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Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory is the leading explanation about how the universe began. At its simplest, it
says the universe as we know it started with a small singularity, and then inflated over the next
13.8 billion years to the cosmos that we know today. The big bang is how astronomers explain
the way the universe began. It is the idea that the universe began as just a single point, then
expanded and stretched to grow as large as it is right now (and it could still be stretching).

Oscillating Universe Theory

The Oscillating Universe Theory is a cosmological model that combines both the Big
Bang and the Big Crunch as part of a cyclical event. That is, if this theory holds true,
then the Universe in which we live in exists between a Big Bang and a Big Crunch. In
other words, our universe can be the first of a possible series of universes or it can be
the nth universe in the series.

Creationism is the religious belief that nature, and aspects such as the universe, Earth, life, and humans,
originated with supernatural acts of divine creation. In its broadest sense, creationism includes
a continuum of religious views, which vary in their acceptance or rejection of scientific explanations such
as evolution that describe the origin and development of natural phenomena.


Catastrophism is the theory that the Earth has largely been shaped by sudden, short-lived, violent
events, possibly worldwide in scope. This is in contrast to uniformitarianism, in which slow incremental
changes, such as erosion, created all the Earth's geological features.

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