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Everyone should have some ambition in life.

An ambition gives meanings and purpose to life and the

purpose gives a definite direction to one’s life and induces and inspires him to make efforts to achieve the
According to him, In the future he hopes to graduate High school with good grades and go on to college.
He is not sure yet which college he wishes to attend, but he has always loved Tarlac State University. In
college he wishes to study either teaching or business. He has always loved teaching that is why he
wanted to become a future educator because for him, He shall never try to turn his noble profession into a
money-making business. His attitude towards students will not be determined by their income or social
status. He would never deny teaching anyone because he has no money, for poverty is not a crime and
according to him service to the sorrowing humanity will be his mission and he shall try to live up to it. He
also believed that the” role of the teacher is not only to educate but also to cure ignorance rather”
As he considers his future goals, he looked back on how it has prepared himself for future challenges and
opportunities. He has been a student leader in class, so these experiences helped him better understand the
definition of leadership. By facing the challenges that were present if these positions he has learned that
anything can happen, and he always must be prepared for what lies ahead.
Soon after achieving his all goals in life, he also hopes to get married someday and start a family when he
is already financially stable in life.

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