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Darra Beyonce Q.

10 – St. Magdalene of Canossa

Reflection: MOMOL (Modesty, Morality and

Before and during Jesus' time, empires existed. It was first the
Persian Empire which is the largest empire, the Greek Empire and
then the Roman Empire. The only way for these empires to expand
their territories was to fight and fight or initiate wars. Due to this,
people were always fighting and worrying for their lives as well as
for their own homelands. Probably, their feelings were mixes of
negative emotions like hatred, anger, anxiety, etc. that they barely
had time to be modest, to be moral and to love (MOMOL). But,
everything changed when the one and only Son of God named Jesus
was born. All that He talked about was to love God and to love others.
And so, people began to love and be loved. Through this, they
became aware of the good things and didn't just focus on the bad
things. And eventually, they were able to be enlightened about what
is right and what is wrong which is called morality.
Through the symposium, I was also reminded about the
importance of being modest or pure, especially for us teens. I should
wait for the right time and should not rush things. Having a
boyfriend or girlfriend is not a bad thing especially if permitted by
parents. But, I should always be reminded of my limitations because
if they are crossed, it may result to events that I wouldn’t want to
happen in my life or I wouldn’t want to experience.
In conclusion, modesty, morality, love and of course, God
should all be present in the lives of each one of us or else, we would
go back to the time when nearly every corner of the Earth was in

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