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 Stable free cash flow provides opportunities to invest in adjacent product segments. With
more cash in bank the company can invest in new technologies as well as in new products
segments. This should open a window of opportunity for Waste Management in other
product categories.
 New environmental policies – The new opportunities will create a level playing field for
all the players in the industry. It represents a great opportunity for Waste Management to
drive home its advantage in new technology and gain market share in the new product
 New customers from online channel – Over the past few years the company has invested
vast sum of money into the online platform. This investment has opened new sales
channel for Waste Management. In the next few years the company can leverage this
opportunity by knowing its customer better and serving their needs using big data
 The new taxation policy can significantly impact the way of doing business and can open
new opportunity for established players such as Waste Management to increase its
 The market development will lead to dilution of competitor’s advantage and enable
Waste Management to increase its competitiveness compare to the other competitors.
 The new technology provides an opportunity to Waste Management to practices
differentiated pricing strategy in the new market. It will enable the firm to maintain its
loyal customers with great service and lure new customers through other value-oriented
 Opening up of new markets because of government agreement – the adoption of new
technology standard and government free trade agreement has provided Waste
Management an opportunity to enter a new emerging market.

 Changing consumer buying behavior from online channel could be a threat to the existing
physical infrastructure driven supply chain model.
 Growing strengths of local distributors also presents a threat in some markets as the
competition is paying higher margins to the local distributors.
 New technologies developed by the competitor or market disruptor could be a serious
threat to the industry in medium to long term future.
 Intense competition – Stable profitability has increased the number of players in the
industry over last two years which has put downward pressure on not only profitability
but also on overall sales.
 Rising pay level especially movements such as $15 an hour and increasing prices in the
China can lead to serious pressure on profitability of Waste Management
 New environment regulations under Paris agreement (2016) could be a threat to certain
existing product categories.
 Increasing trend toward isolationism in the American economy can lead to similar
reaction from other government thus negatively impacting the international sales.
Healthcare waste is seen as a deformity of the human services arrangement. With the
development of the utilization of expendable medicinal things, this deformity has likewise
extended. Healthcare providers ought to be instructed on the age of waste over the span of giving
social insurance and urged to use restorative things sanely. Direction in transit the medical clinic
handles medicinal services waste ought to be made piece of all in-administration preparing and
training programs. All hospital staff paying little respect to status, therapeutic understudies and
cleaners not excepted, ought to be answerable for the best possible treatment of medicinal
services squander. It is indispensable to inspire the human services staff to pursue the
arrangement and system giving specific consideration to the right transfer of waste things into
the correct repositories. Contracted house guardians and additionally natural administrations
ought to be well-familiar with the design of the emergency clinic and fathom completely the
approach and methodology of that medical clinic on the administration of waste so as to utilize
the correct strategies for transfer.

The methods for gathering, transportation and capacity destinations ought to be proficient and
fulfill the vital guidelines required by the administrative body. The area of these zones should
contemplate the impossible to miss setting of individual divisions, the progression of patients in
walking administrations, bed areas and number in wards. Access to these regions ought to be
confined to human services staff just and be off limits to patients and guests.

The sort and weight of medicinal services waste can be resolved and anticipated ahead of time by
inspecting the stock of the restorative supplies obtained. It is astute to hold up under at the top of
the priority list the waste capability of these provisions when making a request. Reusing
practices are set up by emergency clinics to decrease medicinal services squander, ensure nature
and set aside cash. The heaviness of social insurance waste is identified with the things
considered as restorative waste. It is likewise related, over the long haul, to the degree of the
medicinal services gave by an emergency clinic and in the short run, to the every day clinical
work and bed inhabitance. We suggest that an evaluation of the heaviness of clinic squanders be
made; perilous and different sorts of waste with benchmark figures. The measure of waste per
bed or patient can be determined and the expense of transfer of perilous medicinal services waste
There ought to be close checking of follow-up measures taken and customary examinations.
Integral to any arrangement is the best possible support of the physical line of dealing with
dangerous human services squander i.e., the methods for gathering, transportation and capacity.
The methods for gathering, i.e., accumulation containers must be especially investigated for the
sort of waste things arranged in them. Perilous human services waste discarded in an
inappropriate repository would not be given the correct last treatment required. This is one
wellspring of damage to laborers especially from needles and broken dish sets. On the other
hand, non-unsafe social insurance squander things gathered with perilous human services waste
makes an over-burden in the transportation and capacity just as a pointless transfer by the last
treatment strategy. Increment or diminishing in the heaviness of unsafe social insurance
squander, in this manner, ought to be translated circumspectly related to the review of the
methods for gathering. Infringement must be recorded and brought to the consideration of the
division boss and head attendants. Criticism from the staff on all parts of the arrangement ought
to be empowered. Absolute quality administration ought to be utilized to assess the exhibition of
the arrangement sometime in the not too distant future. At last, the aftereffect of the best possible
checking of perilous medicinal services waste would be the treatment of a controlled measure of
waste prompting practical and chance free administration.
Need and Relevance of the Study
The reasons due to which there is great need of management of hospitals waste such as:

 Injuries from sharps leading to infection to all categories of hospital personnel and waste
 nosocomial infections in patients from poor infection control practices and poor waste
 Risk of infection outside hospital for waste handlers and scavengers and at time general
public living in the vicinity of hospitals.
 Risk associated with hazardous chemicals, drugs to persons handling wastes at all levels.
 “Disposable” being repacked and sold by unscrupulous elements without even being
 Drugs which have been disposed of, being repacked and sold off to unsuspecting buyers.
 Risk of air, water and soil pollution directly due to waste, or due to defective incineration
emissions and ash.

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