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Evaluation 3

Rajesh 11714376

interface abc

String name="rajesh";

int aki(int x,int y);

interface xyz extends abc

String name2="tabrej";

int aki1(int x,int y);

class jkl implements xyz

public int aki(int x,int y)

int tot=(x+y)*6;

int tax=((10/100)*tot);

int allowences=((13/100)*tot);

int fin=tot-(tax+allowences);


public int aki1(int x,int y)

int tot=(x+y)*6;

int tax=((10/100)*tot);

int allowences=((13/100)*tot);

int fin=tot-(tax+allowences);


class dang

public static void main(String[] args)

xyz d;

d=new jkl();

System.out.println("salary of employee :" +" "+d.aki(10000,12000));

System.out.println("salary of employee :"+d.name2 +" "+d.aki1(14000,16000));

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