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Hello, and welcome to this lecture where I will explain what the EC2

service is and does and how to configure an EC2 instance, so let's get
As EC2 is one of the most common services used throughout AWS, I will
discuss this service in greater detail over the other services that I will cover
in this course.
EC2 is the most common compute service that AWS offers, as it allows you
to deploy virtual servers within your AWS environment; and most people
will require a server in one form or another as a part of their solution. There
are a number of elements in creating your EC2 instance, which I want to
break down and explain. This will hopefully help to define how the service
works and answer a number of questions that you may have.
The EC2 service can be broken down into the following sections:

 Amazon Machine Images

 AMIs
 instance types
 instance purchasing options
 tenancy
 user data
 storage options
 and security

The first point I want to cover are AMIs, Amazon Machine Images. These
are essentially templates of pre-configured EC2 instances which allow you
to quickly launch a new EC2 instance based on the configuration within the
AMI. This prevents you from having to install an operating system or any
other common applications that you might need to install on a number of
other EC2 instances. From a high-level perspective, an AMI will include an
operating system and applications, along with any custom configuration.
AWS provides a large number of AMIs covering different operating
systems, from Linux to Red Hat to Microsoft Windows, among others.
When configuring your EC2 instance, selecting your AMI is the first
configuration choice you will need to make. You can also create your own
AMI images to help you speed up your own deployments.
For example, you would start with selecting an AWS AMI, let's say a Linux
server. Once it is up and running, you may then need to install a number of
your own custom applications and make specific configuration changes.
Now if you needed another server to perform the same functionality, you
could go through the same process of selecting a Linux AWS AMI and,
again, manually installing your applications and make your configurations.
Or, once you have made those changes on the first server, you can then
simply create a brand new AMI of that instance with all the applications
installed and configurations already made. Then if you need another server
of the same configuration, all you would need to do is to select your custom
AMI as the base image for your instance and it will launch the Linux
server, your custom applications already installed, and any configurations
already made.
As you can see, this has many benefits and certainly comes in useful when
we start to look at autoscaling later in this course. In addition to both AWS-
managed and your own custom AMIs, you could also select an AMI from
the AWS marketplace. The AWS marketplace is basically an online store
that allows you to purchase AMIs from trusted vendors like Cisco, Citrix,
Alert Logic, etc. These vendor AMIs may have specific applications and
configurations already made, such as instances that are optimized with
built-in security and monitoring tools or contain database migration
systems. Lastly, community AMIs also exist, which are a repository of
AMIs that have been created and shared by other AWS members.
Let's now take a look at instance types. Once you have selected your AMI
from any of the different sources already discussed, you must then select an
instance type. An instance type simply defines the size of the instance from
a CPU, memory, storage, and networking perspective. Having this
flexibility of varied instances allows you to select the most appropriate size
or power of a virtual server that you need for optimal performance with
your applications.
These different instance types are categorized into different family types
that offer distinct performance benefits which, again, helps you to select the
most appropriate instance for your needs. Within each of these instance
families, you will have a range of instance types with varied CPU, memory,
storage, and networking performance. These instance families can be
summarized as follows.

 General purpose; instance types within this family have a balanced

mixed of CPU, memory, and storage, making them ideal for small-to-
medium databases and test and development servers and backend
 Compute optimized; as the name implies, instance types within this
family have a greater focus on compute. They have the highest
performing processes installed, allowing them to be used for high-
performance front-end servers, web servers, high-performance science
and engineering applications, video encoding, and batch processing.
 GPU; GPU stands for graphics processing unit, and so the instances
within this family are optimized for graphic-intensive applications.
 Memory optimized; instance types here are primarily used for large-
scale, enterprise-class, in-memory applications, such as performing real
time processing of unstructured data or for in-memory databases such as
 Storage optimized; as expected, these are optimized for enhanced
storage. Instances in this family use SSD-backed instance storage for
low latency and very high input/output performance, including very high
IOPS, which stands for input output operations per second. These are
great for analytic workloads and no SQL databases, data file systems
and lock processing applications.

You can purchase EC2 instances through a variety of different payment

plans. These have been designed to help you save costs by selecting the
most appropriate option for your deployment. The different EC2 payment
options are as follows:

 on-demand instances
 reserved instances
 spot instances
 dedicated instances
 and dedicated hosts

It's good to be aware of these different options, as by having an

understanding of these can help you save a considerable amount of money
depending on your use case. Let me run through each option to help
Starting with on-demand instances, these are EC2 instances that you can
launch at any time and have it provisioned and available to you within
minutes. You can use this instance for a shorter time or for as long as you
need before terminating the instance. These instances have a flat rate and is
determined on the instance type selected and is paid by the hour. On-
demand instances are typically used for short-term uses where workloads
can be irregular and where the workload can't by interrupted. Many users of
AWS use on-demand instances within their testing and development
Reserved instances allow you to purchase an instance type for a set period
of time in return for a reduced cost compared to on-demand. This reduction
can be as much as 75%. These reservations against instances must be
purchased in either one- or three-year timeframes. Further reductions can be
achieved with reserved instances depending on which payment methods
you select. There are three options available to you.

1. All upfront; the complete payment for the one- or three-year reservation
is paid. This offers the largest discount and no further payment is
required, regardless of the number of hours the instance is used.
2. Partial upfront; a smaller upfront payment is made, and then a discount
is applied to any hours used by the instance during the term.
3. No upfront; no upfront or partial payments are made, and the smallest
discount of the three models is applied to any hours used by the

Reserved instances are used for long-term, predictable workloads, allowing

you to make full use of the cost savings to be had when using compute
resources offered by EC2.
Spot instances allow you to bid for unused EC2 compute resources;
however, your resource is not guaranteed for a fixed period of time. To use
an EC2 spot instance, you must bid higher than the current spot price which
is set by AWS. This spot price fluctuates depending on supply and demand
of the unused resource. If your bid price for an instance type is higher than
the spot price, then you'll purchase the instance; but as soon your bid price
becomes lower than the fluctuating spot price, you will be issued a two-
minute warning before the instance is automatically terminated and
removed from your environment by AWS. The bonus of spot instances is
that you can bid for large EC2 instances at a very low price point, saving a
huge amount. But due to the nature of how the instances can suddenly be
removed from your environment, spot instances are only useful for
processing data and applications that can be suddenly interrupted, such as
batch jobs and background processing of data.
One key point to make about pricing with EC2 instances is that you'll only
pay for the instance when it is up and running, excluding reserved instances
all upfront. You will not pay for the instance if you are stopped or
terminated the instance.
Let me now talk to you about EC2 tenancy. This relates to what underlying
host your EC2 instance will reside on as a virtual server within the AWS
data center. Again, there are different options available to you, with pros
and cons to each.

 Shared tenancy; this option will launch your EC2 instance on any
available host with the specified resources required for your selected
instance type, regardless of which other customers and users also have
EC2 instances running on the same host, hence the shared tenancy
name. Advanced security mechanisms are in place to prevent one EC2
instance accessing another on the same host. How this security is
applied and operated is out of scope of this course and is maintained by
AWS themselves.
 Dedicated tenancy includes both dedicated instances and dedicated
o Dedicated instances are hosted on hardware that no other customer
can access. It can only be accessed by your own AWS account. You
may be required to launch your instances as a dedicated instance due
to internal security policies or external compliance controls.
Dedicated instances do incur additional charges due to the fact you
are preventing other customers from running EC2 instances on the
same hardware, and so there will be unused capacity.
o Dedicated hosts; dedicated hosts are effectively the same as
dedicated instances, however, they offer additional visibility and
control over how you place your instances on the physical host. This
allows you to use the same host for a number of instances that you
want to launch. Also, dedicated hosts allow you to align with any
compliance and regulatory requirements.

If you do not need to address any compliance issues that require dedicated
tenancy, then I would recommend using shared tenancy to reduce your
overall costs.
During the configuration of your EC2 instance, there is a section called user
data, which allows you to enter commands that will run during the first boot
cycle of that instance. This is a great way to automatically perform
functions upon boot, such as to pull down any additional software you want
installing from any software repositories you may have. You could also
download and get the latest OS updates during boot. For example, you
could enter yum update /y for a Linux server, which will then update its
own software automatically at time of boot.
As a part of the configuration when setting up an EC2 instance, you are
asked to select and configure your storage requirements. Selecting storage
for your EC2 instance will depend on what you intend to use the instance
for and how critical the data is. Storage for EC2 can be classified between
two distinct categories:

1. persistent storage
2. and ephemeral, which is temporary storage

Persistent storage is available by using elastic block storage, EBS volumes;

and ephemeral storage is created by some EC2 instances themselves using
local storage on the underlying host, known as instance backed storage.
Let's look at each of these storage options in greater depth.
EBS volumes are separate devices from the EC2 instance itself, and so it is
not physically attached like ephemeral storage is. EBS volumes are
considered network attached storage devices, which are then logically
attached to the EC2 instance by the AWS network. This principle is not
dissimilar to attaching an external hard disk to your home laptop or PC
where the external hard disk would be your EBS volume and your PC is
your EC2 instance. The external disk is separate from your own computer's
in-built hard disk and is instead attached via a cable, whereas this would be
reflected as the AWS network between an EBS volume and an EC2
instance. The data on these volumes are automatically replicated to other
EBS volumes within the same availability zone for resiliency, which is all
managed by AWS. You can disconnect the EBS volume from your EC2
instance and the data will remain intact, allowing you to reattach it to
another EC2 instance if required. You can also implement encryption on
these volumes and, if required, take backup snapshots of all the data on the
volume to the simple storage service, S3. EBS volumes can be created in
different sizes, again with different performance capabilities depending on
your requirements.
Ephemeral storage, or instance backed storage, is storage that is physically
attached to the underlying host on which the EC2 instance resides on.
Looking back at our previous example, this would be similar to your own
laptop or PCs hard disk. There is a difference here though. With AWS EC2
instances, as soon as the instance is stopped or terminated, all saved data on
that disk is lost. If you reboot your instance, then that data will remain; but
not if you stop it. Therefore, if you have any data that you need to retain, it
is not recommended that you use instance backed storage for this data.
Instead use EBS volumes for persistent data storage. Unlike EBS volumes,
you are unable to detach instance store volumes from the instance.
Security is fundamental with any deployment, and so I just want to holler a
couple of points relating to security around EC2. Firstly, in doing creation
of your EC2 instance, you'll be tasked to select a security group for your
A security group is essentially a firewall for your instance, allowing you to
restrict what traffic, from both an ingress and egress perspective, is allowed
to communicate with it. You can restrict this communication by source,
destination, inbound and outbound rules, along with which ports and
protocols can be used. More information on security groups can be found in
my previous blog found here covering instance level security.
At the very end of your EC2 instance creation, you will need to select an
existing key pair or create and download a new one. But what is a key pair,
and what is it used for? A key pair, as the name implies, is made up of two
components: a public key and a private key. The function of the key pairs is
to encrypt the login information for Linux and Windows EC2 instances and
then decrypt the same information, allowing you to authenticate onto the
The public key encrypts data such as the user name and password. For
Windows instances, the private key is used to decrypt this data, allowing
you to gain access to the login credentials, including the password. For
Linux instances, the private key is used to remotely connect onto the
instance via SSH. The public key is held and kept by AWS. The private key
is your responsibility to keep and ensure that it is not lost.
So going back to when you create your EC2 instance, when creating a new
key pair, you are given the opportunity to download the key pair. Once you
have done this, you must keep that file safe until you are ready to log on to
the associated EC2 instance. It's worth noting that you can use the same key
pair on multiple instances. Once you have authenticated onto the EC2
instance the first time, you can then set up your own local authentication
methods, such as local Windows user accounts, allowing other users to
connect and authenticate to it or even use Microsoft active directory.
One final point regarding security on your EC2 instance. It is your
responsibility to maintain and install the latest OS patches and security
fixes released by the OS vendor. We have now covered the main elements
of the EC2 service that should hopefully allow you to get started by
creating your first EC2 instance and selecting the most appropriate
configuration for your needs; but to reiterate what we have covered and
make it all fit together, I will demonstrate how to create a new EC2 instance
from within the console, quickly highlighting the elements we have
discussed as I go through. Within this demonstration I will be using the
Microsoft Remote Desktop Client for Mac to connect to any instances.
More information on this software and how to download it can be found
with the link on screen so let’s take a look.
Okay, so in this demonstration I'm going to show you how to quickly create
an EC2 instance and then connect to it as well. So I'm logged in to the
management console. I've clicked on services; and then if we go down to
the compute section, we can find EC2. So if we select that, and then to
launch our instance we want to click on the big blue button that says launch
instance; and now here we can select our AMI, our Amazon Machine
And these are a number of AMIs that are pre-configured by AWS. We have
Windows, we have Linux, we have Red Hat, etc. We also have on the left
here the AWS marketplace that I mentioned where we have a number of
vendor AMIs and then also the community AMIs as well. For this
demonstration, I'm just going to select a Windows server and so I shall
select that AMI.
Now on the next screen, we get to choose our instance type; and in this
column here, we have the different family types of instances. So we have
the general purpose, the compute optimized, the memory optimized, and
storage, etc. So I'm going to select the general purpose, and then we have
different instance types here; and I'm going to select the T2.Micro, and we
can see that different instance types have different number of CPUs,
amount of memory, and different network performance,etc.
So I'm going to select the T2.Micro on the general purpose, and then click
on next configure instance details. I'm going to select one instance to
launch. I can select a spot instance if I'd like to. For this, I'm just going to
use an on-demand instance. I can then select a number of network options
with regards to where I want this EC2 instance to reside in a specific VPC
and availability zone and if I want a public IP to be assigned to this EC2
instance, which is currently set to enable. I can then also select an IAM role
if I want specific permissions for this EC2 instance to have. I'm just going
to leave that as none.
If we take a look at the shutdown behavior; when I shut down the instance,
I can either have the instance just stop, which will mean I keep the instance
and it's just left in my VPC and I can restart it again at a later date or I can
have it terminated, which means it'll be deleted when I shut down that
instance. So I'm just going to leave that as stop so I can restart it again at a
later date if I need to.
If I move down to tenancy, we can see that we have shared, dedicated
instance, or dedicated host, which we discussed earlier; and I'm just going
to leave it as a shared tenancy instance.
If we click on advanced details, here we can see the user data. So this is
where you'd add any scripting or any code for commands that you wanted
to run on first boot of this instance.
Now if we go down to next add storage, we can see that there's a root
volume with this EC2 instance, which will be ephemeral. So that will be
instance backed storage, which as we know is temporary; and that's a 30-
gig, general purpose SSD drive. If we wanted some persistent storage, we
could add a new volume; and we could have that set as EBS, for elastic
block storage, which is currently set at 8-gig and, again, SSD storage. If we
want to encrypt that volume then it's a simple tick box under the encrypted
column here. So now we have some persistent storage with this instance as
Following the storage, click on add tags; and this is where we can add key
value pairs of information. So I'm going to add a couple of tags. I'll add a
name and call this Demo for Cloud Academy, and then we can add another
tag if we wanted. We can call that Project, and then just call that demo.
Once we've added any tags that we require, we can go down to configure
security group.
Now we can select an existing security group or create a new one. Let's
create a new one. So we'll give this a name; so, Demo Cloud Academy.
Demo Cloud Academy, and the current settings for this security group are
RDP, using the TCP protocol, using port 3389 from any IP address. So as it
stands, if we have this security group assigned to our instance, it means any
IP address can initiate an RDP connection to this instance, which obviously
isn't very secure. So I'm just going to select that as my IP. So now only my
IP address can initiate an RDP connection to any instances associated with
this security group; and if you wanted to add any additional rules, simply
click on add rule and fill out the various column details as required. So I'm
just going to delete that rule, and we're just going to have that as RDP.
So we're going to go down to review and launch, and here we can see a
summary of all the settings that we've selected so far. So we can see our
AMI details, the instance type, the security group; if we look at the instance
details, we can see the availability zone,etc, and then the shutdown
behavior that I mentioned before. We can look at our storage and our tags
as well. If we need to change any of this information, then we can simply
click on the edit buttons for each section and go back and make any
changes; but I'm happy with that, so I'm just going to click on launch and
now we have to select a key pair.
So this will allow us to connect to our instance. Now we can choose an
existing key pair, create a new key pair, or proceed without a key pair. If
we proceeded without a key pair, then there will be no way of connecting to
this instance; so let's create a new key pair. Let's give it a name, Demo; and
then we can download this key pair. So that will be our private key, and
AWS will keep the public key; and then we just need to go down to launch
instance. And that will go off and launch our instance as per our
configuration; and if we click on view instances, we can see that this
instance is starting to fire up.
Here's our name, Demo for Cloud Academy. We can see the instance type
and which availability zone it's going to be launched in, and it's currently
pending. That will take it a couple of minutes to become active, so what I'll
do, I'll pause the video here; and then once it's up and running, we shall
carry on.
Okay, we can now see that our EC2 instance is up and running with a green
circle and the instance status of running. Now we can see a description for
our instance at the bottom of the pane here. We can see the instance state,
the type of instance it is, what AMI it's using, the launch time, and also
public IP address,etc, which we're going to need to connect to our instance.
So let's do that now. So I'm going to copy the IP address. I'm going to go
across to my remote desktop client.
So if we click on new for a new connection, just call this demo, paste in the
IP address; and we now need the user name and password. So if we go back
to our management console, and if we click on connect; we can see here
that user name is Administrator, and we need to get the password. Now to
decrypt the password, we're going to need our key pair file that we
downloaded. So let me just select that, and I'll open; and then we click on
decrypt password, and there we have our password for our instance.
So you could see how the key pair file was used to decrypt our password
for our administrator user. Now if we go back to our client, Administrator,
paste in the password; and if we try to connect, you can see that it's now
logging on to the instance. It's setting up the personalized settings. This
might take a minute or so just because it's Windows.
And there you are, we are now on the instance itself; and you can see the
public IP addresses out there that we connected to and the instance type and
the availability zone,etc, so some of the same information. And that is how
you create an EC2 instance and connect to it using RDP for a Windows
Before we move on from EC2, I just want to point out one last item relating
to the status checks that you can see from within the EC2 dashboard once
you have launched your instance. These status checks are used to check the
health and status of your EC2 instance, and understanding what common
faults could trigger these checks to fail can help you troubleshoot issues
with your EC2 resources. There are two types of status checks:

1. system status checks

2. and instance status checks

Let's look at system status checks first. If this fails, then is likely to be an
issue with the underlying host rather than a configuration issue with your
EC2 instance itself. Common issues that trigger system status checks to fail
are loss of power, loss of network connectivity, and hardware ad software
issues on the underlying host. Basically, a system status check failure is out
of your control as the fault lies with the components that AWS are
responsible for. The best way to resolve this would be to stop the instance
and restart. This is likely to cause the instance to launch on another physical
host, resolving the issue. Do not reboot the instance, as this will cause the
instance to continue running on the same physical server.
Let's now take a look at the instance status checks. These differ from
system status checks; as if this failed, then it would likely require your
input to help resolve the issue. This check looks at the EC2 instance itself,
rather than focusing on the underlying host. Common issues that trigger this
check to fail are incorrect network configuration, corrupt file systems,
exhausted memory, or an incompatible kernel. These faults will require you
to troubleshoot and resolve the issue. For example, changing the network
That brings us to the end of this lecture on EC2. Like I mentioned
previously, this was going to be the longest and the most in-depth lecture
simply due to this being a key compute service.
If you would like some hands-on experience with EC2, then we do offer
two labs in which you can practice creating your own EC2 instances for
both Linux and Windows. Coming up in the next lecture, I will discuss
elastic load balancing and auto scaling.

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