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English Spanish

Please, add your name to this letter

You should apologise for this error
Don’t argue for that problem
Everybody should behave good in class
Although you don’t believe it, we are going to
another country
To blink is necessary for everybody
Everyday brush your teeth for your health
I can`t carry that heavy rock
Don’t damage my cellphone, please
When the day is sunny I try to dry my clothes
I`m planning to hire new people for my
I expect to have a good grade in the exam
The snakes frightens me
To kick a ball is very interesting for all the kids
There is a new cellphone in the market
That is the highest building in the city
You have a great idea for this project
Her answer is right
I am sure about your answer
You should wake up early in the morning
They are able to speak in English by
Please, don`t come late to class
That is the hardest question
You should study the whole week
To enter here is free

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