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Rept Blips Gongress of the Philippines Sita lila Sete Congres ‘Dhied egal Session Begun aod held n Matra Mania, on Monday the twenty-third ‘dayot hay, two howand age, [RevvsuicAcrNo, 11235) AN ACT PREVENTING AND PENALIZING THE USE Op MOTORCYCLES IN THE CONMISSION OF (CRIMES BY REQUIRING BIGGER, READABLE AND COLOR-CODED. NUMBER. "PLATES AND IDENTIFICATION MARKS, AND FOR OTHER [Beit enootd by the Senate and House of Representatives ofthe Phiippines in Conarescassembled: SSueri0n 2, Short Title, This Act shall be known ae he Mstrrgele Crime Prevention Ac S80, 2 Decloration of Policy. ~ Article I, Section 5 of the 1967 Philppne Casettton pres tht the puntenance {peas and der, Ue protection fl, Wierty. ane property, (tal the pronotion of the general wllae ane essential forthe ‘Stooyment by all the people of the Msinge of eoracy Te Js eeby declared the policy of the Stat to secure and Safogurd te etizenry fom evimes committed with the ae tf tars though bigger readable and crlorcoded sae plates ad ideniction mark ‘SEC. 5. Definitions, ~ As wood in this Ao, the felling terme ae defined (0) Boolrider refers to any porn or persons sete the back of « motreyee, or a passenger f 4 motor (0) Driver refers to any person diving or cotoling & motores ( Motoryee refers to 8 powered two (2) or thee (@ywhented motor vehicle, nsiding, but not Ltd to, scoters, mopeds, and woinryclos with appendages such {ie sidecars, iieycles, or irikes. This, ehall include ienernmentowned vie )_Ouner refers t any person who owns of ix the rgitered nner ofa matory, Undo thie At als rere {o-any perwn who te actual contol and possesion of ‘motorgele, whether it registred oF ots ed (©) Number plate refers ta the regular motor vehicle ‘eanse plate Snaed by the Land Transportation Ofc 1.70) fora moxorcel, barng the standard uptnamens characters in accordance with Ropuble Act No, 4196, mended, cthervise Known asthe “Land Transportation and Teale Coie ‘SEC. 4, Reitraton by the Ouner, — The owner of = ‘motorjle all regter his or her motoreyele ith the LTO ‘within five Gh. daye fom auch acqustion of owners. The ‘ner ofa motorcycle shall ln tamed report ay ele oF depostion ef ie or her metoryae tothe LTO, Piare ‘tthe owner to repieter within five (3) da fom aon ‘fowueship, orto immediatly report it sale ar ception thal suc he nner toa penal of imprisonment of orto ‘mayor ta priaion coretona. at defied Under the Revieed Penal Cade, or 2 fne af ot lar tan Twenty hoa’ pone 2 (20,000.00) but not more than Fity thousand pos (@5o,000.00, ce both 1€6motoreyele that i nt yet registered with the LTO is used in connection with an onze Punsheble wer the Revised Penal Code or special penal laws, the maxim ‘penalty of the relevant offense shall be imposed on the ‘thnders tC, 5. Bigger, Readable ond Color-Coded Number Pltes.~"The LO shal enue 9 readable nsmber pate for ‘ovary motorcl. The LTO shal i Use implementing rule ‘an rogulatione (RR) ofthis Act, termine the fot ele and Ste of the bigger, readable and colorended mimber pats: ‘Provided, That the contents ef the nanberplaer shall te ‘readable from the font, tho back, and the de of the {aitorayde fom wists of ot lent een (15) metre fom, the motores ‘he 1:0 shal alin deve a nor shame of the readable number plot for every region In the Phippinee where ‘moto i rgistred for quick and ay ientifietion, the font and ack mee of a motoreydle aad shall bem of rutablo and durable matvial ab determined by the LTO, ‘The utilization of voluntary and pid Iker os prseners ‘all be mong the regurements to id forthe procurement ofthe number plats under thie Act. SEC. 6, Registry of Motorycles, — The LTO shall ssinain a repsty of motreyeles in a databace to faite information retsmval for elicil investigation and lew ‘nforcoment purposes, The registry of motareyder shall Include, but ace limited tothe flowing information: nate of motoryelo owner, motorcycle owner's deers hcenas umber, motor owner’ address and oontact deta Imotorgde entation number, motoeyde plate number, rotrgyele body color, motoeyle brendimake. fn the eee of motores, the LTO shal cbserve at al ties Repoblc ‘Ret No. 1017S ot shy "Data Privacy Act of 2012 ‘SKC. Driving Without @ Number Pate or Readable Number Plate. ~ Driving withovt a number plate or a eadable muster plat, ab pode in hn Act pried ‘Tae driver ofa motoncl sihnit8nber plate oe eaale ‘Buber plate, an provided in this At shal be punished by ‘rision eorecinal ae provided im the Rovized Penal Coe Gra fine of not lows than Pity thousand paces (P3000 00) ‘ut nat more than One ured Unsaid pone (P1000, oe both. A motoreele driven without @ number plate or 4 adele number pate sal! be stpped, and sch moore ‘ll be si Oy law enforce and immediately sutredered {e the Philppine Natzonal Paice (PNP) Any apprehension aust be repered immeditely to the LTO. PNP an the Depaninent of Inormstion and Communietions Teckadogy ICT thrvugh the Joint LTO and PNP Operations and (Catrol Centar: Ts omni of ach motor may rede is for her seized motoreycle fom the LTO upon pro! of lomnerhip, payment of the costs of seizure, end comphanes ‘eth sumer plate or readable mb plats She. 8, Faire to Surrender Seined Motorcycle, — Any seized. motoreyle mt br reported immediately by the Spprobending cor tothe LINQ and PNP through the Joint 1170 and PNP Operations aid Conta Center and must be surrendered within twenty-four (2) houre to the Teel Inpounding centr provided by the local government nit (QA law enforcer who sl, fi o pur or surrender 2 seind motor within tweny-fur 2) howe Bom secur, Shall be punted by prison srreccional as dened wd th Revisnd Penal Code without prejudice to the fing of propor sadminnrative charges against eid offer. In cas wherein thers is los of, o damage to, the smotrsjele inthe ast of the mide nao of hi ction, the ssid Iw enforcement ofcer hall ale be held ‘monetely able fr the fl worth of the motores lost or 5 {he cst of epats for the damago caused to the motoryde Furthermore, any LTO officer, PNP officer of any deputized Iw enbreement perenne shall be held criminally ‘uminisratvely and monetary Iabl fer wang an pounded ‘hie SHC. 9. Use of a Mitre in the Commiasion of @ Crime. ~ 16 motrecle ie une i the common of vine onattting a grave flony under the Reviaed Penal Code of {nthe etenpe from the sce of sch crime, rgarde fhe tage of commission, whether attempted, rusrated, OF ‘oneumnatd, the owner, deve, backer or paaenge who Prtcpated in tho same chal be puniched by recluion fonporl te reslusion pepe ot provided ner the Revied Penal Code Ifa motorjle se weed in the commission of «vine ‘ostitating © Tess grave flony or light felony under the ‘Revie! Penal Cole or anyother cae or inte scape fm the sono of auch crime, rogardie ofthe stage of eam ‘whether attempted, frareted, or consummated, the owner, Arve, backnder or peserger who parucpated in the same ‘hal be paihed ty prison sorecional to prion mayer, ‘provided under the Revised Penal Cade a scized motoryele ie wod in the comission of rime, the maximum penalty ef the relevaot ere oF ofense all be impoced, death or serious pial nies ae dafined under the Revised Penal Code, rvults fram the unlaw fale of sotoreee in the comission af crime, the penalty of Feclaston perpen povided wander the Revoed Penal Code ‘hall be ipod, ‘S80. 10. Ingoundment and Rofeture of Motorsyl — A‘motrayede teed inthe cmitoson ef» crime or eee ‘hall be impounded by the PNP as videos in usta leg ina cured impounding center provided Wy the LGU until the teination ofthe case. Such motareyce shall then be etd in favor 0 the gyvermment uns the curt ade Ut the defendant io aot gulty of th offence charged op euch rrccle belongs ton innocent third party ‘The Department of the Interior sn Lota Government (DILG) shal enmace sod enfore that all LGUs set aie land fod establish mcured ponding centr hat shall be under fhe cantol uf the PNP 1 sore the impoundod stores 12 sscordance with this Act. They shall ls have » computed! Aigiaed data to ace toi thet all impounded ot clased ‘potorcyele are duly recorded and euch data shal to shaved tra eealtne basis t the Joint PNP and LTO Operations ‘sd Conta Center. SEC. 1, Lass of Number ote oF Readable Number Plots — If the umber plate or readable number plate of ‘2 motorele is lost, damaged, or sulon, the nor of such ‘ofoeyle sl medina opot the same Yo the LTO and the PNP through the Jat PNP and LTO Operations and Conte Center, and request a xeplacemest number plas Frlure of the owner to seport the same shall cubject the ‘omer to @ fine of not Ieee than Twenty thousand pose (20,000.00) but mot_move than Fifty thousand poste (P50.000.00. However, ifthe lat, damage, o stolen number plate or rola suber late used st coonetin with anos Pestle dr the Revise Penal Cade or apeaal peal ls he fire ofthe owner to report watin Ure (3) days Ut fhe motarjele ie lst. damaged, or stolen, shal subject the toner to & Penalty of inpranment of ares mayer to pon SEC. 12, Brasing, Tampering, Forging, Imitating, CCoverins or Conceating'e Number Pate or Randable Number Pate and Intentional Use Ther. ~ Erasing, tampering, storing forging. imstatng. covering. concealing & number plate of teaable wumbor plats orth isntonal we of such raved, tampered, altered. forged, smitated, covered oF concealed number plat or readable number plate, under tie ‘Retail be puniced by prison mayor a prove under the Fevised Penal Code, oF fine of wot eee thn Pity thovsand eso (50,0000) bt not mor than One hundred thoueaad ‘ewes (P106,000 00), both, 1 perapa owing sll or bay aerate, taped steed, fared or inated suber plas or rndable nue plate, both such buyer and slr hall be punished by rision ‘mayor as provided ner the Reviaed Penal Cae. However, {the person who oll r buy the number plat proves that hho or sho has no knowledge that it war eased, tampered, haved, forgod oF imitate, he or she shall be punished by eve meer. SEC. 18, Ue of @ Stolen Sumber Plate or Readable umber Plate ~ “The use of a stolen umber plate oF readable number plat ina motoryelo shall be yunsed by ‘pision mayor a provided under the Revise Penal Code, oF 4p of not les than Fiy thowand peeos(P5000.00) but ‘ot more than One hunved thesand peso (100 00.00), or Toth atthe discretion of the court Sec, 14. Prohibition on Sate and Importation of [Non-Compliant Mororeyels~ No poten, whather natural ot jail hal be allowed to sll motores = dined ander Section JQ) of this Act unless such motoreyle hae the capabihy t oar and showease « readable number plate a= equed under Sect 6 af thie Ace Furthermore, the Bureau of Customs (BOC) chall mat alow the importation into the country of motorcycles, ae Astned under Section Se) of tha Act whoee dengan ell Impede the placement af the required number platen the font and back sides of te metros firmly and seul ‘say motrgele which dows not have any enpabilcyt0 ear an showcase the required readable mamber plate shal ot be allowed to be rogitred with the LTO. [S80 15, Joint LTO and PNP Operations and Control Cmte "The LTO and the PNP shall establish 9 Joint . LTO and PNP Operations snd Control Contar that chal be ‘operational and acoseibleresltime, tent fur (24) hous & ‘day and seven (7) days a week, foaiate the implementation ff this Act Tt chal be equipped withthe lates! avallable tachneogy and adegaate compere and sear nae Yrumeditly ress any exsrgenc ot ing. The LTO and ‘the PNPHTighway Patrol Group (HPG) shal etablich one to mpecialy dens concerns related lo erote owen ‘ommfted with the se of motoreeos, The Joint PNP and LTO Opsrations and. Control Center shall be under the sapertton of the DICT SEC. 16, Appropriation, Thote i heshy appropriated fp initial funding of One hundred fifty milion pesos {150000,000.0) forthe implementation of thie Act which hall be included in tbe General Appropriations Act (GAA) Sobsequent funding aball be ached in te GAA ‘860.17, Implementing Rules and Regulations. — Tho 1170, insane wit ae enirement an er lee ‘agencies, shall promulgate the rules and regulations 0 Splesent the provisions of tha Act within non-extendbe period of mnet (90) dave fom te eect ‘S80, 18. Congressional Oversight on the Motoreysle Crime’ Prevention Act. — There in hersby created. ¢ Congressional Oversight Comitie onthe Motoryele rine Prevention Act ta review ad assess, aun others, the implomeotatio of ths Act. The Congressional Oversight, Commitee shall be composed of Sve (9) members from the Senate and five (6) members from the House of Representatives. Tt chal be cochaiod by tho Chairperson: of the Sense Commitee on Jurcr snd House Commit 00 ‘Transparatio. Such congrescaal roe and averse shall te unr yearly Desining one () year afr the afctity ff this Act and theeafer ae may be determined by the Overt Commitee ‘Tae Oversight Committee shall review the ponstie Doren imposed and chal edust the same accordingly if deemed meena. SEC. 19. Transitory Provision. ~ Motorcycle owners with number plaee notin conformity with the provisos at the Act shall renew thir reputation and apply for the ould voudable umber plate otter than June 80,2018. ‘he LTO ie gunn uns Deomber 31, 2019 9 prom, release snd lnue tho number plates as regired by the Act After December 31,2018, the penal prorinons regarding the use a Vgger,rodable and colerended ausber plats te requred ‘er this Act shall tae flct. Spe, 20, Repealing Clouse. ~ All ws, decree, orders, rules and rogulatone or other ienuanoee or parte thereat incontont with the proven ofthis Act ae ety repealed fr modifed acceding. SEC. 21. Separabiiy Clouse, — If any portion oF provision of thir Act is declared unconetitaiona, the Femainder of this Actor any provision not affected heey ‘hall remin in fore and in effet SEC. 2, Bfectity. — Thio Act sal ako effect aftr ‘acm (6) dae flowing the completion ef its pulistion futher in the Offi Gaste oF n'a newpaper uf general Siculatin inthe Philippines nee, fo . caLoria facaracaL-argovo —YICENfe SOTTO I Spero te Howse Pree of te Senate of Representatives ‘Thi Act which in cossidation of Senate Bill Ne 1997 ‘and House Bill No" 6419 as paased by the Senate aod the Toute of Representatives on December 15, 2018 end Sony 14 2019, neapoeivey paste Konexfo vue — MYRA Maur D. VILEAICA Acti Seedy General Seretary ofthe Sone Approved: MAR 0 # 2019 RoDRIGEPROA DUTERTE Preside of the Philippines °

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