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bed- where we sleep

computer- a thing we use to do task.

armchair-a comfortable chair, with supports for a person's arms.

old-having lived for a long time; no longer young.

new-not use before; only used for the first time.

Hello Jack! You had great level of participation in class. However, on occasion, you made
mistakes with pronunciation. Listen carefully to your teacher’s instructions and questions so that
you can respond appropriately. Well done!

Hi dear! Thank you so much for booking my class. You did a good job in today’s class. Please
focus more on your pronunciation and grammar. You can watch English cartoons to practice your
listening skills. Keep up the good work! See you next time!

Bruce participates well in class. He is hard-working and motivated to learn the lesson. .He has
great potential and works toward achieving it. Thank you for booking my class Bruce! Keep up
the good work! ^^ ~ Love teacher shan

Mom is helping Bruce in the lesson

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