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Date: Monday, October 28, 2019

1st day of School 2nd Semester SY 2019-2020

Classroom Rules and Regulations and Introduction of the Subject Matter

Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2019

LC Code: MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-1
Learning Competency: The learner describes how communication is affected by media and information.
I. Objective: At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. define communication;
b. identify the types of communication.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topics: Communication is affected by media and information.
B. Reference: Book (Media and Information Literacy by JFS Publishing Services page 4-9)
C. Materials: Book, Photocopies, Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Chalk
III. Developmental Activity:
1. Review
The teacher will review the prior knowledge.
2. Motivation
The teacher will ask the students.
How would you express your feelings towards someone you love or you like?

3. Presentation
A. Activity Proper
Divide the class into 4. Each group will be given a situation regarding the different types of
Groups 1 -Self-expression through dance.
Group 2 - A day in a life of a mute student.
Groups 3 – Reading and understanding the road signs.
Group 4 – Participating in a symposium.
How would you portrait the given situation?
How would you communicate to the people around you?
B. Analysis
What have you learned from the activity?
Why do we need to interact to others?
What are the different ways of expressing your feelings or ideas to someone?
Is it easy?
C. Abstraction
What is communication?
What do you communicate?
What are the different types of communication?
D. Application
Play a video about not verbal communication?
If you are in the situation of the cashier, how would you cater that kind of customer?

IV. Evaluation
In 2-3 sentences.
How would you communicate effectively to the people around you?

V. Assignment.
Bring a picture or example of Media that you can see around you.

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