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Foundations of Research Literature Review Guidelines

Literature Review

Due date: August 27th

Note 1:

Dear student,

In my short experience as a professor in this field and in my professional life in general, I have
noticed following instructions is a very hard thing to do for most people. This is not a judgement, it
is an objective observation. For this reason, I ask you then to take the time to read this carefully,
making sure everything is 100% clear. If you have a question, please read the document again; it is
very likely that you overlooked something. If you have read again and you are still doubtful, please
ask me via email, Whatsapp or in person. Do not assume anything, do not trust someone else’s
interpretation, I will be happy to answer your questions, just make sure you have done your job
reading in detail. Keep in mind that the better you understand this document the better you will do
in the final paper.

Note 2: You are not required to do anything other than what it is requested in this document.
Follow it to the letter and you will do just fine.

Formatting Instructions

Word Limit: Between 3000 and 3700 words (without Use graphics whenever
possible. Check the APA
Font Type: Arial (11 pts)
Space: 1.5
guide below to learn about
Not following any of the above will result in a penalty how to include graphs and
of -0.2 pts in your grade. figures.
*Some of the guidelines in this box are not in line with APA
6th edition. This is why I have explicitly included them. For
any other purposes, follow APA.

Remember that it is required that you use APA style. This is very important for assessing purposes.
Check this link for all relevant information. For a quick view of how to format your paper, check
this link. This sample paper is very useful, please read it carefully. Your cover page should be
exactly like the one in the example. Not doing this will result in penalization of your grade (-0.2
Foundations of Research Literature Review Guidelines

Report Sections

Your paper must include the following sections. (These sections don’t need to be numbered but
their titles do need to be included).

1. Abstract (150 – 200 words): This is summary of your paper where you explain its purpose,
its relevance, a brief summary of the findings and your conclusion. See examples in other
articles and/or sources. See the example in Annex 1.
2. Introduction (500 – 700 words): This section should present the following:
a. Statement of the problem: You should discuss the problem to be addressed, its
relevance and your research question (In this case, you question should not be
very specific, but it must give a clear picture of the theme that the review
b. Brief description of the content: this is a brief piece that explains what readers
will find in document.
Points a and b in the introduction do not need to be subtitled.
3. Body of the review (2200-2300 words): In this section you must walk the reader through
the main themes that you identified in the literature (at least 30 sources), making sure
that all sources are covered, grouped and synthesized so that the reader can get a good
grasp on the specific topic that you selected. This section must follow a logical structure
and be divided into themes that are connected through your writing (remember to use
transition sentences and signposting). Major works and authors in the topic you are
addressing must be included. This writing style of this section must be very synthetic and
should display a critical understanding of the subject.
4. Conclusion (300-500 words): The conclusion must complement the introduction (address
the question initially posed) and comprise major points/debates/stances found in the

Things to consider:
• Remember that in all the cases, and without any exception, you should turn in print as
well as electronic (email and saved as a word doc) versions of your papers, both on the
due day. Your digital version must be sent BEFORE the class on the due day.
• Clear, careful, solid academic writing is expected. Do your homework; proofread, peer-
check, proofread again, rewrite, edit, proofread once more, etc. Take your time and
submit a well written text. Poorly written assignments will be highly penalized.

(Keep reading!)

Final Presentation:
Foundations of Research Literature Review Guidelines

On the 27th of August you will also present your literature review orally. This presentation will last
between 10-13 minutes. During this presentation, you are expected to follow the same structure
of your paper. For this presentation, you must bear in mind the following:

1. You should bring visual aids (Prezi, Infographics, Powerpoint Presentation, etc). This aid
must be proofread. Major and various spelling issues in your presentation will result in
grade penalization.
2. Do not include much text in this presentation. Rather, focus on key points and supporting
images, graphs or quotes.
3. Do not overthink this presentation. Although you will have to cover a lot of information, it
is evident that the presentation will not go into as much detail as the written paper. This is
a very brief synthesis of the study. Do not overdo it.
4. You will be asked at least one question after your presentation is over. How well you
answer this question will also be factored in your grade.
5. Bring a hand out of the presentation for each member of the audience.
6. Finally, after spending so much time writing the paper, talking about it should not be a
problem. Take it easy!

Ask if something is not clear. It’s your most direct path to getting it right.

Good luck!!!!

Raúl García

Annex 1

This article critically reviews and discusses English as an International Language (EIL) as an
alternative to the traditional models of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and English as a
Second Language (ESL). The author suggests that the model of EIL is an alternative
worthdiscussing in the Colombian context. The article is divided into four different sections: a)
EIL, ownership of English and native-speakerism, b) attitudes towards EIL, c) EIL described:
What does it look like? and d) EIL and English teaching. The review of the literature evidences
that there are still many heated debates on the sociocultural aspect of EIL, that one of the
greatest challenges of EIL is the attitudes of English teachers and speakers towards the use and
legitimization of non-standard varieties, that there is still much to be done in terms of the
description of EIL and that adopting an EIL perspective would imply transforming the ways
English is taught. The article concludes with an invitation to the ELT community to initiate the
discussion of the potential application of EIL in the Colombian context.

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