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Bill of Quantities with 3D Views Using Building Information Modeling


DOI: 10.1007/s13369-015-1657-2


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3 authors:

Abid Nadeem Andy Wong

Nazarbayev University The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Francis K. W. Wong
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


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Bill of Quantities with 3D Views Using
Building Information Modeling

Abid Nadeem, Andy K. D. Wong &

Francis K. W. Wong

Arabian Journal for Science and


ISSN 1319-8025

Arab J Sci Eng

DOI 10.1007/s13369-015-1657-2

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DOI 10.1007/s13369-015-1657-2


Bill of Quantities with 3D Views Using Building Information

Abid Nadeem1 · Andy K. D. Wong2 · Francis K. W. Wong2

Received: 23 July 2014 / Accepted: 13 April 2015

© King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals 2015

Abstract An approach for enhancing the production effi- Keywords Building information modeling · Bill of
ciency of bill of quantities (BQ) used on construction projects quantities · Construction estimating · Quantity surveying
is presented. The approach was developed to integrate the
quantities obtained from a building information model of the
project into a suitably prepared electronic format of BQ with 1 Introduction
3D views. In this format of BQ, the building information
modeling (BIM) technology provides enhanced functional- In a traditional construction project setting, a bill of quantities
ity to a contractor’s quantity surveyor whose primary task is (BQ) is prepared based on detailed drawings and specifi-
to accurately determine the quantities from the project draw- cations. BQ is a document which is usually prepared by
ings. A review of the traditional BQ preparation methods professional quantity surveyors on behalf of the client (owner
is presented to highlight their characteristics and to reflect and/or contractor) [1]. BQ provides a structured estimating
on their benefits and barriers. Questionnaire surveys were framework for construction projects and is the part of the
conducted with various groups of respondents to obtain their materials management plan of the project [2]. In the pre-
opinions about the proposed BQ format. They included expe- tender stage of a project, the BQ are mainly used for cost
rienced quantity surveyors from the public and the private estimating and comparing tender prices submitted by various
sectors, postgraduate, and undergraduate students studying in contractors [3]. For post-tender work, BQ has applications
BIM-related courses. The results of the questionnaire survey for cost planning, cash flow projection, budget allocation,
showed mostly a positive view toward the proposed BQ for- interim payments, and variation order valuations and final
mat. Slight differences in the opinions of these three groups account settlements [4]. Information from BQ has also been
were also present. It is expected that the approach as pre- used for the estimation of construction and demolition waste
sented in this paper for the development of BQ with 3D volume generation in new residential buildings [5]. Despite
BIM views could usefully be incorporated into the standard many uses of BQ, its application needs a lot of rework to
quantity surveying practices for quantity takeoffs in various suit the needs of construction projects [6]. Bandi et al. [7]
countries. found that the computerization of BQ has not led to any
increased transference of data from the quantity surveyor to
B Abid Nadeem the contractor, so that while the efficiency of BQ production
has increased, the overall effectiveness of the BQ has not
Andy K. D. Wong increased. Moreover, Davis et al. [8] reported that the use of
bill of quantities prepared in accordance with the standard
Francis K. W. Wong method of measurement is on the decline and only useful as
a tool for post-contract control. There is therefore, a need to
1 Department of Civil Engineering, Nazarbayev University, improve the effectiveness of BQ for its use on a construction
Astana, Kazakhstan project.
2 Department of Building and Real Estate, The Hong Kong The production of BQ is normally based on information
Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong extracted manually from two-dimensional (2D) drawings and

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text-based specifications with little or no presence of three- 2 Literature Review

dimensional (3D) visualization aids of the project facilities
to be constructed. The provision of 3D visualization aids In a traditional project setting, BQ is used in a tender process
in preparing and maintaining a BQ can be an indispens- for a contractor’s selection. However, it is also used for a
able capability. Better visualization in 2D design practice is contractor’s post-tender procedures such as purchasing, plan-
often difficult to achieve. Modeling tools which can provide ning, and controlling. [10]. Pasquire and McCaffer [11] cat-
enhanced visualization of the building projects early in the egorized the information contained in a BQ into the prelim-
project lifecycle can be used in preparing BQ. These tools inaries, preambles, and bills. BQ has also been used as a
have great potential for quantity surveyors in costing building source by the researchers to identify safety risks for con-
works and can change the design work culture [9]. Building struction activities [12]. Kodikara et al. [4] recognized the
information modeling (BIM) can be one of those tools which use and extent of use of various forms of information con-
can produce useful data for building costing purposes. BIM tained in the BQ and concluded that the critical areas where
software can provide estimating data and 3D visualization attention is required in order to reduce the repetition work in
which can be used by the quantity surveyor to produce a BQ the post-tender use of the BQ are the ‘quantities’, ‘quantity
in a suitable electronic format. In this paper, it is proposed units’ and ‘unit rates’ in the BQ. Odeyinka et al. [13] investi-
how to use the estimating data from BIM software in an easy gated the discrepancies between the budgetary figures from
to use electronic format which has a wide acceptability in the the BQ and the actual accounting data for various types of
industry. projects. They found that the discrepancy increased with the
The portable document format (PDF) as a content shar- complexity of the projects making traditional BQ data less
ing tool is widely used at almost all computing devices and reliable for complex projects.
is a well-accepted standard solution for electronic content Regarding the use of traditional form of BQ, many prob-
sharing over the Internet. Various software exist which can lems have been identified by researchers. Nelson [14]
create PDF documents. The recent releases of Adobe Acro- remarked that the information from BQ cannot be readily
bat (version 9 or later) provide more graphical features such used, and a lot of rework in the form of information seek-
as 3D model and Flash content support. This has enabled ing, assembling, and interpreting data from drawings and
these graphical features to be stored in a PDF file or port- recalculation of dimensions is required. This is attributed
folios and to be easily shared with other parties. Therefore, to uncoordinated information; quantity takeoff not in the
the ability of BIM to produce interactive 3D models can be sequence of site operations and a need to convert units before
combined with the enhanced sharing ability obtained with use in BQ. In this way, both the operational and elemental
PDF format to use it as an assistive tool in BIM applica- format of BQ were deemed inadequate [4]. Besides, the for-
tions. mat of BQ has been attributed to make the projects costly
In this context, this paper shows how the new features of by using detailed pattern of individual specialists, specifi-
electronic document format (such as PDF) can be adopted to cations, and schedule of rates [15]. Vine-Lott [15] pointed
produce BIM-based 3D views in an easily shareable format out that the computers could be used to great advantage to
and enhance the production and usage of bill of quantities in store information and present data to the user in a suitable
quantity surveying practices. In this paper, Autodesk Revit form. Therefore, the manual approaches for quantity survey-
was used to create 3D model and perform material takeoff, ing have been replaced by automated techniques that have
while Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat were used to cre- changed the way estimates are being produced within last
ate BQ. The aim of this paper is to present an enhanced three decades. This will continue to change as new software
approach to quantity surveying practice by demonstrating an and techniques are being developed.
innovative use of BIM and the electronic document format One of the early approaches to use computers in quantity
to cater for the changing demands created by the introduc- takeoff required to prepare BQ is the use of computer aided
tion of BIM in project lifecycles. This format provides a BQ drafting (CAD) systems [16,17]. Electronic spreadsheets are
solution with BIM views and is tested on a building extension also used for the preparation of pricing sheets to quickly per-
project in Hong Kong which is presented as the case study in form all mathematical steps for which a quantity estimator
this paper. The results from a questionnaire survey conducted spends hours in preparation and checking the calculations.
in Hong Kong about the proposed format are also presented Some of the commercially available estimating software can
from the views of experienced quantity surveyors and uni- take the quantities determined either manually, from a CAD
versity students learning this BQ format. The survey also file, or with the assistance of digitizer and apply a database of
highlighted the benefits and barriers of using BIM for BQ unit prices to calculate the total cost. Saleh [16] recognized
production, and recommendations were made for improv- the limitation of the standard CAD systems which was inca-
ing the existing practices of works measurement in quantity pable of extracting the project data pertinent to performing an
surveying. automated bill of quantities and therefore, developed a com-

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puter program using C-language to automate the production ing techniques, most of the time spent by the estimator to
of BQ from the standard AutoCAD system. create a cost estimate is on quantity takeoffs. BIM can elim-
The use of 3D models for cost estimating to generate a inate manual takeoffs, save time, cost, and reduces potential
bill of quantities was highlighted by Hartmann et al. [18] to for human error. BIM can help tap the abilities of estimators
result in time savings and the increased accuracy in the esti- toward improving the estimates through focusing on higher
mating process. BIM-based tools, for example, were shown value project-specific factors by making them to think less
to decrease the time to take off the quantities to generate about just the simple but tedious tasks of counting and mea-
the bill of materials, schedule, and estimate [19]. Moreover, suring items.
the BIM-assisted estimate demonstrated better performance From the above review of different approaches to prepar-
over traditional estimating methods for the entry-level user. ing BQ, it is evident that BQ in its traditional format has many
More complex the estimating tasks, the clearer the advan- drawbacks; most of which result from its lack of interactiv-
tages were of using BIM-based estimating tools instead of ity, repetitive works and lacking visualization. The automated
traditional estimating methods [20]. approaches using CAD, GIS, and spreadsheets try to over-
Geographical Information System (GIS) was employed by come these difficulties. However, these approaches do not
Cheng and Yang [17] in combination with other software for fully address these problems. A BIM-based approach carry-
cost estimation. They developed a GIS-based tool to assist ing the portability of pdf document viewer may provide such
planners in quantity takeoff and assessing materials layout solution which is explained in the following sections.
design. The tool uses GIS in combination with CAD systems
to compute quantity takeoff based on the dimensions of the
drawings as well as to generate bill of material (BOM) by
3 Research Methodology
using Map/Info and Microsoft Access. GIS improved con-
struction planning and design efficiency by integrating spatial
3.1 Case Study Project
and attribute information in a single environment. However,
visualization using GIS is difficult to achieve [21].
The case reported in this paper is an extension works’ project
In the traditional BQ preparation process where paper-
for an existing secondary school in Hong Kong. The exten-
based BQ preparation is adopted, BQ is firstly prepared by
sion works consisted of two major parts. The lower part was
the consultant’s quantity surveyors. Depending on the type
located at the ground floor and first floor. Two additional 40
of works and the owner’s requirements, the consultant uses
seats classrooms and one store room at ground floor were
a specific format for the preparation of BQ. For example,
built, whereas at the first floor, three multi-purpose rooms
in Hong Kong, HKSMM4 (or its earlier version) [22] is
and two bathrooms were built in a construction area of 17.25
widely used as the guiding document for preparation of BQ
m × 8.12 m. The 3D views of building before and after con-
for building works in Hong Kong. The current edition of
struction are shown in Fig. 1a, b.
this document adopts a tabular format for the presentation
The upper part was located at the fifth and sixth floor. At
of various items which describes the rules for defining the
fifth floor, it included one amphitheater with 144 seats and
item, measurement, coverage, and supplementary informa-
three additional 40 seats classrooms. All extension works
tion. The tabular format is implemented on spreadsheets pro-
were constructed on one existing outdoor basketball court.
grams for ease in filling the items and their respective quan-
The construction area was 19.2 m × 22.5 m. At sixth floor,
tities. Another format is from the Architectural Services
one sky garden was built on top of the new amphitheater
Department of Hong Kong [23] which itemizes various costs
and classrooms. On the sky garden, solar panels were rec-
according to a total project cost model for a typical building
ommended to be installed for providing hot water. These
to be constructed by this department. Similarly, for civil engi-
components are shown in Fig. 2a–d.
neering works, the Institution of Civil Engineers had devel-
The total estimated cost for this project was HK$6.4 mil-
oped a format for BQ which is called CESMM3 [24]. The pro-
lion (∼US$820,000).
duced BQ in current practice are mostly paper based and not
very suitable for electronic transfer from one party to another.
Usually, the electronic format of the prepared BQ is shared 3.2 BIM Implementation for Proposed BQ
through compact disk media which although is faster than a
complete paper-based format but much slower than if it is to In this project, BIM was utilized for converting BQ from a
be shared by using computer networks in electronic formats. manual format to an electronic format. The proposed for-
A number of research and application efforts have been mat was intended to resolve issues related to performance
made and presented in the last 5 years for utilizing BIM con- and visualization in BQ preparation and use. The proposed
cepts for cost estimating, quantity surveying, and quantity format represents BQ with BIM views which are easier to
takeoff [20,25–35]. Without the use of BIM or other automat- visualize than the traditional BQ and offer great potential to

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Fig. 1 a Existing structure.

b View after completion

Fig. 2 a Existing structure. b View after completion of 5/F. c View after completion of 5/F. d View after completion of whole works

contractor’s QS to provide better project-based estimating dissemination of model information were floor plans, ceiling
and costing-related services. plans, 3D views, elevations, section, schedules, etc. Anno-
For the purpose of BIM application in measurement for tated elements consisted of datum elements which were the
quantity surveying, the BIM model for the project could non-physical items used to establish project context such as
be looked upon from three aspects. Firstly, the model pro- levels; column grids; reference plans; and the 2D components
vides the necessary information about building elements. that maintain scale on paper were only visible in one view
Secondly, different views of the building can be extracted such as dimensions, text notes, and loaded tags and symbols.
from the model, and lastly, building views can be annotated The BIM model utilized family of properties in elements
for the purpose of emphasizing the building parts in consid- which were classified based on type and instance of occur-
eration to be quantified. rence of the element. Type properties of an element remain
Building elements comprised of two main categories, constant throughout the model such as the dimension of a
which were the main building construction components host- window and the cross-sectional dimension of a beam. The
ing the other non-structural components. Main components instance properties of an element change with the location
were the walls, floors, roofs, ceilings, stairs, ramps etc., whe- of element in the building such as the elevation of win-
reas other components were doors, windows, furniture, etc. dow of same type or the length of beam of similar cross-
The views from BIM model essential for understanding and sectional dimensions. Such recognition in the model helped

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to automate the measurement of building elements in BIM 3.3 Materials Quantity Takeoff
model. During the process of BIM model creation, certain
custom fields were defined interrelating different building This project adopts Autodesk Revit as the modeling tools
elements along with defining data types for these custom (Fig. 3). This series of BIM software provided a set of built-
elements. in materials quantities taking off functions. Users can use this
The BIM model created a unique ID for the building function to generate a new schedule. It is shown in Fig. 4a.
elements needed to be measured. In the proposed model, A category of schedule is shown in Fig. 4b.
the data linkup for export to other applications was accom- After choosing schedule categories, the schedule settings
plished through ODBC (Open Data Base Connectivity) stan- can be defined (Fig. 4c). A walls’ schedule is generated
dard which was an interface by which application programs from the model automatically as shown in Fig. 4d. The total
could access and process SQL databases independent of any amounts of different object parameter such as area and vol-
Database Management System used. ume are calculated. Using concrete wall as an example, the
BIM was adopted at the initial design stage on this project. total volume of wall is the material quantities of concrete.
The client’s representative as the Principal of this school Likewise, the quantities of materials can be found in every
stated his ideas and requirements. BIM Engineer then cre- single object as shown in Fig. 5.
ated the BIM model accordingly. Periodic meetings between
the Designer, the Project Manager, and the BIM Engineer
were held to fine-tune the design with continuous modifica- 4 Results and Discussions
tions until the client’s demands were met. The project used
Autodesk Revit as the modeling tool. Autodesk separates 4.1 New Format of Bills of Quantities
Revit into three modules. They are Revit Architecture, Revit
Structure, and Revit MEP. The first two modules are used in A new BQ format is created in this study containing all neces-
this project as per the scope of the project. sary models and graphical images to show for each BQ items.
The procurement of this project was by lump sum contract Together with the traditional 2D drawings and specifications,
with the standard form of tender documents in Hong Kong the contractors’ quantities surveyors in the estimation process
including two volumes of BQ with BIM 3D views dissem- can comprehend the design concepts easily with the possible
inated to a numbers of selected main contractors. The BIM uncertainties and ambiguities to be minimized. The material
model provided visual presentations to the client. 2D paper and work scope quantities generated from the BIM model
drawings in plan and sectional views were generated from are classified and put into the BQ.
the BIM model for submissions to the Building and Educa- Figure 6 shows a one page sample of the new BQ format
tion Authorities of Hong Kong. All the material quantities in with the graphical information showing the visual detail of
the BQ were generated from the BIM model directly through work scope and dimensions of a particular work element
the taking off functions of the BIM software. (highlighted in red color). It can be reviewed in 3D along

Fig. 3 BIM model in this


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Fig. 4 a New schedule. b Categories of schedule. c Schedule settings. d Walls schedule

with zooming in/out and rotation. To use the reinforcement mat. The last step was to merge the BQ file (Microsoft Word)
concrete footing as an example, the quantity surveyors can and ‘3ds’ model file in Adobe Acrobat. This created a new
see what has been measured in the provided quantities with BQ format in zoom-able and rotatable ‘pdf’ format to be
the review coverage on the number, layout, and shapes of finished and ready for presentation. ‘IFC’ (Industrial Foun-
the footing. The approach can mitigate the possibilities of dation Classes) format could also be used to export directly to
uncertainties and ambiguities by reading 2D drawings and is Adobe Acrobat; however, there was a risk for materials infor-
aimed to increase the efficiency of estimation. mation from the model to be lost. Therefore, extra steps on
In Fig. 6, the material quantities are generated from the file format conversion by using Autodesk 3Ds Max Design
BIM model directly. The main contractor can use these mate- were applied.
rial quantities to determine the tender price or remeasure the The pdf file format for this BQ format was adopted because
materials quantities manually by quantity surveyor. it is efficient in e-document sharing. PDF reader is common
Regarding the workflows on the production of new BQ for- and free for download and install by users. In addition, PDF
mat, a number of softwares were used. Autodesk Revit series provides security management tools which can protect the
was chosen as the model creation tool in this project. After document contents.
the completion of the design, part of the models were selected Figure 7 presents another example of the proposed BQ
and exported in ‘fbx’ format. Another software Autodesk 3Ds format with BIM views which includes the following fea-
Max Design was used to convert the ‘fbx’ format to ‘3ds’ for- tures:

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Fig. 5 Length, area, and

volume of a block wall object

Fig. 6 A sample of new BQ format

• Bookmarked table of contents is provided for easier acc- • Protected fields for the materials quantities are highlighted
esses to each bill item; in light red color.
• Work object of the bill item is high lighted in red color • Interactive fields for the input of unit rates are highlighted
• With the 3D views exported from the BIM model, such in blue color for the estimator to insert unit
views can be subject to zooming and rotating. rates.

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Fig. 7 BQ with BIM views

• Built-in formulas for each bill item by quantity times rate graduate students at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University
is provided and the total amount was carried to the bill for their feedback on the proposed BQ with BIM views after
summary section. they attended the BIM-based BQ with 3D views seminar and
the forum organized by the Research Team.
The itemization of this new BQ format with 3D BIM views
For the analysis of questionnaire survey results, some sta-
is not completely in compliance with the traditional SMM.
tistical ratios were used to explain the results. These ratios
For any deviations, it is necessary to iterate in the Preamble
are explained as follows.
section of the bill of quantities. The way to produce BIM
views from quantity surveying aspect is one of the crucial
steps for the BQ preparation. The quantity surveyor needs to 1. Average is the arithmetic average of the ratings obtained
get familiar with the model viewing in Revit platform. During by dividing the total of ratings for a particular question
the process of quantity takeoff from the BIM-based model, by the number of respondents.
the selection of 3D BIM views and the highlight area of the 2. Mode is the rating which occurs most frequently for
objects have to be decided concurrently. The consultant’s a particular question. The value of mode is generally
quantity surveyor should consider from the viewpoints of consistent with average. Both average and mode are
contractor’s quantity surveyors and provide sufficient infor- measures of mean value of the whole sample.
mation for their processing of estimation for biddings. 3. Standard Deviation (SD) is the statistical measure of
dispersion of responses. Its value shows how much the
4.2 Testing the Proposed BIM-Based BQ response is different from the average value of the
responses. A higher value would show higher disper-
This part includes the results from the questionnaire sur- sion of responses.
veys conducted with the group of professional surveyors at a 4. Coefficient of variation (C.V.) is ratio expressed in per-
government department in Hong Kong, graduates, and under- centage of the standard deviation to the average of the

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BIM Knowledge Level Perception by BIM Knowledge Level Perception by

Respondents Respondents
4 (Very 0 (No 5 (Expert)
Good) know ledge) 3%
3 (Good)
13% 6% 19% 0 (No
4 (Very
Good) know ledge)
15% 6%
1 (Slight)
2 (Some)
1 (Slight)
3 (Good)
34% 2 (Some)
Fig. 8 BIM knowledge level perception by professional quantity sur-
veyors 15%

Fig. 9 BIM knowledge level perception by graduate students

Table 1 Statistics of BIM knowledge level perception by professional
quantity surveyors
Table 2 Statistics of BIM knowledge level perception by graduate Stu-
Q. nr. Average Mode SD C.V. dents
Q. nr. Average Mode SD C.V.
1 1.44 1 1.15 80 %
0: No knowledge…5: expert knowledge 1 2.33 3 1.29 55 %
0: No knowledge…5: expert knowledge

sample. It shows in a dimensionless form the dispersion Table 3 Statistics of BIM knowledge level perception by undergraduate
of data from the average value. Like SD, higher the C.V., students
higher the dispersion of data. Q. nr. Average Mode SD C.V.

1 2.21 3 1.35 61 %
4.2.1 BIM Knowledge Level Perception: Professional
Quantity Surveyors 0: No knowledge…5: expert knowledge

A total of 16 professional quantity surveyors were asked to value indicating a high degree of dispersion in the perception
rate their knowledge level of BIM. Figure 8 shows the vari- of respondents about the knowledge of BIM.
ation of responses, and Table 1 shows the statistical analysis
of responses. Majority of the respondents rated their knowl- 4.2.3 BIM Knowledge Level Perception: Undergraduate
edge to be either ‘0’ (3 nos.), ‘1’ (7 nos.) or ‘2’ (3 nos.) which Students
corresponds to having some level of knowledge of BIM on
average. Only two respondents rated their knowledge as ‘3’ A total of 24 final year part-time evening mode undergradu-
and one rated as ‘4’ which corresponds to good and very good ate students were asked to rate their knowledge level of BIM.
level of knowledge. The average knowledge level of BIM for Most of these students were frontline quantity surveyors in
full sample is thus on the lower side (Table 1). The coeffi- the technician grades. Nearly half the number of respondents
cient of variation shows a higher value indicating a higher rated their BIM knowledge as either good or higher. Other
degree of dispersion in the perception of respondents about respondents rated their BIM knowledge as some or less. The
the knowledge of BIM. average knowledge level of BIM for full sample is thus in the
middle range (Table 3). The coefficient of variation is 61 %
4.2.2 BIM Knowledge Level Perception: Graduate Students which is a higher value indicating a higher degree of disper-
sion in the perception of respondents about the knowledge
A total of 33 M.Sc. Project Management program students in of BIM (Fig. 10).
the subject of Construction Information Management were
asked to rate their knowledge level of BIM. Slightly, more 4.2.4 Views About Proposed BQ Format: Professional
than half the number of respondents rated their BIM knowl- Quantity Surveyors
edge as either good or higher (Fig. 9). Majority of the other
half rated their BIM knowledge as slight. The average knowl- In this section, the respondents were asked about their level
edge level of BIM for full sample is thus in the middle range of agreement on the improvements introduced into the BQ
(Table 2). The coefficient of variation is 55 % which is a high preparation using the proposed format with BIM views which

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BIM Knowledge Level Perception by contrary to existing practice in which detailing is finalized in
Respondents the construction stage leading to many post-contract changes.
5 (Expert) Another respondent noticed that all-in rate has been used
4% 0 (No in BIM-based BQ instead of breakdown rate. This would
know ledge) increase difficulties in assessing variations. One respondent
4 (Very 13%
commented that the proposed system may not comply with
1 (Slight)
8% current measurement practice. It needs more input by BIM
producer to provide more details for each element to gener-
3 (Good) ate accurate measurements from the system. One respondent
37% 2 (Some) mentioned a few barriers to BIM-based BQ. These include
17% the revamping of SMM, establishing common data format,
training to both technical and professional personnel, partic-
Fig. 10 BIM knowledge level perception by undergraduate students
ipation from contractors, subcontractors and suppliers, and
the need for better visualization by using animations in elec-
was presented in the seminar to them. The statistics represent-
tronic tendering. One respondent argued for the broader
ing the mean values and variation of responses are presented
change needed in the whole pricing mechanism for a con-
in Table 4.
struction contract instead of just changing the BQ format.
Respondents were agreed on most of the factors for intro-
The traditional practice appears grossly insufficient in this IT
ducing improvements in the BQ preparation process with the
age. A respondent remarked that BIM would require more
help of BIM. Overall view on the risk of reducing missing
detailed and completed design at the initial stage. Another
items was neutral with relatively higher degree of disagree-
respondent mentioned that improvement in the QS field is
ment. Majority of respondents agreed that the new format
needed to embrace the benefits from BIM. One respondent
would reduce the lengthiness of compilation of bill items,
cautioned with the use of BIM as its technology is still devel-
increase the efficiency of BQ preparation from the perspec-
oping. People would hesitate to invest too much money/time/
tive of consultant’s and contractor’s QS, enable contractor’s
effort in BIM. The technology tends to become better and
QS better understand the physical nature and cost of project
at the same time cheaper. Due to this reason, some peo-
and enhance the accuracy of estimation process. There was
ple would avoid spending now fearing that despite spending
slightly more degree of disagreement on a few items as is
money/time/effort, the technology would soon become obso-
evident from the coefficient of variation values above 25 %.
This is understandable as the format is new was not much
practiced by the respondents. Overall, it can be said that the
respondents who were experienced QS were mostly agreed 4.2.5 Views About Proposed BQ Format: Graduate Students
to the expected benefits from the proposed format of new BQ
with BIM views. The respondents were asked about their level of agreement
Apart from the given choices, a few respondents provided on the improvements introduced to the BQ preparation using
additional comments. One respondent commented that input a format with BIM views which was presented in the seminar.
data to BIM at design stage should be as complete as pos- The statistics representing the mean values and variation of
sible. However, it would take up additional resources. It is responses are presented in Table 5.

Table 4 Responses about proposed BQ format—professional quantity surveyors

Q. nr. The use of BQ with BIM views may Average Mode SD C.V. (%)

1. Reduce the lengthiness and complication of bill items in comparison 3.56 4 1.03 29
with traditional BQ
2. Reduce the risk of missing items 3.13 3 1.02 33
3. Increase the efficiency of BQ preparation from consultant QS 3.69 4 0.95 26
4. Enable contractor’s QS a better understanding on the project through 4.31 4 0.60 14
the provided visualization for the estimation
5. Enable contractor QS’s estimation a better consideration on the cost of 4.38 5 0.72 16
construction method
6. Increase the overall efficiency of estimating from contractor’s QS 3.81 4 0.98 26
7. Enhance the accuracy and enable more realistic estimation from 3.88 4 0.72 19
contractor’s QS

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Arab J Sci Eng

Table 5 Responses about proposed BQ format—graduate students

Q. nr. The use of BQ with BIM views may Average Mode SD C.V. (%)

1. Reduce the lengthiness and complication of bill items in comparison 4.03 4 0.59 15
with traditional BQ
2. Reduce the risk of missing items 3.97 4 0.64 16
3. Increase the efficiency of BQ preparation from consultant QS 3.85 4 0.71 19
4. Enable contractor’s QS a better understanding on the project through 4.15 4 0.71 17
the provided visualization for the estimation
5. Enable contractor QS’s estimation a better consideration on the cost of 3.76 4 0.71 19
construction method
6. Increase the overall efficiency of estimating from contractor’s QS 4.00 4 0.61 15
7. Enhance the accuracy and enable more realistic estimation from 3.97 4 0.77 19
contractor’s QS

Table 6 Responses about proposed BQ format—graduate students

Q. nr. The use of BQ with BIM views may Average Mode SD C.V. (%)

1. Reduce the lengthiness and complication of bill items in comparison 3.67 4 0.92 25
with traditional BQ
2. Reduce the risk of missing items 3.92 4 0.65 17
3. Increase the efficiency of BQ preparation from consultant QS 3.79 4 0.88 23
4. Enable contractor’s QS a better understanding on the project through 4.04 4 0.81 20
the provided visualization for the estimation
5. Enable contractor QS’s estimation a better consideration on the cost of 3.71 4 0.75 20
construction method
6. Increase the overall efficiency of estimating from contractor’s QS 4.04 4 0.62 15
7. Enhance the accuracy and enable more realistic estimation from 4.00 4 0.51 13
contractor’s QS

Majority of respondents agreed to the benefits for the 4.3.1 BIM’s Knowledge Perception
use of the proposed BQ with BIM views. The collective
responses about each perceived benefit of the BIM-based Although quantity surveyors were much experienced per-
BQ were nearly similar. This shows that the proposed BQ sons, they rated their BIM knowledge lower when it is com-
format should be well received by the users. pared with what the graduate (master degree) and undergrad-
uate students perceived. This is generally true as BIM is more
4.2.6 Views About Proposed BQ Format: Undergraduate popular in younger generation than senior professionals in the
Students construction industry. However, this is not necessarily meant
that the views from the experienced quantity surveyors are
The respondents were asked about their level of agreement on inferior to the views from graduate and undergraduate stu-
the improvements introduced into the BQ preparation using dents. Rather the reverse is considered true because of the
a format with BIM views which was presented to them in vast experience of this first group of respondents. Also the
the seminar. The statistics representing the mean values and quantity surveyors’ group provided many additional com-
variation of responses are presented in Table 6. ments which are very useful.
The majority of respondents agreed to the list of benefits
to be gained from the use of BQ format with BIM views.
The collective level of agreement to each perceived benefit 4.3.2 Views About Proposed BQ Format
of BIM-based BQ format was nearly similar for each benefit.
A quick look at the results in Table 7 for views about the
4.3 Discussion on BIM Survey Results benefits of proposed BQ format shows that there was no sig-
nificant difference among the overall views of three groups
Table 7 shows the comparative results of BIM survey for all of respondents for all the benefits presented except the reduc-
three groups presented before. The results are discussed as tion in the risk of missing items. This shows that proposed
follows. BQ format was well disseminated among the respondents and

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Arab J Sci Eng

Table 7 Range of responses on survey questions

Parameters Professional quantity Graduate students Undergraduate
surveyors students

BIM knowledge perception 1.44 2.33 2.21

Benefits of BQ with BIM views
1. Reduce the lengthiness and complication 3.56 4.03 3.67
of bill items in comparison with
traditional BQ
2. Reduce the risk of missing items 3.13 3.97 3.92
3. Increase the efficiency of BQ preparation 3.69 3.85 3.79
from consultant QS
4. Enable contractor’s QS a better 4.31 4.15 4.04
understanding on the project through the
provided visualization for the estimation
5. Enable contractor QS’s estimation a better 4.38 3.76 3.71
consideration on the cost of construction
6. Increase the overall efficiency of 3.81 4.00 4.04
estimating from contractor’s QS
7. Enhance the accuracy and enable more 3.88 3.97 4.00
realistic estimation from contractor’s QS

they were more or less almost equally able to understand the process. There was slight disagreement about the risk of
benefits from the proposed BQ. The notable disagreement in missing items in BQ which was primarily because of the
the reduction in the risk of missing items was from the quan- complexity of the standard method of measurement docu-
tity surveyors group of respondents who perceive this benefit ments and the proposed format being in its initial version.
at slightly lower level compared with other two groups. This This can be rectified in future. It is hoped that the proposed
is because of their vast practical experience and adeptness BQ format would pave the way for overall reengineering of
to HKSMM in their day-to-day routine at their workplaces. the quantity surveying practice from the traditional SMM
While the proposed BQ format is close to HKSMM, it does based approaches to BIM-based approaches like what was
not fully comply HKSMM which was rightly perceived by presented in this paper. It would help to elevate the status
the quantity surveyors group and due to this, a number of of the quantity surveyors by letting the scope of their ser-
such respondents were of the view that adopting this new vices expand in the currently promoted collaborative and
format may not reduce the risk of missing items to be quan- integrated project environments.
tified. However, this may not be a serious deficiency of the
proposed format and could be rectified in future. Acknowledgments The authors gratefully acknowledged the funding
support provided by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Project
account 1-ZVOA). The support from Mr. Rex Lau in the collection of
data is also appreciated.

5 Conclusions

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