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i have learned that i have a lot of friends but i just come

close when i need a lot of friends are just a few true and i
used to have sabotage but not everyone breaks down
just to be sad but you did you do all the other subjects
you were covered in while i was still in junur hig school
and when i was still in junior high i didn't want to love
hish school and i was still studying junur was I want to
remember many times I remember being a friend of
Kambul and their best friend. that while i was still
learning shs it was hard to be a senior but i didn't know
how to study it learns of junur school because you
become a lot of friends and help you with the problems
that you can't even imagine when you are alone and
there are many worries that you know that you are with
your friend and that you don't know the truth. dear
friend and not a lot of people who taught me that I was
like senibr junur school because al junioa junur school i
was a flood so i didn't go to senior junur school because i
could not afford lessons because we ended up in the pora
and the day we had a 4 d president and my mother
joined and since i joined i was still a senior

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