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Ashley Boehm
Exercise Science Senior Synthesis: Interpretation of Results
Trainer: Ashley Boehm

A. Resting HR Score

1. Pre-value 68 bpm

2. The resting heart rate is a very important value to know for someone. This is the number of

times that your heart beats per minute. The heart is a muscle that pumps blood that provides

the body with oxygen and nutrients that it needs. As it is doing this, it is also carrying away

any waste that there is in the body and is not used by the body. It is a crucial thing that the

body continues this and is successful with this. This number is good for a general idea for

how well the heart is pumping blood through the body while there may be no external factors

that are influencing it. Normally, a good resting heart rate is going to be between 60-100 beats

per minute. There is no specific heart rate that should be resting since everyone here can vary

from what theirs may be. Your resting heart rate can rely on what cardiovascular health you

are in. If a heart rate is significantly high or significantly low, this can point out that there may

be some sort of medical issue here. If your heart rate is also to raise or lower in either

direction without any reason to it, this could also hint to something being wrong. This heart

rate is very important because it will raise when you are working during exercise and show

how hard you are working during this.

3. The resting heart rate that I calculated on you is normal and within 60-100 beats per

minute. I know that before, you did not have a regular exercise regimen and normal diet, but

these can help you maintain the healthy heart rate that you have or can even improve it. You

also have chest pain with exertion, which we discovered during the bike test, so throughout

this time I hope to continue to improve your cardiovascular system to help with this pain.

B. Resting Blood Pressure Score Rating

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1. Pre-value 120/82 normal

2. Blood pressure is the measure of how forceful the blood is pumped from the heart and into

the arteries and the veins. Just like with heart rate, this is very important to make sure that the

heart is working normally and creating healthy blood flow throughout the body. How blood

pressure works, which you already know from being an EMT, is that there is two

measurements that are recorded. The first number is the systolic number, which is how much

pressure is being exerted against the artery walls when the heart beats. The second number is

the diastolic pressure, which reflects the pressure of the blood being exerted against the artery

walls while the heart is resting between beats sent out. A good systolic number is anything

that is less than 120, while a good diastolic number is supposed to be less than 80.

3. Your blood pressure is at a good level, so we will start exercise at a level that is good for

you because of your exercise history. It is recommended by ACSM to do cardiovascular

exercise at least 5 days a week for 30 to 60 minutes, as well as vigorous cardiovascular

exercise at most 3 days a week for 20-60 minutes.

C. Body Composition

1. In our time together so far, we have ran through several different tests that I explained to

you as being for your body composition. What we have done in our time together has been the

Tanita scale, the skinfold testing, the waist measurement, as well as a BMI reading that I was

able to calculate from your height and weight. When wanting to improve health or see where

one might stand with their body fat, these are some of the tests that may be ran on the

individual. Although these are all good indicators of where you might stand with your body

composition, each one has their own downfall as well. For example, on the Tanita scale it may

say that you are obese, when this may not have been something that you thought you were. In

your case, you were classified as standard, which is a good place to start from. The scales and

equations do not take everything in to consideration when measuring you, so some of these
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measurements could give the wrong reading on whether someone is healthy or unhealthy. It

was important to take several body composition readings in our case so that we have a good

baseline as to where you stand before we begin our program. From this, we can compare what

your data is to the standard for your age and gender. Body composition can find us

information about fat mass as well as lean mass in the body. The fat mass is going to refer to

the essential fats in the body, while lean mass is going to refer to the muscles, organs, and

bones that are a part of the body. This essential fat that I have mentioned before is going to be

the minimal amount of fat that is going to be required in order for the body to maintain

regular functioning. The fat that is not in this category is going to be the nonessential fat.

Body composition, according to ACSM, should be in the range of 10-22% body fat for men

and 20-32% for women. These are normally the standard ranges for the two genders. Lower

then these values is considered to be low body fat, or underweight. Anything higher then these

two standards is considered overweight, and past that is obese. One of the most important

reasons to assess body compositions is that it can provide a guideline for any health issues

that could be present or become a problem in the future. With your chest pain and asthma,

factors such as body composition could be important to decreasing the problems that you are

having. Continuing to decrease body composition, in your case, can help progress your

lifestyle changes and the risk of health issues that you either already have or may develop.

You had mentioned in your write up that you want to lose weight and tone up, and this is

definitely something that we can work on! Less body fat can help with your confidence, as

well as your health.

Weight & Height Score Suggested Weight Range

1. Weight: 144 lbs. (65.45 kg)

Height: 5’4” (64 in.) 117-143 lbs.

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2. Given what your height was found at, your ideal body weight would be between 117-

143 pounds. We measured your weight to be 144 pounds on a normal scale, which

including clothes weight used on the Tanita scale, would have been correct. You had

mentioned before in your original write up that I received that you feel as if you are 20

pounds or more overweight. Although you are more towards the higher end of this

weight range, this is something that we will work on and get you more into range with.

You do not have a goal weight, but we will work to lower this as we go.

Body Mass Index (BMI) Score Rating

1. Pre-BMI 24.76 normal

2. Body mass index is found with a calculation that works with height and weight. This

equation takes into consideration your weight in kilograms over your height in meters

squared. Once this is calculated and a number is determined, we can see where you stand

concerning body mass index. There are several different categories that you can go into

depending on this number. The first is underweight, which is any BMI that is calculated

under 18.5 kg/m2. Normal BMI is a measurement found between 18.5 kg/m2 and 24.9

kg/m2. Overweight is considered to be from 25 kg/m2 to 29.9 kg/m2. Obesity starts at 30

kg/m2 for these readings. Although this gives a clear indication on where you stand with

body mass index, it is not always the best test for determining if someone may be healthy

or not. For example, there are many factors that this test does not take into consideration

other than height and weight. Some who could be very muscular and fit, but weight a lot

because of this can seem as if they are overweight because of where their height may be.

For your specific BMI, you were in the normal range which is something that we could

have expected. Once pairing your baseline data with what we will be doing in these next

few weeks, we can improve this number even more.

Waist Circumference Score Rating

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1. Pre-Waist 33 inches Low risk

2. For this test, I measured in inches the circumference of your waist. What I found here is

that you are 33 inches around your waist, making you score in the low risk category. This

circumference can be used as an indicator of any obesity related health risks, which you

do not need to worry about according to the test. By improving your fitness levels, we will

also improve your waist circumference and therefore continue to keep you at a low risk of

any health related problems.

BIA Score Rating

1. Pre-Fat % 31.5 % standard

2. To determine this body composition reading, we used the Tanita scale. This takes into

consideration your body fat percentage by sending an electric signal through your body to

determine the amount of fat that you have. The test depends on the speed of the current to

go throughout your body and back out. The scale uses this by bioelectrical impedance.

The current struggles more to travel through fatty tissue, which therefore gives us a more

accurate reading on body fat from this. The scale had read that your body fat percentage is

31.5%, which classified you as standard according to the scale. With this, your fat mass

was calculated at 44.6 pounds. The ideal maximum for a standard individual is 32%, so

being close to that can motivate us to decrease this percentage throughout our work.

Skinfolds Score Percentile Rating

1. Pre-Fat % Method 1 27% 25th poor

2. Pre-Fat % Method 2 32% 15th very poor

3. Another way that we calculated body composition was with the seven site skinfold

assessment. For this test, I measured seven different sites on your body using a skinfold

caliper. We would do two trials to make sure that the measurements I took were within 2
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millimeters of each other. From there, I was able to add together the averages of all of the

measurements and determine a body fat percentage from this. In this way, I calculated

your body fat percent to be 27%. According to ACSM guidelines, this for women puts you

at about a 25th percentile mark, rating you at poor. This means that we can work on this

percentage to lower it and improve it. I was also able to do a second equation that only

took into consideration three of the original seven sites that we measured. From this, I was

able to calculate your body fat percentage to be 32%. This puts you at the 15th percentile

mark, and rates you as very poor. Do not take this as something to get you down on

yourself, because this is something that will be improved upon during our time. The seven

site measurement gave us a better view on which body fat percentage you are more

accurately placed at, which can get us to better understanding which areas we are going to

want to focus on during our training a little more.

4. We use various sites in this test to show more of the full body spectrum, rather than just

specifically upper or lower body. This shows us not only the upper half measurements, but

also the midriff and lower half measurements as well. If we were to only take

measurements on the upper half of the body, this would not give us a good indication on

where your overall percent may be.

5. From these body composition readings, we were able to find where it is that you might

stand on body fat percentage. We used the Tanita scale, the skinfold assessment, BMI and

waist circumference. All of these gave us pretty accurate readings to go off of in our

assessment. Out of all of the tests, I believe that for you the Tanita scale gave us the best

measurement on where you are for body fat percentage, muscle mass, and your standard

physique rating. You did not score standard in the rest of the tests, but this will come in

time. Considering all of your background on exercise, you are in pretty good shape for a

sedentary lifestyle. Once we get moving into the exercise prescription that I have planned,
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these numbers will improve as well as your overall health. Standard is a good reading to

go off of form the Tanita scale, and we will work to get your numbers here lower so that

you are farther away from the maximum measurement of standard. Because of your

31.5% fat percentage, this puts you only 0.5% away from being outside of standard. This

is something that can motivate you to get as far away from this percentage that we can get.

To look at FITT principles for this, we can work on body composition 3-5 days a week at

an intensity that is right for you. Also, this could be cardiovascular exercise for 20-30

minutes each session.

D. Cardiovascular Fitness

1. Cardiovascular fitness is the ability to preform large muscle, moderate to vigorous

intensity exercise for a prolonged amount of time. Cardiorespiratory fitness is considered a

health-related component of physical fitness because of the fact that low levels have been

associated with increased risk for many diseases. What we were measuring in these tests were

your maximal oxygen uptake, or what we call VO2 max. To find your VO2 max, there are

certain equations from each test that can be utilized. While preforming the tests, I was able to

track your heart rate and blood pressure to plug into equations to determine your VO2 max.

Although we may have just used the YMCA bike test and the treadmill walk test, there are

other tests that can be performed to get different readings of these. Different tests can get you

different results depending on the amount of exertion that is used in the test. For example, you

are more likely to have a higher VO2 max on a run test then you are for the treadmill walk

test. Since, as said before, you do not have a large exercise history, I decided to go with the

walk test since I knew this was something that you would be capable of performing.

Cardiovascular fitness can also be looked at as the reflection of the capabilities of the skeletal

muscles, the heart, lungs, and the blood vessels that preform work in the body. It also will

reflect the ability that there is for you to preform various exercises for certain periods of time.
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Measuring your cardiovascular fitness is a great way to monitor your health all together.

Because of this, there is many important reasons as to why we tested your cardiovascular

fitness. With the tests that were ran on you, we were able to determine where your

cardiovascular fitness stands before we start with the exercise program. I know from your past

that you do not have a lot of experience with exercise, so this is something that I hope to

improve with you as we continue forward. There were many options that we had in reason to

assess this component, but I chose the ones that would work best for you and where you come

from actively. The methods that are chosen can vary from person to person, depending on

their level of fitness. You are very motivated to continue and try to increase your

cardiovascular fitness, so this is something that we will work on. You did not like the bike

test, but you did not mind the treadmill walk test. With this, I can determine different things

that we would be able to do to increase your cardiovascular fitness.

Bike Test Score Percentile Rating

1. Pre-VO2MAX 25.97 ml/kg/min 10-15th very poor

2. For this test, there was a lot that was being tracked. I had you go through a warm up to

increase your heart rate to be ready for activity, as well as took your heart rate every

minute of the test and your blood pressure every second minute of the stages. Your heart

rate was in the right values to move onto the second stage, as well as to stop after this

second stage. From calculations, I was able to find your VO2 max at 25.97 ml/kg/min.

Comparing the level that I calculated you at for the walk test as well, this seems like a

pretty accurate measurement as to where your maximal oxygen level may be.

Score Percentile Rating

1. Treadmill walk test 24.87 ml/kg/min 10 very poor

2. Based on your age and gender, your VO2 max for this test was 24.87 ml/kg/min. This was

considered very poor and rated at a 10th percentile. Although this is low, this is something
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that we can work on with our training. This was only, also, on a walk test, so your VO2

could be different in a different and more excruciating exercise. The test goes off of your

last taken heart rate, which was also lower than the rest of the test. Because of this, the

determined level could have been different if your heart rate would have remained the

same. Also, with performing the YMCA bike test before this, you could have been more

tired than you would have been starting this test first.

3. The results of both of the tests showed a lot of similarity between the to maximal oxygen

levels. These were within one unit of each other, which I find to be a pretty accurate

measurement of where your VO2 max may be.

4. As we have talked about before, we need to focus on your cardiovascular fitness as well as

other factors in our training. The finding that we have gotten to give us good baseline data

as to where we should go next and the pace we can move at. These two tests showed that

your baseline data is “very poor”, so this is something that we will really focus on moving

forward. As we progress, I hope that you will gain more motivation to do these activities

on your own as well as after our training is over. For a FITT principle here, we will work

on cardiovascular fitness 3-5 days a week for 20-30 minutes each time. This will be at an

intensity that is right for you, as well as being a specific cardiovascular activity.

E. Muscular Fitness

1. According to ACSM, the terms of muscular strength, endurance, and power are all in the

same category of muscular fitness. Muscular strength is the muscles ability to exert a

maximal force on one single occasion. An example of this could be lifting something in

the house, or even lifting a child to carry them. On the other hand, muscular endurance is

the muscles ability to perform exertions on several repetitions on a submaximal load. An

example of this could be climbing stairs or carrying laundry to another room. Muscular

fitness is the combination of these things and is an important aspect for the overall fitness
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and health of the individual. Also included in muscular fitness is muscular power. This is

the ability of a muscle to exert force per a unit of time. For you, these are all important to

continue to work towards. These are something that we tested you on to get a baseline as

to where you stand before training. You have never played sports, and the only exercise

that you have done before coming to college was occasional work in gym class. This is

something that I am really eager to work on and improve with you. Things such as

deadlifts that you admire so much would be under muscular fitness, and I intend to teach

you how to do this.

Score Percentile Rating

2. Pre-values:

One minute bent knee sit up test 25 reps 15th Average

Push up test 14 reps Fair

Grip strength 44.9 kg (sum) Poor

3. Overall in this section, you did fairly decent. For the sit up test, you scored average which

is good. For the grip strength test you had scored poor, which is nothing that cannot be

worked on. We can work on this through different grip strength exercises, such as forearm

exercises. Your push up score was fair, which you did fairly well considering being shown

the correct form and how to do one correctly before the test. Overall, your muscular

fitness can improve, which we knew coming into this. This is something that we have

talked about working on and we will continue to.

4. With the different exercises that I plan on taking you through, your muscular fitness will

definitely improve throughout. Coming from not being active or exercising consistently

can be hard to score good on baseline tests. Come the end of our sessions, we will

improve these measurements. Without doing these exact exercises, we can work on
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multiple different ones that will still improve your overall performance in the ones that

you will be tested on again at the end. Something that you were wanting to get out of this

training was toning your body, which will occur after exercising your muscular fitness.

Other factors will go into this as well, but I plan to work on this factor just a bit more than

the rest since this is something you want to be able to do but you were never taught the

correct way. Also knowing the correct form for each of these will help to improve your

strength even more. For the FITT principle here, we will work on muscular fitness 2-3

days a week for 20-60 minutes each time. During these days, we will target specific areas

of the body through weight bearing activities.

F. Flexibility

1. Flexibility is the ability to move a joint through its complete range of motion. It is

important for all of us as we preform our activities of daily living. Flexibility goes into a lot

more then we think throughout our day. From bending over to pick something up, to anything

that you may preform that can be athletic, flexibility is always important. This is something

that may get overlooked as not as important as the rest, but it is definitely important in our

training. By becoming more flexible, you will see a difference in your performance on

anything that you might be doing throughout the day and it will even feel easier to do these


Sit and Reach Score Percentile Rating

1. Pre-value 5 cm Poor (needs improvement)

Back Scratch Score Percentile Rating

1. Pre-value right: 0.5 cm Pass

Left: 0.5 cm Pass

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2. This test is to determine your shoulder flexibility by measuring the overlap of your fingers

when reaching behind your back. This is why it is also referred to as the back scratch.

With an overlap to your fingers, this is measured as a passed test. If there were to be a gap

between your fingers, I would measure this gap and this would be a failed test. Since you

were able to overlap your fingers, I could count these both as passed tests and an overlap

of 0.5 cm for each.

3. Since you did pass these tests, we will continue to work on your flexibility in this area.

Flexibility is not something that you mentioned wanting to improve, but after these tests it

is definitely something that we can look to work on throughout our practice. For the FITT

principle here, we will work on flexibility after exercise most days. This will include

stretching for about 10 minutes after the cool down from the exercise. We are working on

your flexibility a lot to improve, so we will stretch most of the body each and every day to

full range of motion.

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a. Risk Factors (ASCM Guidelines page 48)

 Age:

o Men 45 or older, women 55 or older

o Only 21

 Family history:

o Myocardial infarction, coronary revascularization, or sudden death before

55 years in father or other male first-degree relative or before 65 in mother

or female first-degree relative

o No family history

 Cigarette smoking:

o Current cigarette smoker or those who quit within the previous 6 months

or exposure to environmental tobacco smoke

o Does not smoke, never has

 Physical inactivity:

o Not participating in at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical

activity on at least 3 days of the week for at least 3 months

o Non-active

 Obesity:

o Body mass index of 30 kgm2 or greater or waist girth greater than 102

centimeters for men and greater than 88 for women

o Not obese (BMI 24.76 kg/m2)

 Hypertension:
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o Systolic blood pressure greater than or equal to 140 mmHg and/or

diastolic of 90 mmHg or above, confirmed by two or more measurements

on two separate occasions

o Normal blood pressure (120/82 resting)

 Dyslipidemia:

o Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol greater than or equal to 130 mg•dL or

high density lipoprotein cholesterol less than 40 mg•dL or if on lipid-

lowering medication

o Unknown

 Diabetes:

o Fasting plasma glucose over or equal to 126 mg•dL

o Unknown

 Negative risk factor:

o HDL greater than or equal to 60 mg•dL

o Unknown

Based on the lack of risk factors that my client shows, she does not need a physician clearance

before entering an exercise program. One concern that I have for her is that she does have chest

pain with exertion, which she experienced during the YMCA test. Her asthma can also be

concerning, but when she brings her inhaler it is something that we did not have to worry about.

We will monitor chest pain as we go, as well as check on any problems with breathing if it ever

becomes one.
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My patient does not have any injuries that should be alarming or hold her back from exercise of

any kind. The only things that we will have to monitor, as said before, is the chest pain she

experiences as well as her asthma. She has other complications, such as depression and anxiety,

but after talking through this with her, she should be fine to complete exercise activities with

these problems. Although the problems that my client has, she is not on any major prescriptions

that would cause specific side effects and mess with anything we will be doing. My client did get

dizzy after the YMCA bike test and had to rest for a little before being able to complete any

other activities. This was alarming, considering how she was rating herself of the RPE scale

beforehand. I was able to talk her through it and let her rest after until she got to full capacity to

get back to what we were working on.

My client was very interested in everything that we were doing with her. She had a question for

most things, but I was able to answer these to the fullest of my abilities from what I have learned

in my major so far. She is excited to get to become active and be shown how to get there as well.

She definitely learned a lot from what we were doing, considering she knew little to nothing

about exercise before this. Some questions that she was most concerned about was how she was

doing or how well she was scoring after a test. I was able to tell her that it is something I will

work on at a later time, but also something that she will be seeing and going over as well. She

would also have specific questions on the tests and how and why they were ran the way that they

are, which I was easily able to explain to her in detail. My client and I are the same age, so it is

easy to relate with her and be on the same page with everything.
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Fitness Profile – Pre-Assessments

Name: __(confidential) Date: ____September 16th, 2019_____

Resting Blood Pressure: 120/82

Resting Heart Rate: 68 bpm

1. Cardiovascular Fitness

Test: treadmill walk test Score: 24.87 ml/kg/min strength x needs


Test: YMCA bike test Score: 25.97 ml/kg/min strength x needs



Since cardiovascular fitness is a reflection of the functional capacity of the heart, the lungs and

the blood vessels and how they work, this is something that we will work a lot on. We will do a

lot of cardiovascular fitness training to improve your levels of fitness as well as reduce any pain

while exercising. We will start slow, since you do not have much training in this.

2. Muscular Fitness

Test: one minute bent knee sit up test Score: 25 (Average) x Strength

________ Needs Improvement

Test: push up test Score: 14 (fair) _______Strength x Needs


Test: grip strength Score: 44.9 (poor) _______Strength x Needs

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Overall, your muscular fitness was not terrible. It is definitely something that we can work

towards improving and showing you how to do the correct form for new exercises. Muscular

fitness is something that you have never really worked on because of not knowing what to do, so

we will really focus on getting the form down and getting you where you need to be so that we

can improve your strength as well.

3. Flexibility

Test: sit and reach Score: 5 cm (poor) _______Strength x Needs


Test: back scratch test Score: R: +0.5 cm (pass) L: +0.5 cm (pass)

_______Strength __x__ Needs Improvement


As a whole, your flexibility tests were not the best tests that you had performed in. The sit and

reach was a struggle for you, so this is something to work towards and make a goal for. We can

work towards better flexibility for you by working in body stretches throughout our training.

4. Body Composition

Weight: 144 lbs. (65.45 kg) Height: 5’4

Test: BMI Score: 24.76 kg/m2 _x__Strength ________ Needs


Test: BIA Score: 31.5% __x___Strength ________ Needs Improvement

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Test: Skinfold seven site Score: 27% _______Strength x Needs


Test: waist circumference Score: 33 inches x strength needs



You had mentioned many times in your write up that losing weight would be something that you

are very interested in. Although you did not know what would be a healthy weight to lose, you

were still interested in as much as you can do. We can target specific exercises to help you

improve your overall body composition. Strength training, cardiovascular exercises, endurance

training and many more can all improve your body composition. Ideally, I would love to help

you lose weight and get in shape, which is the ultimate goal of this program! You also would like

motivation to continue to do these things, which we will find as we continue along in the


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