cell mediated
patch with classical secondary lesions[27,28] response.[34]
• Blaschkoid pattern: Here, the lesions follow the
Blaschko’s line[29] Recurrent Pityriasis Rosea
• Limb‑girdle: Also known as PR of Vidal; here, the Recurrences of PR are believed to be rare and studies
eruption is limited to shoulders or pelvic girdle, thus have reported the second episode in 1–3% of

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Mahajan, et al.: Pityriasis rosea update

patients.[35,36] Multiple recurrences (>2) are considered a Table 1: Drugs responsible for pityriasis
very rare presentation of this very common condition. rosea‑like eruptions
However, there are case reports of patients with more
Medications reported as responsible of PR‑like eruptions
than two episodes, with a maximum of five episodes
ACE‑inhibitors Arsenic compounds
reported so far in the literature.[19,35‑41] The exact etiology
NSAIDs Barbiturates
is not known but it is postulated that like other HHV
Omeprazole Bismuth
viruses (varicella zoster virus and Epstein-Barr virus)
Metronidazole Beta‑blockers
which are associated with reactivation; reactivation of
Isotretinoin Clonidine
HHV6 and 7 (postulated in etiopathogenesis of PR) may
Gold salts Griseofulvin
be responsible for recurrent episodes.[40]
Imatinib mesylate Meprobamate
On literature review of these recurrent cases, it can Interferon Penicillin
be concluded that recurrences present in a varied Vaccine
fashion, i.e., the eruption may or may not be similar ACE: Angiotensin‑converting‑enzyme, NSAIDs: Nonsteroidal
in morphology, severity, and distribution to the first anti‑inflammatory drugs, PR: Pityriasis rosea
episode; herald patch may be absent or present at a
different site; there is no seasonal predominance, no patch testing and on proper history, it was realized that
particular age group or sex that gets affected, and the instead of atypical PR, it was just a case of contact
time interval between the episodes is variable. reaction to mustard oil, thus further stressing the role of
Thus, the incidence of recurrent PR may just be an proper history of drugs or some chemical use in a case
underestimation of the actual incidence as the cases of recurrent PR.
may be seen by different physicians at different times or
due to the benign nature of the condition, patient may Diagnosis, Differential Diagnosis, and
not visit the physician or may not give a proper history Relevant Investigations in a Case of
of recurrence. Pityriasis Rosea
However, we suggest that following things should always A case of PR is diagnosed mainly on clinical grounds.
be kept in mind before labeling a patient as a case of Chuh[45] proposed diagnostic criteria for PR [Table 2].
recurrent PR: Zawar and Chuh studied its acceptability and validity
• Venereal disease research laboratory (VDRL) should be in Indian population and found it to be 100% specific
performed to rule out secondary syphilis and sensitive thus establishing its validity in Indian
• KOH should be performed to rule out dermatophytosis population.[46]
• Ideally, a biopsy should be taken to rule out other However, although the criteria have been verified
conditions that may mimic PR and present with in Indian population, its validity in atypical cases
recurrences such as guttate psoriasis, pityriasis still needs to be established as most of the atypical
lichenoides chronica (PLC), erythema annulare presentations described in literature may not strictly
centrifugum, and nummular eczema. Eslick reported comply with the diagnostic criteria given by Zawar et al.
a patient who presented with a skin condition which
was initially diagnosed as PR; however, due to the Histopathology
persistence and change in appearance of the lesions,
A biopsy is needed in atypical cases, and it mainly helps
the diagnosis was later altered to guttate psoriasis[42]
in excluding other differentials rather than diagnosing
• Drug‑induced PR like rashes may be an important
PR as the histopathological examination in a case of
cause of recurrent PR, and thus, a proper history
PR is relatively nonspecific and resembles a subacute
of drug intake must be elicited as some of the
or chronic dermatitis. Epidermal changes include focal
very commonly used drugs such as omeprazole and
parakeratosis, diminished granular layer, and spongiosis.
nonsteroidal anti‑inflammatory drugs are implicated
Small spongiotic vesicles, although infrequently seen,
in causing drug‑induced PR. A detailed list of
are a characteristic feature. Papillary dermis shows
drugs causing PR is tabulated below [Table 1].[2,43]
edema with mild perivascular lymphohistiocytic
Clinically, drug‑induced PR may not present with
infiltrate. Exocytosis of infiltrate into epidermis may
herald patch or typical collarette of scale and does
be seen. Studies have revealed that dyskeratotic cells
not resolve completely until the drug is withdrawn.
in the epidermis and extravasated erythrocytes in the
Histologically, these show interface dermatitis with
dermis are characteristic histopathological findings
in a case of PR and are seen in approximately 60% of
Zawar reported a patient with recurrent PR like patients.[2,21,47,48] Herald patch shows less spongiosis, more
eruptions secondary to mustard oil application.[44] This hyperplasia, and both superficial and deep perivascular
patient was initially diagnosed as recurrent PR, but after infiltration.

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Mahajan, et al.: Pityriasis rosea update

Table 2: Diagnostic criteria of pityriasis rosea

A patient is diagnosed as having PR if
On at least one occasion or clinical encounter, he/she has all the essential clinical features and at least one of the optional clinical
features, and
On all occasions or clinical encounters related to rash, he/she does not have any of the exclusional clinical features
Essential clinical features Optional clinical features (at least one to be present) Exclusional clinical features
Discrete circular or oval lesions Truncal and proximal limb distribution, with <10% of Multiple small vesicles at the
Scaling on most lesions lesions distal to mid upper arm or mid‑thigh center of two or more lesions
Peripheral collarette scaling Orientation of most lesions along the direction of ribs Most lesions on palmar or
with central clearance on at A heral patch (not necessarily largest) appearing at plantar skin surfaces
least two occasions least 2 days before the generalized eruption Clinical or serological
evidence of secondary syphilis
PR: Pityriasis rosea

There are numerous conditions which need to be pityriasis versicolor, pigmentary purpuric dermatoses
excluded while diagnosing a case of PR and have been (in case of purpuric PR), drug eruptions, vasculitis, and
discussed below: pityriasis versicolor.
• Secondary syphilis: This is important, especially
in sexually active adults. A detailed sexual history Treatment of Pityriasis Rosea
followed by examination to look for signs of healed As PR is a self‑limiting disorder, most patients just
chancre, lymphadenopathy, mucosal lesions, and need to be counseled regarding the natural course of
lesions on palms and soles should be done. Patient the disease instead of putting them on an aggressive
should be subjected to a VDRL testing or any of the treatment protocol. Most patients would just need
specific or nonspecific treponemal tests available for emollients, antihistaminics, and sometimes topical
confirmation. Histopathology will show the presence steroids to control pruritus. There are a lot of concerns
of plasma cells in a case of secondary syphilis with therapeutics in this disorder:
• Dermatophytosis: The herald patch may mimic tinea • Since the disease is self‑limiting, it is always
corporis, and thus, a KOH examination should be difficult to determine if the disease improved with
performed medications or followed its natural course
• Guttate psoriasis: It presents as scaly erythematous • Since the etiopathogenesis is not clearly known,
plaques and can be differentiated by the lack of therapeutics aimed to a particular etiologic agent
herald patch, typical rain drop appearance of lesions cannot be relied upon
rather than Christmas tree appearance, the presence • Most of the treatments tried are based on few reports
of Auspitz sign and finally a biopsy and thus anecdotal in nature
• Pityriasis lichenoides chronica: The secondary lesions • There are conflicting results for almost all the
of PR might be confused with PLC, however, in a therapies that have been tried
case of PLC, the herald patch is absent, and course • Benefit‑risk ratio will always be biased toward risk in
of diseases is prolonged and may last from months to a disease which follows a natural course of resolution
years. Thus, it is an important differential in a case and thus, the concern of adverse effect with any
of PR which does not resolute treatment used
• Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus  (SCLE): It • Use of antibiotics may increase the chances of
can be differentiated by history of photosensitivity, resistance in the individual and society as a whole
other signs of LE, photodistribution of lesions, and • It is usually not clear whether the treatment being
histopathology, which in case of SCLE will show used is directed to control the symptoms or alter the
epidermal atrophy and basal vacuolar change natural course of disease or to hasten resolution of
• Nummular eczema: The lesions do not show a skin lesions or to improve the quality of life, because
predominance for trunk, are itchy, may show oozing, in this disease, the symptomatology and the extent
and respond rapidly to topical steroids of rash are not directly correlated.
• Cutaneous T‑cell lymphoma: Initial patch stage
Numerous therapies have been tried in various
shows predominance for trunk, is mildly pruritic,
studies [Table 3], but the Cochrane review did not find
and does not respond to topical steroids, thus closely
adequate evidence for the efficacy of any of these.[49]
mimicking PR. Multiple serial biopsies are needed for
Cochrane review on interventions in PR excluded 13
final diagnosis.
out of 16 studies due to lack of proper randomization.
Other rare differentials that might need to be excluded Thus, it was suggested that better‑randomized studies
are lichen planus, erythema annulare centrifugum, should be performed, and since there is no well‑proven
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Mahajan, et al.: Pityriasis rosea update

intervention, all studies evaluating any particular patients experienced a mild or severe exacerbation in
modality should be placebo controlled. Furthermore, the the form of increased pruritus, irritation, or number of
outcome measures with any treatment should not be lesions, and it was more common and severe in patients
evaluated beyond 2 weeks as spontaneous remission is in whom CS was started in the initial stage of the
likely at 2–12 weeks. disease.[50] Hence, considering the viral etiology of the
disease, oral steroids may not be a good option, and
There are no significant studies regarding the use of
use of topical preparations should be limited to patients
antihistamines and emollients on an extensive literature experiencing severe pruritus. However, further studies
search. The rest of the therapies used have been are needed to establish the role of CS in PR.
discussed in detail below.
The mechanism of action of macrolides in PR is not
Though topical and systemic steroids are sometimes used known; however, it is believed that they act more
in cases of PR, there is a lack of substantial evidence through their anti‑inflammatory and immunomodulatory
supporting or refuting their use. There is not much of actions rather than the antibiotic effect. The various
published literature on the use of corticosteroids (CS) in studies evaluating the role of macrolides in PR have
PR. Leonforte published an article reporting exacerbation been tabulated below [Table 4].
of PR on CS administration. They included 18 patients,
in which 13 patients were already treated with CS and As can be concluded from Table 4, although the initial
5 were given steroids to assess its efficacy. Most of the study showed a favorable response to erythromycin,
subsequent studies found macrolides to be ineffective
and comparable to placebo treatment. Thus, there is
Table 3: Treatments tried for pityriasis rosea no rationale of using these antibiotics until further
Topical Systemic large‑scale randomized controlled studies are done since
Emollients Antihistamines the risk of developing resistance to these antibiotics may
Antihistamine creams UV light outweigh the probable benefit they may offer.
Corticosteroids Corticosteroids
Antibiotics Antivirals
Antivirals The rationale behind the use of antivirals in PR is that
UV: Ultraviolet the course of the disease follows that of a viral exanthem,

Table 4: Studies evaluating the role of macrolides in pityriasis rosea

Author Journal, year Type of trial Study population and intervention Reponse Conclusion
Sharma JAAD, 2000 Nonrandomized 45 patients: Erythromycin (250 mg 73.3% cure rate in Erythromycin is
et al.[4] placebo QID, children ‑ 20-40 mg/kg in four 2 weeks in t/t group effective in PR
controlled divided doses)
45 patients: Placebo
Bigby[51] Arch Dermatol, Supported role of
2000 erythromycin in PR
Amer and Paediatrics, 2006 Randomized 49 patients: Azithromycin (12 mg/ Azithromycin not
Fisher[52] double‑blind kg/day to a max of 500 mg/day) effective
Rasi J Drugs Nonrandomized 104 patients: Erythromycin (200 mg No significant difference Erythromycin
et al.[53] Dermatol, 2008 double‑blind QID, children ‑ 20-40 mg/kg in four at week 2, 4, 6 and not effective in
controlled divided doses) 8 weeks clearance of lesions
80 patients: Placebo
Bukhari[54] J Drugs Erythromycin not
Dermatol, 2008 effective
Pandhi IJDVL, 2014 Randomized 35 patients: Azithromycin No statistical difference Azithromycin not
et al.[55] double‑blind 35 patients: Placebo in PR severity score and effective
controlled pruritus assessed by VAS
between two groups
Ahmed J Coll Physicians Randomized 30 patients: Clarithromycin No significant difference Clarithromycin not
et al.[56] Surg Pak, 2014 double‑blind 30 patients: Placebo at 2 weeks after effective
controlled presentation (P=0.598)
PR: Pityriasis rosea, VAS: Visual analog scale
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Mahajan, et al.: Pityriasis rosea update

i.e., seasonal occurrence, presence of prodromal later than 1 week. This is also because cases which
symptoms, self‑resolution, and also probable involvement prompt an aggressive treatment from the caregiver are
of HHV 6 and 7 in its etiopathogenesis. Acyclovir is the those which do not improve on symptomatic treatment
only antiviral that has been tried and various studies and thus present more than a week after the onset.
assessing its efficacy have been tabulated [Table 5]. Regarding dose of acyclovir, both high and low doses
However, a note should be made of the fact that although have been seen to be beneficial; thus, a comparative
acyclovir has been shown to be effective against HHV 6, study needs to be done to know if one is better than
it is not very effective against HHV 7 as this virus lacks other. Despite the probable therapeutic effectiveness,
thymidine kinase gene, on which the action of acyclovir there is a single report of PR occurring in a patient on
is dependent. Thus, other antivirals such as foscarnet, suppressive acyclovir therapy for herpes genitalis.[61]
cidofovir and ganciclovir which have activity against HHV
might be effective in PR, however, in view of serious Comparison Between Acyclovir and
side effects such as myelosuppression and nephrotoxicity Erythromycin
associated with them, there is no rationale of their use There are two studies which have compared the above
in a benign disorder like PR and thus they have not been two modalities, i.e., high dose acyclovir and erythromycin
tried as yet. and both have found acyclovir to be more effective
As can be deciphered from Table 5, acyclovir does than erythromycin. In the study by Ehsani et  al.,
lead to a faster resolution of lesions as compared 30 patients were recruited and at the end of 8 weeks,
to placebo, and thus may be an effective treatment 13 versus 6 patients achieved complete cure in acyclovir
modality. Furthermore, it is important to note that and erythromycin group, respectively with a P < 0.05.
Resolution of pruritus was also faster with acyclovir
the response is significantly better even at the 7th day
although the results were not significant statistically.[62]
when spontaneous resolution is unlikely, thus pointing
In another study by Amatya et  al., 42 patients were
toward the therapeutic effectiveness of acyclovir. Drago
enrolled, and results with acyclovir were again found to
et  al. postulated that earlier the treatment is started,
be better at 1, 2, 4, and 6 weeks.[63]
better is the response with better clearance (17.2 days
vs. 19.7 days) and fewer new lesions in patients treated Thus, acyclovir seems to be a promising therapy for
in the 1st week than in those treated later.[57] Ganguly treatment of PR leading to faster resolution of lesions
however found no significant difference in clearance if and also helping in relieving pruritus.
the treatment was started earlier.[59] Since most of the
herpes virus infections need an early institution of Phototherapy
antiviral agents; in light of above findings, we believe There are few studies evaluating the role of phototherapy
that this aspect needs to be studied in further detail in PR. This might work by altering the immunology
with respect to PR, and till then, institution of acyclovir in the skin and has been used on the premise of its
therapy should not be withheld even if patients present usefulness in various other inflammatory disorders.

Table 5: Studies evaluating the role of acyclovir in PR

Author Journal, Year Type of trial, Intervention Reponse
study population
Drago et al.[57] JAAD 2006 Non randomized, Oral acyclovir (800 mg 5 times Regression of lesions: 28% vs 4% at
non blinded daily) vs placebo for one week 7 days, 79% vs 4% at 14 days
87 patients 2 weeks study period Clearance of lesions: 18.5 vs 37.9 days
Rassai et al.[58] JEADV 2011 Randomized, Low dose acyclovir (400 mg Resolution of lesions: 78.5% vs 27%
investigator‑blind five times a day for a week) vs at 2 weeks
study, 64 patients follow up without treatment Statistical significant decrease in
4 weeks study period erythema, decrease in scaling not
significant statistically
Ganguly et al.[59] Journal of Randomized, Acyclovir 800 mg five times Resolution of lesions:
Clinical and double‑blind, a day for a week vs placebo 7th day: 53.33% vs 10%
Diagnostic placebo controlled
14th day: 86.66% vs 33.33%
Research 2014 study, 73 patients
Das et al.[60] Indian Observer-blind, Acyclovir 400 mg tablets Group A: fewer new lesions than
Dermatology randomized (1:1) thrice daily for 7 days along Group B (P=0.046), complete response
Online trial, 24 patients with cetirizine and calamine in all patients vs 83% in Group B,
Journal 2015 (group A) vs only cetirizine significant reduction in lesional score
and calamine (group B) and pruritus at 2nd week in group A

381 Indian Journal of Dermatology 2016; 61(4)

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Mahajan, et al.: Pityriasis rosea update

Merchant and Hammond did first controlled study in antibody titers for HHV 6 and 7 and negative IgM
1974 using quartz lamp in 66 patients and found better antibodies. Embryonic tissue obtained from one female
results on treated site.[64] Subsequently, Arndt et al. did a showed signs of viral cytopathic damage pointing toward
controlled study on 20 patients using ultraviolet B (UVB) the fact that PR is actually a systemic HHV infection
therapy (0.8  Minimal erythema dose (MED) dose on day leading to intraplacental transmission of virus. Thus,
1 with 17% increase daily for 5 days) on the right side authors postulated that PR occurring in pregnancy,
with shielding of the left side. The extent of disease and especially in the first trimester, may be a marker of
pruritus control was better on treated side (50% and possible adverse pregnancy outcome.[70] Authors further
47% respectively).[65] Leenutaphong and Jiamton did a extended their study to include 61 pregnant patients
bilateral comparison study by giving UVB (80% of MED with PR and found similar results.[71] However, this has
followed by 10–20% increase if no erythema in 10 daily been refuted by other authors.[72] Chuh et  al. reported
doses) on the right side and 1 J of UVA radiation on two pregnant patients with PR whose pregnancies and
the left side as placebo. Ten daily erythemogenic doses delivery were uneventful and bore healthy normal
of UVB exposure significantly decreased the disease children.[73] Thus, further studies are needed to establish
severity score with significant difference seen after the the causal relation between PR and adverse pregnancy
third sitting. However, in the follow‑up period at 2 and outcome and till then, all pregnant females developing
4 weeks, there was no difference in severity score or PR should be kept under strict follow‑up. All pregnant
pruritus; thus, the authors concluded that UVB decreased females with PR, however, should undergo serological
the severity scores during treatment but did not alter the screening for syphilis. They should be managed with
course of disease or pruritus.[66] Castanedo‑Cazares et al.[67] emollients and antihistaminics, and systemic therapy
reported worsening of a patient after phototherapy with should be avoided.
UVB thus raising doubts of its therapeutic effectiveness
in PR. Recently, Lim et  al.[68] have used low dose UVA1 Conclusion
phototherapy (starting with 10–20 J/cm2 and increasing Although lot is known about PR, there are still a lot of
to 30 J/cm2 given 2–3 times a week till improvement) gray areas which need to be addressed in future studies.
to treat PR with significant improvement in severity Through this article, we have tried to bring together
score after 2–3 treatments. There was also improvement the literature published for the same. We conclude that
in pruritus. Based on the results of above studies, viral etiology is probably the most likely cause of PR,
phototherapy has a conflicting role in PR and thus, and thus, antivirals should be given in early stages of PR
further studies are needed to fully establish its role. itself. All recurrent cases should be worked up properly,
The following table enlists the level of evidence for and all pregnant females developing PR should be kept
various interventions tried in PR [Table 6]. under close follow‑up.
Financial support and sponsorship
Pregnancy and Pityriasis Rosea
This topic needs special mention as lately, there are
conflicting reports about adverse pregnancy outcomes Conflicts of interest
in females developing PR during pregnancy, and most of There are no conflicts of interest.
the clinicians are unaware about this fact. The incidence
of PR in pregnancy has been reported to be 18% versus What is new?
• Human herpes virus is the most likely etiological agent causing PR
6% in general population.[69] Drago et  al. studied 38 • Although the diagnostic criteria are available and verified in Indian population,
women who developed PR during pregnancy out of which its validity in atypical cases still needs to be established
• Erythromycin is ineffective in PR whereas acyclovir is a promising therapy
9 had premature delivery and 5 miscarried. They found • A careful history of drugs or chemical exposure should be taken in all cases of
the rate of abortion was 62% in women who developed recurrent PR
• All pregnant females developing PR should be kept under strict follow‑up.
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