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Topic : Enterteiment

Interviewer : Journalists from Indonesian Magic magazine.

W : Good morning sir, my Magic magazine journalist from Indonesia, may I interviewed you?
N : Morning. Of course can, please.
W : Magic Magazine Indonesia will include your biography as one a magician Indonesia, so the
interview is related to Your life?
N : Really? Whether I'm ready.
W : Thank you sir. Science magic what had been occupied?
N : So far I pursue science of hypnosis.
W : Where you can find this knowledge? Did you know it since you directly interested?
N : As a child, my life with my friends the other is a bit different. At the moment my friends the
other gather to play, I was alone. Because of the habit,I often become the ridicule of friends,
and be my one who is not confident. Similarly, when I was in junior high school, the nature of
my reply closed makes me not have many friends. Fortunate than circumstances, I have a 'new
friends' in the form of books, from book- book I read that I get myself and the character
became interested in the science of hypnosis.
W : How long have you explore the science of hypnosis this? Where are you in depth?
N : I studied the science of hypnosis and various uses more than four years in America. There I had
studied in Hypnotism Training Institute, Ultimate Stage Hypnotism Institute and the Institute
for Neuro Research and Education.
W : Before you actually pursue the science of hypnosis is, how response or reaction of your
N : My decision to pursue the world is much talk of my family. The mindset of my parents are still
based on general approval, if working means being an employee.
W : Until recently, anything that has traveled concerned with science of hypnosis you?
N : To date, I use my hypnosis skills in addition to for entertainment, as well as for clinical activity
(psychological treatments), medical (Medicine), even for business and enterprise. I always
trying to eliminate the negative impression because of the case because of hypnosis fraud and
crime with this science. I have opened Romy Rafael Clinic Hypnotheraphy by receiving the
healing of the middle in a state of stress, depression, phobias, and even eliminate bad habits. In
addition, I also have developed a book Hypnotheraphy: Quit Smoking!, Which contains
guidelines hypnoteraphy in book form and CD, to eliminate the addiction of cigarettes. Now,
Iam become one of the commentators on the show The Master and the host in Master Hypnosis
Romy Rafael.
W : Why did you get the title Master of Hypnosis?
N : In 2005 I managed to record Record Museum Indonesia or known MURI with hypnotic about
5000 person who was present at a seminar held in Mangga Dua Square, Jakarta on November
11, 2005.
W : Very interesting your journey towards your success today, all served tirelessly. Good sir, thank
you for your time and all the information. Success always and good afternoon.
N : You're welcome. Thank You.

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