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21. B.

The encounter mentions that a specimen was removed from the proximal jejunum, which
is part of the small intestines, during a resection for cancer. Code 88309 is the only lab code that
covers the small intestine resection of a tumor.

22. C. The first three labs (HDL -87318, total serum, cholesterol-82465 and triglycerides-84478)
are part of the lipid panel for code 80061. That leaves the lab, quantitative glucose, to be added
with code 82947.

23. A. This is a therapeutic drug test, since the patient is taking gold for rheumatoid arthritis, and
this type of drug test is found between codes 80150 – 80299. 80172 is the correct code since the
physician wants to measure the level of gold found in the blood stream.
24. C. In this scenario, three CPK enzyme levels are performed. Modifier 91 is appended to the
second, and third CPK CPT® to indicate the services were repeat clinical diagnostic tests. Since
each of the CPK enzymes were elevated, the isoenzymes were also tested, which is reported with
82552. Modifier 91 is appended to the second and third test to indicate the tests are repeat
clinical diagnostic tests.

25. A. In the panel section of the laboratory tests, look up each of the codes to determine the tests
are included in the panel. 80061 is the only test that does not include chloride. 80050 includes a
comprehensive metabolic panel (80053) which includes chloride.

26. B. First the physician performs a UA dipstick with no indication of a microscopic test. This
test is reported with 81002. The urine culture is performed with identification for each isolate,
which is reported with 87088. 87086 is a quantitative test for a colony which is incorrect.

27. C. Unbundling is reporting components of a code separately that can be reported with one
code. In this case 80061 includes 83718 and 84478. It is unbundling to report components of a
panel separately.
28. B. The identification of ooctyes in the follicular fluid is performed. The stage in this scenario
does not include the culture or preparation of the oocyte, only the identification of them. This
service is reported with 89254.
29. B. The appropriate code is determined by the type of specimen. In this case the specimen is a
bone marrow biopsy. Under each code in this section of CPT® is a list of specimens for each
code. For this scenario, the correct answer is 88305 because it is specific for bone marrow.
88304 is reported for bone fragments which is not correct. 88307 is reported for a bone biopsy.
88309 is reported for bone resection.

30. A.The pathologist services are not reported with E/M codes, which eliminates answer option
B. 80502 is clinical consultation requested by an attending physician for the pathologist medical
interpretive judgment, which is not described in this scenario. The service is not performed
during surgery, which eliminates D as a correct answer. The code description for 88325 matches
the scenario in the question making it the correct answer.
31. a. The diagnosis code is reported from the diagnosis description section of this report or the
definitive findings. The clinical history indicates why the cytology is being evaluated. The
procedure code is reported with the simple filter preparation and interpretation as stated in the
32. c. The specimen evaluated in this question was from a lung wedge biopsy. Review the codes
in the surgical pathology section based on anatomy and/or location of the specimen, absence or
presence of disease reported, and/or physician’s description of specimen received and studied.
33. d.
34. b. One way to find this code in the index of the CPT® Professional Edition is under the main
term “Evocative/ Suppression Test.” Review of the code range provided will lead to the
combined rapid anterior pituitary evaluation panel. This panel code includes all the codes listed
with the panel.
35. b. This service is a comprehensive consultation with review of records and specimens. Dr.
Thomas did not see the patient in this question; therefore, an evaluation and management code is
not reported.
36. c. The CPT® Professional Edition includes a list of modifiers for genetic testing. Review
Appendix I for these modifiers. Additionally, the subcategory notes with cytogenetic studies
refer to Appendix I for modifiers.
37. c. One way to find these codes in the CPT® Professional Edition is under the main term
“Antibody,” then look for specific tests.
38. a. This question focuses on the culture and days of the embryos. The transfer code would be
reported on the date of that service. (The ability to select pertinent information from exam
questions is a key factor to successful test taking. To build testing skills, try reading the last
sentence first to figure out what is being asked in the question, then focus on that information.)
39. a. Review of the subcategory guidelines in the CPT® Professional Edition under the heading
“Organ or Disease-Oriented Panel” provides assistance with code selection. These notes indicate
that the use of panel codes includes the tests within a specific panel; however, additional tests
should be reported as necessary.
40. b. The parenthetical notes provided with add-on codes, such as code 82952, are helpful when
determining code selection and reporting.

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