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No man is an island.

No man can ever survive an island alone because no matter what, it takes two to
tango. There will always be circumstances wherein humans need to work actively by pair or in a group to
accomplish the tasks or to go through the situation. Hence, human engage or immerse themselves with
others, not only for survival, but to fill in the gaps within us, or they can serve as our other half. People
associate themselves with others because they share common or mutual characteristics. However, when
one enters a relationship with others, it may be intimate or not, the question is, how do we become and
offer our whole selves?

Before we focus on dealing with others, we must first focus on our self. We must know
and familiarize ourselves in our being. For, however, we treat ourselves; it mirrors on how we
behave toward others. The concept of being a whole person has four aspects or quadrants,
namely: The mind, body, heart, and soul. Our mind tends to be the motivator and, it sometimes
pushes the limits that enable us to determine to what extent we can perceive things mentally. It
helps us to make a wiser decision and on how we will be able to function in different situations.
The body represents our health and our physical being or appearances. To be sensitive when
it comes to our physical needs is essential. For it does not only reflect on how we nurture or care
for our body. Thus, it will also reflect on how we give importance and how do we treat other
people, especially when they lack something.
Heart plays a vital role in our growth as human persons and as a being in this world. It
enables us to bring out the genuine version of ourselves. The heart serves as the production of
our pureness and uniqueness. It engages us to be and to live with our passion and desires. Our
center does speak louder than words and actions.
Lastly, our soul becomes the spiritual guide which shows and lead us the path we should, or
we should not take. The soul becomes the indicator of whether what we are doing is or unjust. It
became a standard or a guideline on how we act towards other people. It is where our behavior
Each individual is all created to be a whole person. However, at times, we may feel that
something is lacking, that we may feel the feeling of emptiness and brokenness. But, we can only
offer and give the state of wholeness to others if we start to become a whole person to ourselves.
Our acceptance of all the aspects that lies within us is what makes us a whole person. By
accepting our being, we became the mirrored version of the ones we interact or associate with;
welcoming others without standards nor expectations. Whatever actions we do to ourselves are
the action we do to others. It became a lifetime routine. If we were able to harmonize the four
quadrants of being a whole person successfully, then we can achieve and also offer our
wholeness to others.

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