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Prepare for {IELTS}

Part 1 - Friends

1. Do you have many close friends?

I’m not a very sociable person, so I don’t have a large circle of

friends. I have quite a number of acquaintances though. I am choosy

about my friends so I have several special close ones who I’d

consider friends for life.

2. What do you usually do with your friends?

My best friend and I are both obsessed with food, so we like eating
out in our favourite restaurants and having a good catch up. From
time to time, a group of us go on a mini break, which is great

because we all get on like a house on fire and have a fabulous time.

3. Are you still friends with your friends from primary school?

Oh, yes, absolutely but it is hard and there are a couple that I have

lost touch with, but generally I’m still in touch with most of them. I
don't have to see or meet them often to have a face-to-face chat,
but the special bond is always there. I think the major reason for
this is we know each other inside out.
4. Do you like chatting with your friends online?

Without a doubt, yes. Nowadays, we are all leading such hectic lives that

it’s tricky to find time to get together, but we have a What’s app group

and keep in contact through that.

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