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Cover Letter Read-Around Activity

Group member names:

Melanie Nieves

Directions: First, read ​this article​ about what makes a GREAT cover letter. Then, select three ​example cover letters
to analyze and fill in the information below.

Cover letter #1

Title: Flight Attendant Cover Letter Cover Letter Example

Link: ​

● What did they do well? List at least three positive aspects.

One thing that they did need was that she/he wrote that she got recognition for a positive feedback from
passenger surveys. Another good aspect was that she/he has also mentored over 30 new flight attendants,
she/he train them in customer service, safety techniques, and health. And the last good thing she/he did
well was that she/he wrote was that he/she has had hold up to 400 passengers.

● What could be improved?

Something that would be improved was that she/he needs more descriptive on skills, like what can she do
because she/he just wrote that she has service skills and practical knowledge overall I think its good.

● What could I change and use for my own cover letter?

I wouldn’t anything in this letter but to be more descriptive with the skills thats i do

Cover letter #2

● What did they do well? List at least three positive aspects.

● What could be improved?

● What could I change and use for my own cover letter?

Cover letter #3

● What did they do well? List at least three positive aspects.

● What could be improved?

● What could I change and use for my own cover letter?

Cover letter #4


● What did they do well? List at least three positive aspects.

● What could be improved?

● What could I change and use for my own cover letter?

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