Ref 2

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Rain and william 2011,Influence of parental involvement on academic

perfomance of pre school children in Kangeta division, Meru country, Kenya

Larocque, Kleiman & Darling, 2011 Parent Involvement in Pre-Kindergarten

and the Effects on Student Achievement

Epstein & Sheldon, 2016 The impact of parental involvement on student

success: school and family partnership from the perspective of parents and

Dumont et al., 2014; Mora & Escardibul, 2016, Parental involvement and
academic performance: Less control and more communication

Sad and Gurbuzturk 2013, Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

Jeynes, 2012; Gorard & See, 2013; Van Voorhis et al. 2013 ,Evidence from
meta-analysis about parental involvement in education which supports their
children’s learning

Powell et al., 2012; Bracken & Fischel, 2008, Parent Involvement in

Pre-Kindergarten and the Effects on Student Achievement

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