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Name : Yuli Astuti

NIM : 2018120019

I Ask My Mother to Sing

 In the first stanza of the poem in the tittle I Ask My Mother to Sing, I can find the imagery of sense
She begins, and my grandmother joins her.
Mother and daughter sing like young girls.
if my father were alive, he would play
his accordion and sway like a boat.

It can be seen by the word “ sing “. In the second line when they are singing, automatically our ear
can hear them. It means our sense of sound works when they sing.

 In the second stanza of the poem in the tittle I Ask My Mother to Sing, I can find the imagery of
sense sight.
I’ve never been in Peking, or the summer palace,
nor stood on the great Stone Boat to watch
the rain begin on Kuen Ming Lake, the picknickers
running away in the grass.

It can be seen by the word “ watch “. In the second line , the writer explains that he never been in
Stone Boat to watch how the rain fall down on the lake but actually he wants. In this case, when he
watches , the sense of sight; eyes , will work automatically to see the process.

 In the third stanza of the poem in the tittle I Ask My Mother to Sing, I can find the imagery of sense

But I love to hear it sung;

how the waterlilies fill with rain until
they overtune, spilling water to water,
then rock back, and fill with more,

It can be seen by the word, “ hear “. In the first line the writer have said he likes to hear, then in
the next line he explains that he loves to hear how the sound of the water in the top waterlilies spill
into the other waterlilies. From this process, it results one sound who the writer loves to hear it. He
use his sense of sound to hear those process.

 In the fourth stanza of the poem in the tittle I Ask My Mother to Sing, I can’t find the imagery. It
just contains of two lines and there’s no imagery I guess.

Both women have begun to cry

But neither stops her song

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