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[all the strikeouts and their magnitudes are intentional and would be in the letter]

[also I dunno if I ever really said it out loud but Katara is in her early 20s if that helps with the context]

Outside of the letter

I know you may not be in a good state to read this, so rather than throwing it out the window, I just ask
that you please hold onto this until you’re feeling better.

Inside of the letter


I’m not going to pretend that I know you that well. I’m not going to pretend that our shared adventures
have made us bonded sisters (though I do hope it has made us friends acquaintances, at the least). I’m
not going to pretend to know anything that you’ve been through or are currently going through or may
go through in the future.

What I am going to do is offer my extreme gratitude and my extreme support.

When I stumbled upon your table at the Waffle House (gods that seems like years ago now), I was lost in
every way you could think of. I was little more than a child drawn to the “glory” of the capital, running
away from her family respons problems. Hell, I’m still a kid trying to figure out the difference between
what the temples told me and what I’m actually experiencing. I felt that I was being drawn to act, but I
didn’t know what to act on while wandering aimlessly and alone from Arisia to Kaladar.

But from the moment you let us, let me come with you to Grendale, I’ve never felt that alone again.
Through all the places we’ve been, the people we’ve met, the things we’ve seen and done, and the
apocalypse, I’ve felt more things than I thought it was possible to feel, but I’ve never felt alone. Thalia’s
the one who literally picked me up when the sky started falling, Mona’s the one who’s taught me
perspective and patience, Hirok’s the one who showed me action in the face of agony, Kelwyn and
Devito (though still a bit odd) are the ones who dropped everything to heed a call and fix what’s broken.

And you? Your hand was the one on my shoulder, helping me stand again after our battle at the temple
in Kaladar. Your ship has steered us around the continent and through the planes, and your sword has
defended us at every turn. You sacrificed yourself for the knowledge to close the rifts. You [there is a
visible tear mark on the paper here] didn’t turn me away when I started spouting off about visions and
champions and gods, and instead you helped bring me here even though it’s clear you’re not comfortab
you had no stake in the matter and could have dropped this crazy cleric off at the first port you saw.

Thank you, Kirna. This has meant more to me than you may know. I don’t know what lies ahead for me
now, and I don’t know what lies ahead for you. But know that I’m here for you as you’ve been here for
me. Short-term or long-term, in the heavens or in the hells, I will stand by you to the best of my ability
(however stymied that may be) with whatever you may need.


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