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​ orruption

Corruption, or we can say a poison which has been spread in mind of every individual or
group of people. Basically it is an act done by an individual by using his/her powers to gain
personal benefits by breaking the rules and regulations made by government for welfare of
every citizen of country. It includes mistreatment of public resources, wrong use of power by
any individual, receiving cash money by online transactions etc. It has been spread all over
the society and is very difficult to eradicate due to its strong roots. It affects growth of every
individual or country economically, socially, and politically. Even It has been seen that India
ranks third in highly corrupt countries all across the world.

Economy of our country is often affected by increased corruption. People for their personal
benefits use illegal ways. They start getting involved in things which are strictly prohibited.
We all have been studied that India is most democratic country. Here all citizens are given
equal rights for everything in every aspect of life. Government of india makes laws in order
to maintain social justice. But corruption adversely affects our democracy. For example, we
all know that every citizen of the country has right to vote their chosen party, that party
which they think it is beneficial for them but some corrupt leaders use their powers and get
votes by wrong methods. These leaders get votes forcefully by threatening poor people or
they purchase votes by illegal ways. Also we have right to choose leader by our choice.
During elections different leaders from different parties make false promises to people that
they will work for welfare of country but after getting elected they forget their every promise
and they use their powers unfairly. This is the reason why it is being very difficult to choose a
leader who is honest and trustworthy, who is seriously interested in doing work for other
people benefits.

Also lack of education and interest is giving rise to corruption. Uneducated people are not
aware of their rights given to them by government. Due to this they do not show interest in
choosing leader for them. Many people do not participate in elections. They do not give their
one precious vote to anyone just because they are unaware of this right. Corrupted
politicians cunningly take advantage of this. They take their support and get votes. They
provide them money and promises in orders to grab their vote. After winning they do
nothing for those peoples.

Corruption has become a business for earning money. Nowadays people who are working
honestly are considered as foolish and those who are getting involved in illegal works are
considered as smart. Also corruption be seen in educational institutions and systems.
Students who are not practical and deservable get admissions in high schools and
universities by giving them bribes and students who deserve are not getting seats just
because they don't have enough money to fulfill their poor wishes.
Corruption is a disease that needs to be cured. It can be cured only when people are given
proper education about their rights. People think that earning money by illegal methods is
easy while by honesty nothing can be achieved. This results in increase in corruption day by
day. By providing right education this mindset of people can be changed. Some people think
that limiting the role of government can lessen corruption but this thinking is native because
corruption is not only related to government sector but also to corporate sector. With efforts
of every citizen it can be eradicated. Any individual alone cannot stop corruption. It needs
participation of individual like us. We need to stand up and speak for our rights. Together we
can make our country corruption free and democratic.

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