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AIM: Bluetooth Interface:

i. Connecting Arduino with Mobile Device using the Bluetooth Module.
ii. Reading Environmental Values on Android Smartphone.

Hardware Requirements: Arduino Uno,Jumper Wires, Potentiometer, Bluetooth


Bluetooth –It is a wireless technology standard for exchanging data between fixed and
mobile devices over short distances using short-wavelength UHF radio waves in the
industrial, scientific and medical radio bands, from 2.400 to 2.485 GHz, and building
personal area networks (PANs).

Bluetooth spp pro- The software for the Bluetooth client communication tools (ie:
Bluetooth slave mode), Bluetooth serial communication can be tested. This tool three
1.Bytestream mode: the basic input-output model;
2. Keyboard mode: Can customize the output value of 12 buttons.Each button has three
states each state can send commands event.
3. Command Line: Set the command terminator for communication debugging

a. Connecting Arduino with Mobile device using Bluetooth module
 Define the temp as character.
 Set 9600 for starting serial communication.
 Set the pin mode as output which is connected to the LED, digital pin 13 in
this case.
 Use digitalWrite() function to set the initial output of LED as LOW.
 Use while loop for checking number of bytes.
 Use if loop for checking if no. of bytes>0
 Use Serial read for checking no. of ports.
 If temp=A, then it is noted as Waiting to receive.
 Use digitalWrite() function to set the initial output of LED as HIGH for pin
 If temp=B,then it would not work.
 Use digitalWrite() function to set the initial output of LED as HIGH for pin

University Roll No.: 1/16/FET/BCC/1/079

b. Reading Environmental Values on Android Smartphone
 Define temp as integer
 Set 9600 for starting serial communication.
 Set the analogRead for temperature sensor as A0.
 Print the Integer value according to the temp. sensor
 Provide delay of 1sec. Delay() function is used to specify the delay between
HIGH-LOW transition of the output.


a. Connecting Arduino with Mobile device using Bluetooth module

 Connect the Arduino board to the PC using the USB connector and Bluetooth
interface in such a way:-
1.Ground is connected to Ground.
2. Transmitter is connected to Receiver and vice versa.
3. 5V is connected to 5V.
 Select the board type and port.
 Write the sketch in the editor, verify the code and upload it to the board.
 Download the Bluetooth App ”Bluetooth spp pro” in your mobile device.
 After the app is downloaded, switch on your mobile Bluetooth.Scan for the
Bluetooth device name NULL.After you see NULL,pair your mobile to the
Bluetooth interface
 As soon as the byte stream mode gets open in the mobile, type A and result
would come as shown in the Fig1.
 If you type B ,nothing would be shown.
 Observe the output on circuit and capture the required screenshots.


a. Connecting Arduino with Mobile device using Bluetooth module

char temp();
void setup()
void loop()
University Roll No.: 1/16/FET/BCC/1/079

b. Reading Environmental values on Android Smartphone

int temp;
void setup()
void loop()
Serial.print(“Integer Value is”);

Experimental setup and output screenshots:

a. Connecting Arduino with Mobile device using Bluetooth module

University Roll No.: 1/16/FET/BCC/1/079

b. Reading Environmental values on Android Smartphone

Result: Connecting aurdino with Bluetooth and reading environmental values is

performed .

University Roll No.: 1/16/FET/BCC/1/079

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