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ANDRES: Hello, good evening

NICANOR: Hi good evening, how are you?
ANDRES: Very well thank. And you?

NICANOR: I’ m fain, what do you do?

ANDRES: I’m a student , and you?

NICANOR: I’m a student, what do you do when you get up?
ANDRES: i brush the teeth, then breakfast.

NICANOR: how often do you cook?

ANDRES: i don’t cook, and you?

NICANOR: usually once a week.

ANDRES: OK NICANOR, every question are you going


NICANOR: usually three times a month, and you?

ANDRES: once a month, what kind of music do you listen to?

NICANOR: I listen to vallenato music.

ANDRES: what do you like to read?

NICANOR: i like to read on football

ANDRES: OK, that you have good evening.

NICANOR: ok , bye

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