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The Basics! 5!
The Handful Dietary Guidelines! 5!
Protein ! 7!
Veggies! 7!
Fats ! 7!
Carbs ! 7!
Roasted Roots! 9!
Protein Pudding Bowl! 9!
Post-Workout Super Stir Fry! 9!
Omelet Super-Food Sandwich! 10!
Recovery Super Shake! 10!
Dieting can be difficult, stressful, overwhelming, boring, a pain in the ass, and so many
other negative things that will either push people away from trying or make them quit
after attempting a shot at it.
This is one of the most frustrating things I deal with in my career, not because I don’t
understand but because I could never figure out a way around it.
How can I get my clients to adhere to a diet plan, long term? Notice how I said, “Long-
The reason I say long term is because I can provide a 30-day fat burning diet and
exercise program that will get you insane results, without a doubt. But what happens
afterwards? What do you do when the 30 days is over? That is the part that had me
mind boggled for a long time…
You see fad diets do work for fat loss… temporarily. They soon create a plateau, usually
by the time the diet plan is ending. At this point you have nowhere to go, you start
gaining weight back, and usually it has effected your metabolism in a negative way
because most “Fad Diets” are just ways to trick us into eating less calories.
Now there are two options, quit or buy the thing that worked once more. So you buy the
fad diet plan again and go through this vicious cycle one more time.
It’s sad and I see it over and over again, so I had to come up with some way of putting
an end to this madness.
And it finally came to me, in the oddest way possible.
One night I was tired from an insane workout, getting ready to prep my post workout
meal and I was literally so exhausted I decided to say, “Screw it! I am not measuring out
any of my food tonight”.
So I grabbed a big chicken breast and a sweet potato in the palms of my hands,
guessed it was about 30-40g of carbs and about 35g protein and figured that was
perfect for my typical macro ratio during a post workout meal… DING! Light bulb went
off in my head.
What if I could design a diet that didn’t need scales, calorie tracking apps and all the
little things that stress me out about dieting? It could just be handfuls of specific
nutrients depending on your body size, composition, goals, etc.
And it then it started, I decided I would only measure what I ate by handfuls. I knew I
needed a handful of protein per meal because a decent sized chicken breast is about
35g, which is the size of my hand and that is perfect for my given meals per day.
[Technically, going by science, it’s about a perfect ratio for protein synthesis to occur
consistently as well]
I knew a handful of carbs pre and post workout was also perfect for the goals I had for
my physique. A handful of veggies at each meal was plenty enough and wouldn’t keep
me from hitting my health needs either. And last but not least, a couple handfuls of fats
spread across my day because they are pretty dense in calories.
Now this may seem too basic and unsupported by evidence, but the truth is that it
You see, the key isn’t always the exact gram or weight of the food you’re taking in. It is
more about the type of nutrients you’re taking in and the eating habits you’re creating,
especially when first breaking into the diet world.
The most optimal results always come when someone has a good relationship with food
and dieting. This positive relationship doesn’t come from tracking macros and weighing
every single chicken breast you eat on a scale.
It comes from building a lifestyle around your goals and diet, making the right decisions
when it comes to fast food or earth grown foods, eating vegetables with your meal
instead of French fries, and many more positively influenced choices with eating.
Once I came to realize this, things really started to change with my own personal diet
and also with every client I worked with. We started out every single person with a
handful diet approach, no matter what the goal was.
If you cannot create the habits I will describe in this system, then you have no business
tracking calories and macros yet… and that is just fine!!
In this book you will learn exactly how you can create good habits, reduce stress with
dieting, use less technology, have more freedom, take out the math when dieting and
last but not least… get the RESULTS!
This book will break it all down from the how, when and what to eat so you can get the
results without the drama.
It will also create a lifestyle around fitness and nutrition that will allow you to, later on,
track your meals in a more detailed manor for specific results and body composition
without the stress it causes most people starting out.
With this system, your future is brighter and we can finally put an end to the crash
dieting, binging, falling off the wagon, and every other fearful aspect we expect with the
At the end of the day, this should be a lifestyle and not a crash course “30 Day Dream
Body Makeover” style plan.
So without further a due, I give you “The Handful Diet”.
The Basics!
The main structure and foundation that built this dietary system is a simple list of
guidelines. Later on in the book we will get more specific, but for now everyone starts
These are the guidelines that will create success for you in this plan, along with every
other plan that you will use in your future. Because dieting shouldn’t be viewed as a
temporary program or a plan to get a quick result, but something viewed as a tool to
help you reach your ideal lifestyle and body that you can maintain long-term.
These guidelines will help you start creating the best gut health, immune function,
hormonal system, body composition, performance, energy, mood, stress levels, and
sleep that you could possibly have.
This is the start, for everyone, no matter where you’ve been or what you’ve tried.
If you’re tired of tracking everything you eat, if you binge on the weekends, if you
struggle following a plan, or if you are just flat out confused and have hatred towards
dieting… this is for you!!
The Handful Dietary Guidelines
Each Meal Must Have A Handful of Protein.
• Each Meal Must Have a Handful [or More] of Green Veggies.
• A Handful of Water For Every Hour You’re Awake [a Glass or Cup].
• A Handful of Fish Oil Per Day [A Fish Filet, if Not Available Then Equal Amount
Supplemented via Fish Oil].
• Handful Of Fruit Per Day.
• 2-3 Handfuls Of Healthy Fats Per Day.
• A Handful Of Meals Per Day [That’s Five…].
• A Couple Of Handful Of Colors Per Day [This is Colorful Veggies, Fruits & Other
• Only Earth Grown Foods & Supplements [See Recommended Food List]
• No Dairy [Dairy is an Inflammatory Food That The Body Typically Doesn’t Get
Digested or Absorbed Properly in MOST Human Beings, For the Sake of This Diet it
Will Be Eliminated].
As I said above, following the guidelines in this system will not only get you the physical
results you want to see but they will allow you to maintain those results for a long time
to come.
These guidelines will provide you with optimal health and if you utilize the absolute best
nutrients the earth has to offer on a regular basis you will in turn achieve better
performance, better hormones, better gut health, better body composition, more fat loss,
and much more.
That is why this system works, because each principle you must follow ensures that
your day is balanced not only with the correct macronutrients but also with all the right
micronutrients as well.
It ensures that we’re not eating too much for our goals, while ensuring that we’re still
eating enough to allow our body’s to function and perform optimally and it all happens
without needing a calorie counter.
Getting the results you desire is as simple as following the guidelines I provide in this
book and keeping track of each meal by assuring that it follows The Handful protocol.
Now all’s that is left is for you to get started!
One Handful at a time.
Everything on the list below should be wild caught, organic, locally grown & minimally or
Protein !
Chicken Breast
• Lean cuts of steak
• Fish
• Ground Turkey
• Turkey Breast
• Eggs
• Whey Protein [This CAN & Should Be Bought From Grass Fed Cows/Organic
• Hemp Seed Protein
Any and everything!
All Natural Nut Butters
• Extra Virgin Olive oil
• Tree Nuts (Almonds, Cashews, Walnuts, Pecans, Brazil Nuts, etc.)
• Avocado
• Coconut Oil
• Egg Yolks
• Chia Seeds
• Flaxseed Oil
• Ground Flaxseed
Gluten Free Rolled Oats
• Rice
• Quinoa
• Sweet Potatoes/Yams
• Sprouted Grains & Ezekiel Bread
• Fruit
• Pumpkin
• Squash
Date: Protein Veggies &/or Fat Carb (IF Notes/
Fruit post Deviations
Meal #1

Meal #2

Meal #3

Meal #4

Meal #5

Roasted Roots
• 1 Handful of Chopped Raw Sweet Potatoes
• 1 Handful of Chopped Raw Butternut Squash
• 1 Small Handful of Diced Onions
Add Ingredients into Bowl, Drizzle Extra Virgin Olive Oil Over Veggies, Mix/Cover
Thoroughly & Spread Across Baking Sheet. Roast in Oven at 400 Degrees for
20-35min, Depending on Texture Desire.
[Add This To High Protein Handful Meal]
Protein Pudding Bowl
• 1-2 Handfuls of Low-Carb Protein Powder
• 1 Handful of Gluten Free Rolled Oats [Uncooked]
• 1 Tbsp. Natural Almond Butter
Add Handful of Chopped Banana or Frozen Berries for Those Looking To Gain Muscle.
Add Protein and 3-5 Tbsp. Water, Stir Until it Has a Batter Like Consistency. Add Nut
Butter & Stir Until Thoroughly Mixed. Add Oats, Mix Again & Refrigerate Until Cold &
More Solid. THEN EAT!
Post-Workout Super Stir Fry
• 1 Handful of Lean Steak
• 1 Handful of Colorful Veggies [Peppers, Jalapenos, Red Onions, Zucchini, etc.]
• 1 Handful Green Veggies [Broccoli, Green Beans, Brussels, etc.]
• 1 Tsp. Coconut Oil
• 1 Handful of Quinoa, White or Brown Rice
Cook Steak & Veggies in The Oil, Then Heat the Rice or Quinoa & Have Ready On
Plate. Add Liquid Aminos & Seasoning to Pan as Meat & Veggies Finish cooking, Then
Dump onto Plate of Rice.
Omelet Super-Food Sandwich
• 1 Handful of Eggs [Divide This into Half Whites/Yolks, if 4 Eggs Fits into Hand That’s
2 & 2]
• 1 Small Handful of Extra Lean Ground Turkey [Optional]
• 1 Handful Spinach
• 1 Handful Veggies of Choice [Peppers, Onions, Mushrooms, etc.]
• 1 Tsp. Coconut Oil [Equivalent to 1 Small Handful of Raw Coconut]
• 2 Handfuls of Organic Sprouted Grains Bread
Cook Meat, Eggs, & Veggies in Coconut Oil – Into an Omelet. Toast 2 Slices of
Sprouted Grains Bread & Sandwich The Omelet Between The Bread… BOOM! Add
Organic/Homemade Salsa or Hot Sauce For Flavor.
Recovery Super Shake
• 1 Handful Frozen Mixed Berries
• 1 Handful Brown Spotted Banana
• 1 Handful of Oats [If Gaining Muscle/Size is More of The Goal]
• 1 Handful Vanilla Protein Powder [I recommend Low Fat/Carb Whey Isolate or Hemp
• 1 Tbsp. Natural Almond Butter [This is equivalent to 1 Small Handful of Nuts]
• 1 Handful Of Water As Base
It is best to follow Option A entirely rather than A to B, because of the nutrient choices.
Whatever meal falls as the Post-Workout meal, add a carb source from the Handful
shopping list.
M Super Shake Scramble
E -1 Handful Frozen Blueberries -1 Handful of Eggs
A -1 Handful Spinach [Divide This into Half Whites/Yolks, if 4 Eggs
Fits into Hand That’s 2 & 2]
L -1 Handful Vanilla Protein Powder
[I recommend Low Fat/Carb Whey Isolate] -1 Handful Spinach
-1 Tbsp. Almond or Natural Peanut -1 Handful Veggies of Choice
1 [Peppers, Onions, Mushrooms, etc.]
[This is equivalent to 1 Small Handful of Nuts] -1 Tsp. Coconut Oil
[Equivalent to 1 Small Handful of Raw Coconut]
-1 Handful Of Water As Base
E Stir Fry Super-Food Salad
A -1 Handful of Lean Steak -1 Handful Chicken Breast
L -1 Handful of Colorful Veggies -2-3 Handfuls Spinach
# [Peppers, Jalapenos, Red Onions, Zucchini, -1 Small Handful Pecans
etc.] [Chopped AFTER Measured]
! -1 Handful Green Veggies
[Broccoli, Green Beans, Brussels, etc.]
-1 Small Handful Blueberries
-1 Tsp. Coconut Oil
E Taco Salad Grilled Fish & Roasted Greens
A -1 Handful of Ground Turkey -1 Handful of Pacific Cod
L [Spices or Natural Taco Seasoning Added] -2 Handfuls of Blasted Broccoli &
# -2-3 Handfuls of Spinach Brussel Sprouts
3 -1 Handful of Homemade Guacamole [Oven Roasted Broccoli & Brussels]
[½ Avocado + Diced Onions + Salt + Lemon] -2 Tsp. Olive Oil
-1 Handful of Organic Black Beans [Spread on Veggies Before Roasted]
-1 Handful of Organic or Homemade [Minced Garlic & Salt For Flavor]

E Desert Fruit Bowl Cinnamon Apple Slices
A -1 Cup Fresh Mixed Berries -1 Honey Crisp Apple Sliced into Pieces
L -Small Handful of Chopped Mixed Tree -Cinnamon Sprinkled on Top
# Nuts -Heated Coconut Oil Spread on Baking
4 [Cashews, Almonds & Pecans – Chilled From Sheet
Freezer] [Bake in Oven at 350 Degrees for 20-30 Min]
-1-2 Packets of Organic Stevia
Sprinkled on Top [Optional]

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