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ALFRED CORTOT Rational P rinciples of P ianoforte Technique Translated by R. LE ROY-METAXAS 8 ICE SENART - PARIS BOSTON - OLIVE! IN COMPANY - NEW-YORK SOLE 1S FOR THE U. S.A. INDEX Page Foreword... ae . 1 Plan for the study of the exercise 2 Daily hey-hoard gymnastics. . 4 Rational principles of pianoforte technique CHAPTER L Evenness, i CHAPTER I Passing under of the thumb~Scales-Arpeggios. 23 CHAPTER TIT dependence and mobility of the fingers. 8 The technique of double notes and polyphonic playing. 37 CHAPTER IV The technique of extensions... boo CHAPTER V. The technique of the wrist - The execution of chords. 72 Repertory : co 97 ALFRED CORTOT Rational P rinciples of Pianoforte Technique FOREWORD ‘Two factors form the basis of any instrumental study ‘one psychological factor from which nation, reasoning, the feeling for shading and tone : in taste, imagi- a word, style ~ one physiological factor, that is, dexterity of the hands and fingers, absolute submission of the mus- cles and nerves to the material exigencies of execution. For the development of the psychological side, which is above all a function of personality and taste, peda- sogy can rely only upon the enrichment of general cul- ture, upon the development of the imaginative and ana: lytical faculties which open the way to the translation of the emotions and sensations evoked by music. For this purpose there exist neither good nor bad sys- tems, but only good and bad teachers. ‘On the other hand, endless collections of exercises of every kind solicit the zeal of pianists anxious to acquire mechanical mastery of the keyboard. ‘There is, speaking literally, an overwhelming choice of these works. We should certainly never have consi- dered adding a new element of perplexity to this im- posing collection of contradictory theories, through which the problem of pianistic technique is seen wearing the ter- rific aspect of @ hundred-headed hydra, had not our especial care been that of simplifying the question and demonstrating the vulnerability of the monster. One of the most significant points in the progress of instrumental teaching during the last few years, is that the COPIRIGHT BY EDITIONS MAURICE SERART - 1938 mechanical and long-repeated practice of a difficult pax sage has been replaced by the reasoned study of the dif- ficulty contained therein, reduced to its elementary prin- ciple. With this fact in view, we have established = method of work whose laws we have attempted to apply in our edition of the works of Chopin We shall try, in the following pages, to generalise # formula, whose efficiency several years of eAperienre have allowed us to test, by extending it to pisnistic if ficulties of every order, reducing the (alter to five cate gories, each of which will be analysed in a separate chap: ter. That is to say, that instead of pursuing virtuosity along the uncertain paths of complication and creasing technical difficulty, we shall seek on the con- afforded us trary, making use of the valuable examp! by athletic training, to retain only those movements which are indispensable to its complete development. It will thus become possible to review every morning. in the space of about an hour, the complete cycle of the problems of piano-playing. No doubt these daily gym- nastics for the pianist will be compared to the series of physical and respiratory exercises prescribed by hvgie- nists. Such a comparison, even made ironically, cannot fail to please us. It perfectly defines the object and uti lity of this work, PLAN FOR THE STUDY OF THE EXERCISES. 1. A preparatory period of six months is necessary for a thorough preliminary study of this collection, eonsis- ting of three quarters of an hour's work each day, and of alwut a month, or, more accurately, thirty-six consecutive days for the preparation of each chapter; a quarter of an hour's work should be devoted regularly, apart from any other category of exercise, every day, to the prepa: ratory chapter entitled « Daily Keyboard Gymnastics », whose object is the seasoned loosening of all the pianist’s muscular apparatus. that is to say, fingers, hand, wrist and even forearm: a total of one hour is thus obtained, to be reserved for technical problems in the work of each day Turing this first period of study, the anticipation of any chapter by @ -ucceeding one musi he absolutely avoided, all muditication in the established plan being in radical opposition to the essential object of this work, which is the complete assimilation of the principle of each diffi culty tak n separately 2. There ef each chapter inta periods of thirty-six days. nothing arbitrary in the division of the work This is crtermined hy adupting a different key as the starting. wont for the work nf each day. and since the chromatic ale is composed uf twelve sounds, there will be three Turin: the first twelve days, Series A of the feter attention should be studied (first day : © major apter ae minor, second day : € sharp major and C sharp miter. and su forth: during the twelve following days Series Hin the same fashion — then for the last twelve tiays, Series C, Daily chromatic transposition has the effect of con: tly renewing the position of the fingers on the key: rd. and the fingering of the key of C, according to nich all the formulae have been initially established, snould be preserved in every key. This principle of daily transposition is strictly compul- 3. From the sixth month onward the study of the var tious difficulties should be mixed, either by the daily se: lection from each chapter, of the Series bearing the same letter, or else by taking them in contrary order. to avwid accustoming the fingers to the repetition of for- mlae invariably presented in the same sequence, ‘The familiarity by now acquired, with the different categories of exercises, will permit of their unbesitating succession, and this circuit gf the pianoforte’s difficul: ties can be effected in about an hour, including the daily repetition of the chapter dealing with the gymnastics of the keyboard, never on any account w be neglected. The principle of daily transposition will, of course, be preserved in the new disiibution of the exere That is to say, that by embarking every day on a new key. twelve days will again be necessary to exhaust the modu- latory cycle of each combination. But this mode of pro: cedure can equally be alternated with the repetition on every degree of the chromatic scale, that is twelve tines for each formula, of certain exercises designated by con ventional signs whose meaning is given below. Jn the same way, fingering, rythm, and harmonic basis of each exercise can be renewed « ad infinitum », accur ding to the indications on the transferable table of refe: rence to which these signs refer. It is impossible to lay sufficieht stress on the impor tance of a complete rest of ten minutes duration, after the study of these exercises and before undertaking any new Physical effort. if not followed by complete muscular relavali is prejudicial to any form of training. We is thus that the tech use will ensure the upkeep of a thoroughly supple mecha al formula, whose regular nism, docile to every exigency of execution, will hencefor ward be presented. 4. But at this point there intervenes, under the teach- er's control, the individual participation of the pupil Even though we fully take into account the purely physiological character of the work whose foundations bly admit of we lay down in this volume, we canngt po: any neglect in reflection or discernment We therefore leave blank at the end of each chapter two pages of ruled paper reserved for the noting of new formulae of exercises having relation to the difficulty dealt with in the chapter and due either to the ingenuity of the pupil or to the initiative of the master. The latter will indeed have been able, during the first period of six months dedicated to the preparatory studs of this collection, to discern precisely which are the weak Te will thus be possible for him eventually to insist with, as it places in the technique submitted to his control were, scientific authority, upon certain details of mecha- nism to which special work should be devoted. We consider that it would not be out of place to re- mind the reader at this point, of that principle of piano- forte instruction, too rarely applied in our opinion, namely that, acearding to the formation of the hands, their adap- tation to the keyboard may be — indeed, must be — distinetly different A summary classification of the different types of inand sufficiently explicit, however, to avoid being equi veal — hands with long fingers or hands with short fin gers — will serve as a point of departure for the part cular direction of the pupils’ studies. Adopting a me- thou of work, specialised in this way, should permit of 4 faisly rapid amendment of certain faults, which, at first sight might seem impossible to overcome, even by means of the most stubborn work In fact, we may confidently affirm that no physical obstacle exists in pianistic execution, which is absolu: tely insurmountable, when once the nature of the obstacle has been clearly defined, and when reason and log been called upon for its conquest. In order to open the way to useful research in the di- rection we have just pointed out, we mention at the end of each chapter the exercises which apply especially to the various formations of the hand described above, We also append, at the end of this work, by way of an indication, a summary repertory of works preferably chosen from classical pianoforte literature, the study of which will permit of the immediate application of the technical principle analysed in each chapter. The teach- er must decide for himself, in what measure and at what moment, it will be fitting to have recourse to this complementary study. We take the liberty of advising him to follow the example, in this matter, of a perspicacious doctor who, axcording to the constitution of his patient, refrains from using the same therapeutic measures for one whose appear- ance is analagous. 5. One final observation with regard to the transferable table of reference which should act as 2 guide for the eystematic study of each chapter, and which should be placed opposite each page under attention. Upon it we have placed : 1. 4 table of the twelve major and minor scales te be used in turn for daily transposition, the point of depa ture for each exercise being raised by one chromatic degree every day. As this system is common to all the examples in the collection we have dispensed with a special sign such as those which will be found below 2. A model of the chromatic formula to be emploved es preceded by the letter (C) (daily tran: for the exerci sposition on to all the degrces of the chromatic scale 3. A table of the harmonic combinations according to which all the formulae preceded by the letier (H) are to be studied as well as a model of the modifications to whieh the use of a new disposal may give rise 4. A table of the different rhythms to be applies! tu the formulae preceded by the letter (R) and @ movlel nf com bined chythms. 5. A table of the different fingerings which it will be necessary to use in suecession for the -tuly of the for mulae preceded by the letter (F) and a mudel tor the application of various fingerings to the same formula When the same exercise is accompanied by one or more of these letters or conventional signs, this means that the exercise may studied indiscriminately accorling to the tables referred to by these letters, and that these tables may either be used in succession or in conjunction. Finally we recall the fact that ex: © otherwise specified, all the exercises are applicable to Iv hands. ept whe the fingerings for the right hand being given above the notes, and for the left hand below them. ‘The examples for the left hand are usvally written in the treble clef in order to allow the use uf the tan “- tion table. Nevertheless, and the same applies to ail the evercises in this collection, either for both hands wr for ome, ne recommend that they should be studied with frequent changes of octave, which has the effect of secustoming the hand to all the positions which it can possibly take up on they keyboard. Most of the exercises in this work are reversible. That is to say that it will suffice to use the fingering fur the right hand in the left or vice versa, and to follow the order of the fingers according to the harmonic formula that is chosen, to give birth to a new disposal In the course of study it will be noticed that the modi. fications we have just indicated will enable the formulae. which are to a certain extent impersonal, to be constantly varied, and their interest and utility diversified. We have not so much attempted in writing the following. exercises to invent new ones, as to obtain from the sim- plest of them, by a systematic method, the maximum of pianistic efficiency, It is the way in which they are studied, and not the actual substance of them, which confers a special value upon them, and, to make use of an ambitious metaphor, enlarges their horizon, Daily Keyboard Gymnastics Preliminary Chapter Dedicated to the Study of Movements of the Fingers, Hand, and Wrist. ‘he sole object of the exercises contained in this chap- ter is to render the fingers, hand and wrist supple, with a view to their adaptation to the keys apart from any appli- cation of « musical order. They constitule real instrumental gymnastics; and no words are sufficient to insist on the necessity of conse- rating a quarter of an hour to them daily before any other study The metronome numbers indicated, as well as the repe tions of each exercise are worked out with this duration Control EXERCISE No 1. (Jndependence of the fingers of their individual movements). Metr, A: a0 a 80 EXERCISE No 1. (itenty mi, Gallente fe a Steer eer tae a hae ag Gilend (silent) silent) (sient) 5 Place the fingers on the keys marked with semi-breves, without pressing them down, Then, leaving the other fingers in silent contact with the keys, resting lightly on their surface, lower each finger affected by the execution of the semi-quavers, counting four on each crotchet : 1, to strike the note, — 2, to press the finger down as, \The seme system of work (or exercises No. 2.& 3, 16, 25, 3a) EXERCISE No 2 (Development of the muscles of the fingers). This exercise is played om the same notes as the pre- ceding one, keeping the silent position of the fingers on the semi-breves. But the finger which executes the semi- quavers will describe the following movements, still counting 4 on each crotchet, and in the given metronomic movement ; 1, to strike the note —~ 2, to slide the finger im action below the level of the motionless fingers, relin- quishing the key and stretching it downwards as far as pessible, perpendicularly, in front of the key-board — 3. in brig the finger back to the level of the keys — 4, to lift the imger vertically, as high as possible. In this exercise the active finger only remains in contact with the Key for the duration of the first semi-quaver of each beat. EXERCISE No 3 (Lateral finger movements to give suppleness to the flexor of the fingers). Exerrisrs based on the same formula with the same far as the key will go (without cramping or stiffening the other fingers) — 3, to let the key rise with the finger, — 4, to cease the pressure. This exercise is to be studied in the four following positions, a different position being adopted daily. to be transposed Into every key, ‘metronomic movement and the same number of repetitions for each position. ‘The active finger, in this case, executes the following movements : 1, to sound the note — 2, to stretch the extended finger to the left, crossing it over the other fingers and as far as possible — 3, the same movement to 1 — 4, to raise it vertically above its key. Only the thumb’s movements differ from those just described, owing to its especial conformal Ih should be brought to the right for the right hand, to the left for the left hand, passing under the fingers instead of over them. ‘These three exercises must he exclusively practised pido, ‘The same formula as for Exercises 1, 2, and 3, but with fingers pressed down, lowering the keys as far as they will go. Practise these : m.f. and f. EXERCISE No 4 (To give suppleness to he lateral movements of the wrist.) Metr. 4-60 Count freee simile Strike each chord neatly, taking care to attack all the notes simultaneously, then subject the wrist (which must remain absolutely loose) to a combined Alexuous and rolary movement, up-and-down aad from left to right, for the right hand, and from right to left for the left hand, execuriag one complete movement for each crotchet, that is: four movements in each bar. Maintain the position of each finger firmly upon the keys and let the wrist describe as pronounced « cireular movement as possible. Afterwards reverse the move. ment of the wrist, that is to say work it from right to left for the right hand and from left to right for the left hand. EXERCISE No 5 (Citing suppleness to the horizontal routoments of the wrist: flexibility of the hand) anve succession of chords. Alter striking each chord raise the wrist and push it he back of the keyboard, so as to overturn the wards, with the wrist higher up than the back tei fi ot tse hand, then draw back the wrist towards the body, wnsl the fingers are fat upon the keys. Repeat this | Haceward forward and movement, which must be exe: end with suppleness and decision, the extremities of the (cots never leaving their original position upon the keys | hing a complete movement for every quaver Metr 60. Keep the keys pressed down all emp the time, EXERCISE No 6. The same exercise reversed; that is to say : slide the hard towards the back of the key-board, lifting the finger. tips as igh as possible so that their inner surface presses uuprisht against the panel behind the key-board, then bring example EXERCISE No 7 EXERCISE No 8 (Suppleness of the wrist and forearm : tertical movement) Hold the hands at the level of the shoulders, then, with 's rapid and decided movement throw them on to the key- ward which they must beush lightly without sounding any notes, immediately rebounding to their original posi- thot where they should make a slight pause. Repeat this gesture twenty times at the rate of 60 for each movement. EXERCISE No 9 (Suppleness and rapidity of lateral morements of the forearm: flexibility of the elbow) (he object of this exercise is to develop the lateral mobility of the forearm, with a view to adapting it to a rapid technique in the transmission of the hand along the kesctuard, ‘This is 10 be accomplished as follows : place the right hand on the key-board, as far to the left ts possible and throw it, by means of « supple movement sof the forearm, towards the highest keys on the extreme right: then return it to its starting point. ~ Make a slight back the hand, and let the fingers regain their curved position. ‘The wrist must be lowered as the hand ad vances and must be raised as it returns to ite original position. I will be advantageous in this exercise to Keep one finger in cwtact with its key in its normal position, and to use each finger in succession in this way. EXERCISE No 7 (To develop a firm attack of the fin: gers, while keeping a supple wrist) Jse the chords in the formula given for Exercise No. 4. Press down all the fingers, taking care that all the notes are struck simultaneously, then, with the exception of one finger which remains in contact with its key, lower the hand as far as possible below the level of the key-board, keeping the free fingers folded back towards the palm of the hand. Use each of the five fingers in succession to hold the single note on each chord formation, and repeat the move- ment four times after each change of finger. pause on arriving at each extremity. Afterwards execute the same movement in the opposite direction with the left hand. The time is the same as that of the preceding exercise. Repeat each movement 20 times. Except for xercise No. 9 these exercises are to be practised with both hands together. The principle of daily transposition is to be applied, and also frequent changes of octave As the foregoing exercises are based upon purely physiological conception of manual gymnastics applied to the piano, we feel it indispensable to exact the perfect posture of the hody for their execution, of which this is the compulsory corollary, and the only means of giving absolute aceuracy and amplitude to the movernents which we have With this object in view we draw the attention of wachers to the necessity of insisting that the pupil should icated. use a seat whose height is exactly suited to his physical constitution, The key-board being generally 28 1/2 in, from the Moor (we are speaking of grand pianofortes only, for the most unexpected differences exist in the height of the key. hoanls of upright pianofortes), the normal height of the seat for a pupil of avera; 18 ins, The lenght of the arm even more than that of the body should determine the correct conditions of The arm should be bent in a natural curve in such a way as to avoid troublesome angles which paralyse the normal play ‘of the muscles of the forearm and of the hand, ¢ stature can be estimated at accomodation at the key-board. As a general rule the wrist should be held less high than the hand: the naturally curved position of he index-inges on the key will fix that of the other fingers, which. as far as their unequal length will permit, without injurious contraction, should strike the respective keys on the same level and at the same point and disastrous stiffiness will thus be avoided Ce the largest pussible surface of the small phalans Exaggerated articulation fact with the keys will naturally be established by Jn the work known as “Articulation , certain teachers demand a zreater output of strength, From thety pangs, 1° raising the finger above the key-boarl. thats iy the key down, — May we be allowed tt give coe bon oe efficiency of this utterly anti-physinlogical system Rational Principles of Pianoforte Technique. In the beginning of this work, we stated that we thought it possible to group all the problems of pianistic execution ins tive essential categories. We conceive this classifi cation in the following manner : 1, Equality, independence and mobility of fingers. 2. Passing under of the thumb (scales-arpeggios). 4. Duuble notes and polyphonic playing. 4. Extensions, Wrist technique, execution of chords. We consider that in the whole literature of the piano- fe. no difficulty exists which cannot be placed under one of the preceding headings. We are also convinced that an attentive study of the following pages will determine an appropriate method of work for every diffieulty. ‘The interpretation of music by means of a docile and supple mechanism, the conscientious servant of the thought to be conveyed, will thus become possible. CHAP But this, we repeat with emphasis, can be attained on cone condition only : that of conforming exactly to the plan of work which we prescribe; without abusing the economy of its system by unseemly haste; without imagining that the alternative anticipation of a preceding chapter by another would give quicker and more conclusive results: without prematurely abandoning any exercise with the idea that its particular difficulty has been easily over- come; and lastly, without exaggerating through laudable but misplaced excess of zeal, the duration of the daily task set by us. As to the reward to be expected from the patient effort we demand, we would willingly define it by quoting the words of Garcia to the youthful Malibran, liberating her from the lengthy ana severe vocal exercises to which he had subjected her : “And now go—and sing according to your heart—you know your trade”. TER I Equality, Independence and Mobi ty of the Fingers (Without Passing under of the Thumb) ‘The object of the exercises contained in this chapter is, the slevelopment of the virtuosity on which key-board technique vis founded up to the advent of Beethovenian that is to say the light and airy virtuosity of the Harpsichord players, all trembling with a winged hfe of trills, mordants, roulades, and grupetti, such as that of Couperin, Scarlatti and Rameau. The style of a Bach, a Haydn, a Mozart, although more fumanticism : meditative, more ardently eloquent, is nevertheless also a iributary of the sonorous rhetorie resulting from the par- ticular resources of the instruments of the period. It is the epoch of even and running execution: when the "s ambition was to imitate the amiable manner of virus the singer, the elegant vivacity of his art, with its wealth of embellishments and flowery grace-notes. In the XIXth. century, the writing of a Clementi, a Mendelssohn or a Chopin still often bears witness of such tradition of pleasant volubility, and in the present day, although the taste for precise percussion and clear-cut rhythms seems to be in opposition to the development of 4 melodie curve revived from ancient formulae, the anti- harmonic tendencies of contemporary young composers nevertheless re-invest with an unexpected reality those vir tues of pianistic technique, to which nearly a century of vertical music seemed to have dealt a decisive blow. This shows the importance of the study whose elements, will be found in the following exercises. Legato or staccato playing, portando or brilliant and distinct execution, evenness of finger touch or variety of tone created by diversity of attack, such are the many modes of expression which here come into being, and whose immediate application is to be found in the inter pretation of the works of the principal composers men- tioned above. The execution of yrace-note, arabesque and fioritura, ‘on heavier key-boards than those for which they were conceived does not fail to offer distinct difficulties even to most skilful fingers, and it is hardly necessary to add that all these melodie artifices which animate the music of the XVIlIth. century receive the greatest benefits from the work which we preseribe, as do also the repetition or substitution of the fingers. Since the essential principle of technique studied in this first chapter is evenness of touch, care must be taken, according to the different conformations of the hand. to curve the fingers in such a way that they each steike the This is « equality in the propulsion of the hammers on the strin note on the same level sine qua nen” for and consequently for perfection in the relation uf ton between notes played in melodic succession. It will be well not to count on the apparent facility of the formulae contained in this chapter. their study will soon dissipate this illusion. In any case, SERIES A Tenuto Finger Exercises. ‘As the position of the fingers is the same for all the formulae in this series, as well as for the formation of any chords taken from the examples in the transferable EXERCISE No 10.(Mobility of fingers taken separately.) reference table, we think it useless to repeat the fingering for each exercise. The right hand will always be placed thus : 1,2,3,4,5, the left 5,4,3,2.1. @® a TE Spr tr ar to EXERCISE No te(idem) EXERCISE No lv. 1idem.1 " — rT. —| —_—_ With the exception of the held notes which are always and percussive attack in the geadations p. mj. anu F to be played piano, these exercises are to be practised | Metr60 to 144 the erotchet. alternately legato and in finger staccato, with conjunctive Exercise for four fingers - With one finger held. (Evenness and Independence of the Fingers) The use of the held finger reduces any participation of | loosening the active fingers, favours their individual attack, the hand to a minimum in tone production, and while EXERCISE No 20. (Fingers held: r. h. thumb; L. h. 5th.) EXERCISE No 26.(Fingers held: rh. 2nd; |. k. 4th.) = = ESS ESSE SS 6 RS ee Gee EXERCISE No 2c. (Fingers held: r. h. 3rd; L. h. 3rd.) D® Ge Ge i SSS SSeS DD Pe ae ao gts St 6 fe agri ege 2 Godse roar ao Jotdentate eee estas geese ee eae EXERCISE No 2¢. (Fingers held: r. h. 4th; 1. h. 2nd.) EXERCISE No 2¢.(Fingers held: r. h. 5ths 1. h. thumb.) sone gt ets Bette Vises eetare tance of whose study, no words can lay sufficient stress, The semi-quavers are to he played alternately legato this exercise being one of the most efficacious of this and staccato. The use of the harmonic combinations in the trans. | SeT1€8 ferable table will give rise'to new disposals on the impor: SERIES B Exercises with free fingers (without passing under of the Thuub) EXERCISE No lu, (Beginning with the thumb r. h.; 5th. 1. h.) 234 5432 e 7 RB EXERCISE No 1¢. (Beginning with the 2nd. finger rh. 4th. L. h.) £0 = dine I sere ? EXERCISE No 1c. (Beginning with the 3rd. finger of both hands ) gee 42 t EXERCISE No 1d. © 44 ®® ae As we have pointed out in the plan of study, we recall the fact that the sign (C) implies the daily chromatic, transposition in immediate succession of the formulae contsined hetween the double bar and the repeat. ‘The 18) The same will be observed for all the following for mulae, and will in no way affect the harmonic and rhyth- mic modifications brought about by the use of the variants given in the table and referred to by the signs (H) and (R). We also advise that all the formulae should be linked | | study of Exercise No. 1a, which we give here by way of example, will therefore present itself in the following form: together in a different key each day, contrasting the degrees of rapidity and the dynamics, the fingers playing alternately legato and staccato. In this last case the repetition of each note with the same finger will give the best of results. Exomple Oo SSeS See eee ae? See that the fingers not in aetion are absolutely relaxed. all the effort being centred on the finger in action. EXERCISE No 20. (Erentiess of the fingers in a ssecession of different rhythms.) EXERCISE No 2c. 16 EXERCISE No 2d. @ EXERCISE No 2¢. = Me 26 : Ta qs as SSS Se > eSrese Ga etasstpetansenenssy ® o OS ia ste steed etaee For the study of these exercises in contrary motion for | only play using the fingering marked for the right hand both hands, we recall the fact that since the position of | and vice versa. the fingers on the keys is invariable the left hand need No. 2d No. 2c ee oe ce n The same fingering = Lh All the exercises in Series B can also be practised with | right hand, sometimes passing over it, and sometimes hands crossed, the left hand playing an octave above the | under. nnn 17 EXERCISE No 10, (Lateral finger movements, conjunct motion.) EXERCISE No 1, (Jdem. Disjunct motion.) _ —— 20 Ge SS] eect ter cr 4 eee = 22 r a 5 EXERCISE No 2. (Sliding the same finger chromatically.) e@ . 5 tit? Corr ° olamal eae tees ame ee, 3 e : se EXERCISE No 30, (Change of finger on the sume key.) 5,simile "simile EXERCISE No 3b. (Idem. With one finger held.) ° har as SS 18 EXERCISE No 3¢. (Idem. With two fingers held.) 20 ee asi % EXERCISE No oon wen Also to be practised with the fingering <3s, £43, Sab, L498, ete. EXERCISE No Su. Legato substitution of fingers. (Slide the fingers successively on lo the same key without sounding it.) Use the same fingering for both hands EXERCISE No 50. (Articulate substitution of the fingers on the sume key.) xa) 19 EXERCISE No 64, Repetition of the same note with different fingers (two fingers.) TetetZi2 or 2923 or 84.94 238) LEists ts O° BERS Or g8 aS pre Vatattd 3883 BAB 3333 EXERCISE No 7. (Grupetti with upward termination.) yugizan asgzase 345. 3 BAL2S2 STRES35 438405 29212482 94929543 43429543 49 € o 4849494 9284925 2izger2 gzasaza $aa3%a3 f254s22 31888) 3 2ea0982 saga zig vittesss EXERCISE No 80. (Trills with held fingers.) set ads 2°2 To be practised in all positions with a new Angering for each bar. In spite of the similarity of the lust bar of this Exercise with No. $a, of Series C, it will be necessary t0 devote fresh study to it here. eit ree Pioscige s * 2 (to be continued on further melodic formulae.) The exercises contained in this frst chapter are equally suitable to both kinds of hand, whose characteristies we have defined by denominating them hands with long or with short fingers. For the latter it is. however, advisable to avoid prolong- ed study of the formulae with held fingers, and it will be found advantageous to alternate the exercises of Series A & B daily Te will bring forth better results to study most of Series B legato rather than staceeto. Complementary Formulae for Exercises Composed by the Pupil or Recommended by the Teacher at Nota—Father Mersenne, in his treatise on «Universal Harmony> estimates the number of musieal combinations which can be established on five different notes at 150 We leave to the imagination of the pupil the vertiginous figure to which the new formulae might amount in the work of invention in which we here invite him to exercise nis ingenulty. CHAPTER II ad Passing under of the thumb - Scales - Arpeggios We have elsewhere laid stress (see the Students’ Edi- tion of Chopin's Studies — commentary N° 8 op. 10) on the importance of the pact played by the thumb in the technique of the pianoforte, and indicated some formulae for exercises capable of developing suppleness and light- ness in the movements of this member. An amplification of these exercises will be found in this chapter. Experience has xiven us proof of the effi- cacity of this mode of work, and we particularly recom- mend it We think that it would not be out of place, at the be- ginning of this special study, to give a brief outline of the history of that principle of fingering, which shows the chief difference between the school of the pianoforte, and that of the harpsichord. It has only been generally adopted at a relatively recent date — hardly 150 years ago — and corresponds to a cotapletely new departure in Sirtuosity, and as a natural reaction, in musical inventioa. It is well known that up to the end of the XVIIth century the use of the thumb on key-board instruments was, if not forbidden, at any rate totally neglected, Performers contented themselves with only using the four fingers, which found their place most naturally on the keys. This, perhaps for aesthetic reasons, and also because of the melodic requirements of the period, the restrained choice of tonalities, and the limited dimen- sions of the instruments, which did not entail a very wide range of displacements for the hand. The thumb was either allowed to trail carelessly beneath the hand, or to lean on the outer casing of the key-board. Ascending and descending progressions were obtained by passing the fingers across one another, a proceeding which seems never to have been submitted to any pre- cise rule. Apparently, however, the combination em: ployed for preference, was the crossing over of the second and third fingers. Ever Purcell’s and Couperin’s time, in the most glo- rious epoch of the art of the harpsichord, the use of the thumb is only occasional, and almost exclusively limited to the first note of a scale. After that, it is very rarely designated in a melodic formula, if we judge by the few indications for fingering handed down to us in the edi- tions of the period. It is to John Sebastian Bach that we are indebted not only for the “ Well tempered Clavichord ~, that is, the clavichord or harpischord equivalently tuned to suit all the different keys, but also, it seems, for the “ well fingered clavichord “, just as his key-board writing has ‘a greater wealth and loftiness of style than that of his French or Italian rivals, so it bespoke a very special vir- tuosity, for which the use of all the fingers was not too much . Iv'is in the interpretation of his works, that we shall Jearn, for the lucid translation of frequently juxtaposed melodic désigns, the use of the thumb in every key and in almost every position. Ik fell to the lot of his illustrious son. Charles-Philipe Emmanuel Bach, to systematize, to a certain extent. the new principles of fingering, and to introduce the regular vwe of passing the thumb under in scales, thus preparing the way for the technique of Mozart and of Haysin He still makes numerous reservations fur the legiti- macy of this procedure, in certain cases, ate! he subordi- nates it to considerations of musical expedien-y. rather than technical convenience. Towards the year 1200, (le menti gives precision and generality to the innovations of his predecessors, in his admirable ° Grailus ad Par assum *. the custom is established, of employing the thumb metho- In reality, it is only dating from his time that ically, twice in the octave, in the course of a scale. and of using it as a pivot to enable the hand to travel over several octaves, by means of arpeggios or composite figures. It is by an evident coincidence that we see, from this, period onwards, a richer and more comprehensive pia- nistie style now become almost dramatic, aiming no lon ger at merely copying the naive artifiers of the -inger, but at equalling the expressive power of the orchestra. ‘That the substitution, in musical practice, of the timbre of the piano, for that of the harpsichord, and the exten- sion of the key-board, both in the treble and the bass, should have been sufficient cause, apatt from any purels aesthetic consideration, to bring about th radical chan. in character which we notice in the composers of the end of the XVITIth century, are facts too obvious for fur ther demonstration. But for the complete expression of a new element of tonal inspiration, the support of an appropriate tech: nique became necessary. We think that we are not mistaken in looking upon the universally admitted use of passing the thumb, that means of multiplying the fingers. that eminent factor of velocity, father of octaviation, as the essential technical principle in the veritable revolution which, in less than 40 vears, overthrew all the conventions of pianistie writing, rising to a climax in the magnificent instrumental audacities, of «a Lizst or of a Thalberg. SERIES A Mobility of the thumb (seales and arpeggios) EXERCISE No 1a, (lateral and detached movements of thumb with the hand remaining motionless and the fir ger held.) (sume fingering for both hands) (for longetingered hands only) 1 1 1 1 1 =the = (for Tongingered hands only EXERCISE No 16. (idem with several fingers held.) 1 EXERCISE No 1c. (idem legato movements of the thumb. ave ce © Qe EXERCISE No 14. © veseF oF Here ™ 7 EXERCISE No 2u. (idem, hand in motion with finger held.) 00 = * 1 Sate tant (sume fingering for both hands) —> _— Ea some fingering for both hands. Employ the 2nd, Sed, and 4th Angers successively, for the held notes. EXERCISE No 2. (idem.) Th ee c® to be practised in the same way as exercise No 2a. 25 EXERCISE No 3e. (idem.) EXERCISE No 30. (idem, two fingers held.) simile EXERCISE No 4. (far the lightness in thumb transmission.) SERIES B Study of scales and arpeggios ‘The action of the thumb in scales and arpeggios, as an For the ideal execution of the legato scale, we suggest agent for the multiplication of the fingers, should neither | the following notation in which the upper line shows the cause any inequality of tone, any modification in the | mute position of the fingers on the keys, the lower line, the position of the other fingers, nor any diminution of speed | notes actually played. in rapid pla Fanpirement 3 1 (displacement Mate preparatory positions Notes actually played Finplacrment * 86 The left hand is alo tobe practised from ths example, | that demanded for descening motion, ls exeation is It will be tioticed that according to the anatomical con- | less easy in the ascent of the right hand, and in the descent of the left. Its perfect smoothness in both cases is obtained by the preparation of the thumb’s attack and by rapid lateral displacement of the hand. formation of the hand and its adaptation to the key: board, the passing under of the thumb necessitates a diffe- rent mechanism when produced in ascending motion, to EXERCISE No 1. (preparation of the attack of the thumb.) a2 a23 232 ? : Tat 3s Slide the thumb very close to the key-board, | this movement, to a minimum, which will be facilited approaching the note it will have to strike, as soon | by @ slight flexion of the wrist. as possible. Reduce all participation of the hand in EXERCISE No 2a. (Visplacement of the hand. the thumb remaining motionless.) Logs sige AD nnvie vem tpg og 0 ttabtade? os ga yy tpladtete? Witocess ae — — I ® $ 2 7 5 a * craw pert 7 5 EXERCISE No 20. (idem.) 2293 AAA 4 ere == Zae iqietghate tee PEE S Finite EXERCISE No 3«. (uscending und descending displacements of the hand, without using the thumb. Practise each hand separately.) 4 4 2 eas i i i Ith xen the hand will make ts neal advance yey skin he ever EXERCISE No 30. (idem; let the thumb play lightly; practise each hand separately.) eee e 4 4 2 ye 7 8 fe 8 ie ani i j i Angers, into position for its next attack. See that the erotchets are sounded absolutely simultaneously. EXERCISE No 4 germg for both hands.) cupndicy uf the passing under of the thumb, combined with all the fingers The same fin Make the pause on the minims quite distinet, and play the small notes very lightly EXERCISE No 40. (mixed fingerings.) OOGE € = EXERCISE No 5. D® A Seales for 3 fingers in all keys B. Seules for § fingers 19943 3 ©. Seotes for 5 fingers Se oe $f = £ bet Start with the thumb on esery note of the seale in turn, Employ the following mixed successio: us: 4 2123, 121234, transferable table EXERCISE No 6.(For this exercise study a scale in a different key each day, using the traditional fingering, in unison, in thirds, in sixths, in tenths, in contrary motion, with crossed hands, varying the movement, shading. and rhythms, and play alternately legato and staccato.) of fingers als 1212345, 1231234, 1241234 5, as well as the combinations shown on the ARPEGGIOS. The mechanism for passing the thumb under +, in the execution of arpeggios requires a slightly more accentuated flexion of the wrist than for scales, in propor- tion to the stretch imposed upon the fingers preparins the relurn of the hand to its normal position. (Notation of the ideal position of the fingers for the execution of arpeggios.) mute preparatory position notes setually played 28 (preparation for the attack of the thumb : practise each hund sepurutely.) EXERCISE No 7. EXERCISE No 8. idem; delicate use of the thumb (see note : Exercise No. 3b.) : irereany 8 we f a 3 oO 4 & e Same fingering for both hands. Make # distinet pause on the minims. Play the small notes lightly. EXERCISE No 9%. (mixed fingerings.) EXERCISE No 100, A. (arpeggios for 3 fingers on perfect chords.) 29 B. (arpeagios for 4 fingers. idem. EXERCISE No 100. A. (arpeggios for $ fingers on the chords of the seventh) 6) Arpeggios for 4 fingers : same positions. Employ the succession 1234 for the right hand; 4321 for the left. c) Arpeggios for 5 fingers : same positions. Employ the succession 12345 for the right hand; 54321 for the lef. Also use the mixed fingerings shown Exercise N’'5. EXERCISE No 11 This exercise will comprise the daily study of an arpeggio with its usual fingering, in all positions, inversions, etc. ina new key each day. For this study, conform to the indications given above for exercise N° 6 alternating arpeggios on perfect chords ‘with arpeggios of the seventh of all kinds, i SERIES C The chromatic seale - Broken chor Composite figures The chromatic scale. for the study of the chromatic scale, so us to counteract | the muscular effort caused by the technique of wide In our plan of work, we purposely reserve a place, | stretches, by the relaxation of a compact position of the between the study of arpeygios and that of broken chords, | hand.) EXERCISE No le. (preparation for the chromatic scale, the passing under of the thumb in opposition to all fingers the same fingering for bath hands EXERCISE No 1), (fingering for 3 fingers.) 15 44 14 5 14 BO feces nb eb debt eae a rho 3 Rod a a ot ea a) 128 42 4 detoeecet ost eee 8 t i Lat 1 1 3 4 2 EXERCISE No 1. (fingering for 4 fingers.) i 3 i nad a 15 t ae me 4 a 1 ret $$ BY bs ee i aa 4 Ne eeat st ee ete i sat Reet se cee ; $34 EXERCISE No 1d. (fingering for 5 fingers.) Get ee) ag ceo ee ei a0 a tl se 8 P22 ads P25 Fee F re 15 43 2 = sb bt eta gts sheyea tse bas The object of opposing the rhythms to their respective will be studied in conformity with the preceding indi fingerings in these exercises is to avoid the accentuation cation for exercise N° 6, Series B. of this chapter. of the thumb which counteracts even playin. Henceforward the three fingerings most frequently used will be found. together with the designation of the EXERCISE No 2./n this exercise the chromatic scale | kinds of execution to which they are most applicable. MM 11) brie, firmness — (2) lightness, rapidity —C) withoul the thumb, extveme sofiness, legato, Broken chords. A broken chord is nothing but a formation of arpeg- ivs, in which the regular succession of the notes is in- verted. The fingering is, in most cases determined by considerations of rhythmic punctuation, which render the position of the thurnb liable to every kind of modification. ‘The examples below are establishes! in view of these mo- difications. That is to say they are subject tw variation brought about by the use of the rhythms. fingerines and harmonic formations in the transferable table. Each note in these formations can be used as 8 starting point for a new exercise established un the patter ot the fellow ing formulae : EXERCISE No 3. (elementary formulae and traditional fingerings of broken chords.\ 32 broken chords of sounds. Models of A tescribed on the transferable table We repeat that this exervise siust be studied, with the Successive use of the combinations for 2, 3, 4 and 3 tingers 4 that daily transposi nas are only given bs tiga is compulsory. way of examples. The above Ang complementary exercises of chromatic fornotion, with varlable fingerings. UThumt transmission in composite figures.) Bs the denomination composite figues, we mean the erouping together, in a single melodic formula, gene- rally of a brilliant or rapid nature, and usually consisting of 2 succession of notes of equal value, of two elements, which fur the Monsieur Jourdsin (1) of to day suffice for the construction of all music. We are speaking of conjunct and disjunct motion, or let us say, for the sake ‘of simplicity : scales and arpeggios. We shall not enter — and with reason — into the un- complications to which this mixture ean give ris Although each epoch has marked this form of virtuo: ©@ EXERCISE No 10. | 4 conjunct notes 2 disjunct notes sity with its own particular character and accens, yet have several centuries of musical writing not visibly reduced its endless possibilities of renewal. We sha limit ourselves to the proposal of examples for daily practice, based on what may be termed the scheme governing the systematic opposition of these two move- ments. We shall leave the further pursuit of this study, by the preparation of works, the very basis of whose com- position is provided by this special technique, to the zeal of the pupil, and to the judicious initiative of the teacher. ‘The reader will find, at the end of this volume, a sum- mary list of these works, given merely by way of an indi- cation for the direction of research. EXERCISE, 2 conjunct notes 3 disjunct notes EXERCISE No Ic pe) SEAS reer eee 2 conjunet notes pate a6 4 disjunet nutes = : =: = a = © eT tee ate EXERCISE No 14. By 2 conjunet notes 5 disjunct notes Feonjunet notes 2 disjunet ates EXERCISE No 20. B canjunct notes 3 disjunct notes 3 conjunet nates 4 disjunct notes 3 conjunct nates 5 uisiunct mutes ¥ conjunet motes 5 disjunct notes EXERCISE No 3- 4 conjunet mates ===: 3 ilisjunet notes = 548 EXERCISE No 3¢. 123412 818 PSS 2 53 Tigtige rest TS sys EXERCISE No 4. A 5 canjunet notes 2 disiunet notes EXERCISE No 4b. 2 fs 7 5 euniunet notes ¥ canjunet notes 1 disitinet motes 5 conjunet notes 5 disjunct notes Independently of the variants brought about by the use | thumb, postponing the momentarily omitted notes, to the of the transferable table, to which the signs (C) and (R) | end of each formula, and by linking together the 32 mo- refer, we advise that the preceding formilae, should be | dels just proposed, in an uninterrupted series. The com- amplitcal hy he changes of fingering obtained by taking | pulsory principle of transposition must naturally not be every uote of these exercises as a starting point for the | overlooked. KS Complementary Formulae for Exercises Composed by the Pupil or Recommended by the Teacher 38 37 CHAPTER III The Technique of Double Notes and Polyphonic Playing Two elements of pianistic technique will be found in this chapter which, although they correspond to musical tendencies of a distinctly different order, are related by common physiological principle. The object of one of these, polyphonic playing, is — at any rate considered from the instrumental point of view (which alone occapies our attention here) — the execu- tion, by one hand, of two or more melodic parts, each mo- ving according to its own rhythm and particular design. This generally proceeds from fugato writing or imita- tiof, and readily submits to the rules of counterpoint. We shall come across it, as the basis of interpretation, in the great works of Bach, Reethoven and Schumann, not to speak of the composers of our times. such as Brahms, Frank or Pauré. The other, the playing of double notes, is characterised, fon the contrary, by the similarity of rhythm of the two parts, which contribute to its formation, its execution like- wise being allotted to a single hand. In most eases the upper part outlines the melodic curve faithfully embraced by the lower voice which follows it note for note, either in parallel, or contrary motion. ‘The principle of the playing of double notes, is pecu- liar to ornemental virtuosity, and rests on a tradi It is particularly manifest in on of purely harmonic writing. the works of Liszt, Chopin, and the composers who, after them, have turned this brilliant artifice of romantic tech- nique to account There is thus no need to be misled by the apparent similarity of the material means brought into play in the two cases. In polyphonic playing it is a question of bringing the various superimposed melodies into promi- rence, each with its special timbre or rhythm In the playing of double notes on the contrary, evenness in volume of tone and equal intensity of the two pars are the rule. The slight predominance in tone generally ven to the upper part should only be considered as an instrumental process intended to create a sense of clear- ness and precision. ‘The study of double notes should be considered as the best technical preparation for the practice of polyphonic playing. We therefore insist on the necessity of following the plan of work in this chapter to the letter, and of approa ching the exercises in the given order. ‘The numerous and delicate problems of the execution of part-writing, can only be effectively faced, when the fingers have been previously made supple by the various combinations of Series A and B. We have confined the formulae for exercises in double notes within the interval of an octave. We consider that when it becomes difficult to finger a succession of inter- vals, in view of the legato of both parts, it is the tech- nique of the wrist which must intervene. We therefore reserve the study of octaves and wider intervals for Chap- ter V. In Chapter IV we propose to facilitate the execution of these intervals, taken separately, by a special prepars- tion in the study of extensi SERIES A The technigs of double notes in parallel motion (Scales and Aspeggios) ‘The passing under of the thumb, and the sliding of @ single finger from one key to the next, having been studied in a preceding chapter, the only preparatory work which remains to be accomplished in order to solve the problem of the execution of double notes in principle, consists in making sure of the perfectly simultaneous attack of the fingers executing the various successions of intervals. The exercises hereafter may be amplified by the student, but it is of the greatest importance that he should submit patiently to their study under the exact form whose elements we provide. He must not be dis couraged by the monotonous and lengthy repetition of one and the same example. EXERCISE No 1. Silent pesition of the Bngers (Precision of simultaneous attack : seconds.) ‘This exercise, as also those which follow, is to be prac: tived thus + Place the fingers on the keys without pi ean down then play each interval in succes Hig care not to alter the position of the silent fin, Un the fourth beat of each bar let the finger or fingers EXERCISE No 1%, (Jd Silent fingers Thirds.) oe To be practised with the hythinic watiants from the transferable table Drought into action on the first beat, regain contact with their keys. These fingers will once more become silent at the next bar. the finger or fingers which continue in action, remaining suspended above their keys and in readiness to strike them. 5 begins as 2 3 EXERCISE No 14. (/dem. Fourths. ) Fifths.) EXERCISE No 12 (Idem EXERCISE No 1. (/dem Sixths.) EXERCISE No tf. (/dem Sitent fingers Sevenths.) 30 EXERCISE No 2 HLivking royerher of double notes with one finger im fr 3 (ae q 4 2 f cones ln eS ooh, goss Z sha HS S endllll. (3 g ec é a (3 q 2 oe z sqalllfee a 3 s a BS : : fe 4 IH. erates 3 £ be » > > i a eg. 3 2 & (ae a = ts = fee z= 2 esq 2 ee BS a I! a 3 3 le 5 a a © x a as “a 6h © fb te Sanh “6th 4b Hie bee ft & fee teatiz ee = eS x sine fingering as for fourths Seventh ah The study af the suceessions of more than 4 intervals in sixthy and all the successions in sevenths should be hands Diaronic Scales. We approach the study of diatonie scales in double notes, taking into account their frequent use in pianistic works. Tie order adopted will therefore be the following : thinds, sisths, fourths, which are in constant use, then fifths, sevenths and seconds, hitherto rarely employed in succession, for reasons of fitness or harmonic tradition, before which, however. the composers of to-day seem less inv)ines! to bow than their predecessors: Wo sive not only the usual fingering or fingerings of For the wifferent ways of practising this exercise refer to Exercise $a, Series B, Chapter IL. the scales, but also the variations which may be employed according to the exigencies of musical execution. The scales in thirds have the formidable privilege of the most numerous combinations. They all deserve to be studied with the greatest care, as their application to the needs of interpretation constantly imposes itself. It is not there fore a” school for scales.” which we intend to lay down here, but a study of all the fingerings required for their execution. First preliminary exercise for the relution of the Fingers to one another in the execution of thieds én conjunction 24h 4 484 ia ath Cc® : ——— Sa 2S OS ras 2 an, a4 8G BL ag “a It will already have been observed, during the study | two consecutive intervals, the rapid displacement of the of the preceding exercises, that the execution of sueces- | third finger which passes from the lower note of the first sions in thirds often entails, or the linking together of | interval, to the upper note of the second. Tt will be the object of a special exercise below : This lingering which only permits of a very ansatisfae | many cases. tory legato in both voices, is unfortunately inevitable in Bnd preliminary exercise, transmission uf the third finger. maga EXERCISE No 5«. (Scales in thirds.) Apply these fingerings to the following types of scales, Five thirds to the turn Four thirds to the turn ‘These ftngerings are prow. dled for ascending succession. In deseending they need only be reversed rh ‘Three thirds to the turn Two thirds to the turn Se sgzriaiant ive thirds to the turn 6843251458 Four thirds to the turn 82 LA. ‘Three thirds to the ten Two thirds 10 the 1 EXERCISE No 5! (Mixed fingerings. sume type of scale.) F 5452345 oy, vf s.fingers 6 tesrres Me 2845845 4, rs staasita ar S434945 oy h gis thea staaeres Me 8458434 als « eses ciaarere oe { 8454584 AAR AHA Go Pinger inversely in descending: pe ‘The thygerinas of Nis. 1 ond 2 are the usual Pena fingerings of the seaie. 44 2bbancan BRELESA “+8 spa aeban Me 2121821 44 tees ch aagban Me BQLRT2L oy srs shaaaaaa 21392420 4, ce rverrere! EXERCISE No Se. (Regulur fingering for several octaves. ete. pe a3 seth, 43 Bla Ae ae eal _ 2 i + tera ia ae BA gaa 2 ERT aT AG ete iter gat k ‘These two last fingerings are used for choice in thekey of C major, but we recommend their study in all keys EXERCISE No 6 (Seales in Sixths) a4 A fet igual acne cielo aed are 4b 4 8 8 bw 8 Bb a 8 (eta t 2 ti tere tps said 5 a 4 8 8 4 —_ Biiaryé S$ 8 $8 FS FF Oe aD ne [2 1 8 tg 1 tg 4a ft 2 \ 4 8 4 8 4 5 4 5 8 & 8 fies ne oy eae eg ete 2 8 4 8 2 ati i s 4 3 8 fein te rar lia a EXERCISE No 7. (Scules in fourths) We mention that, apart from the above fingerings, all | would cause an exaggerated extension for short fingered the combinations precedingly indicated for thirds (Ex. | hands. ‘The teacher must decide on the choice to be N° 5 and its variations) are equally applicable to scales | made. in fourths, with the exception of certain formulae which EXERCISE No 8 (Scales in fifths) EXERCISE No 9 (Seules in sevenths) [pts ¢ 243 4 nh |g 43 iit s : ‘The fingering marked by this sign is to be practised by Jong fngered hands only. 4h EXERCISE No 10 (Scules in seconds) walealen It will be noticed, in the first fingering given for the succession of seconds, that the thumb strikes two notes in the C major key. All these types of scales are also to be practised in broken form, with the fingerings prece- each time it plays. This fingering is certainly the smooth. | dingly indicated. est of the three we mentioned, but it ean only be utilised | is especially advised for short fingered hands. Secontty Thirds Sixths ete. ete or Example = Double notes in disjunct motion (arpeggios) and broken chords, EXERCISE No 2. A. On intervals of the second. 10 both hands B. On intervals of the third. 4548 fgeomesea Pee ae ee eee Sa ar 1253 434 3 Ao eee se tesa eas 5 Pete 32423 23 | ‘ ' eet bene 4 : an ee ee 43 ete i? lfe ie C. On intervals of the fourth. = < es £ ia o ; 4 eelene é 7 wees alent a 8 < wi F. On intervals of the seventh. We recommend for this exercise, as well ws for the next, a preliminary study based on the model of exercise No. 4 Series A of the same Chupter. EXERCISE No 3. (Mixed intervals on forms of the arpeggio in double notes. in parallel motion.) C® Seconds ‘and thirds Seconds lund sizthy and sevenths Thieds ‘und fourths Thirds and sixths ond fifths Filth and sevenths se ae ai ole r eals i= i. Thirds Thirds and sevenths fifths ne sy Seconds end seventhe EXERCISE No 30, (Succession of various intervals in parallel motion, summing up the whole of the combinations of fingering. For these exercises we recommend the following variants ete. Shortfingered hands (Thirds and fourths) $ Lony-fingered hands (dem SERIES B The Technique of double notes in parallel motion (continued) Chromane Successions. — In a chromatic seale in double notes, the interval employed remains uniform throughout the scale, In diatonic scales, owing to the laws of modality, chords of the same kind become major or minor according to the degrees on which they occur. This entails the use of a slightly different technique in cach of these cases. The difficulties offered by the execution of chromatic double notes, are, on the whole, not so great as the diff culties of diatonic progressions. intervals, just described, their constam use of keys in the The uniformity of their closest proximity for the successions of the fingers, abo. lish many of the complications encountered above. But the frequent sliding of one finger, other than the thumb, from a black key to the adjacent white one, the crossing of the upper fingers of the right hand. or the lower ones of the left. the use, in spite of the surcession of notes being the same, of a different fingering in one of the voices, according to whether the interval is major or minor, augmented, perfect or diminished, will require very special attention and will direct our work along clearly defined path, We make a study of these technical peculiarities in the following exercises. A table of three fingerings will be found for each model of the scale — two for study, and cone for execution. The first provides for the repetition, at regular intervals,of a rigorously identical combination of fingers. suitable to musical execution, will however infallibly «n- sure gymnastic independence of the fingers and supple ness in the displacements of the hand, The second is more especially concerned with the sli- ding of one finger from one note to another. on two ot more keys. and with the crossing of various fingers. Fi- nally the third offers, not only the most usual fingerings, but also the majority of those which piantstte ingeauty has, placed at the disposal of the These cannot be overlooked in the elaboraion of a com. plete technique. This systematic principle, not generally im later years 48 EXERCISE No 1. (Chromatic scales in double notes on all intervals.) he transposition af the chromatic scale naturally does nat come into question the degrees of which it is constituted ng iMentical in all keys, A sae 2 4 5 4a 4 aoe ga Gv [ Systematic fingering |p § 5 9 4 | i338 34 rh | Sliding fingerin a etetae® teen {Shing fingering SEB ae cates cu. ingering for executionf? 4 3 43 3 4 9 Rae 4 BR a a a4 [Fiserng foresecuinf? $F 2 R_F 4 ane ai 2 ope t 1 2 21.2 4 Is Pag for gg a4 a 4 ote. Systematic fingering |g 2 4 3 9 204 a4 3 ie Bota Ba i aa 3 tn. | Sliding fingering [LARA E ee 2 4 ete Fingering for execution! 2 4 2 1 2 ferio2e24 24 242 4 2 (Fingering for exeeation ($F 4 $4 3 23e5 25 85 G8 Gg 4 B. Major seconds [Systematic fingering | rh. {Sliding fingering. i ror F~P-f—7 oor $949 eee [Fingering for execution ( & 1 (win tnis fingering tne thumb always plays two white keys : ala time) [Systematic fingering |g 3 5 E in, {Sliding fingering [f FRE hor $82 or hh. RR 31 FF 4 (rnc same observation as for the fingering of the RH) C. Afinor thirds. (Enharmonically augmented seconds.) Systematic fingering Sliding fingering, a“ nh. aR g E \s Systematic fingering ce c ( ed a te wt ce lee te Go Ounnin a Lh, IFingeriny for ~ D. Major thirds. (Enharmomically diminished fourths.) As for minor thirds Systematic fingering Sliding fingering [The same except for the last, lo be replaced by a ee eee a4 1 Peat Ra Reta t 13 rh ‘ S594 54848 j ; 23733 243-33 a As ie ees! ie [Fingering for evecution | 1 Tay eat ! 4 aa S24 84 Os 2 p23 are aa 4 bs 4 me ' Systematic fingering | 48 for ininor things ‘ The same, except for the last, to be replaced by Sliding fingering 24 1 tot : a 3 2438 Fingering for execution E. Perfect fourths « a 45 9 48 [Systematic fingering [7 on 45 oe $8 Sliding fingering [As for mayor thirds \ 545 4 5 65 44 a 12a ae Per ate 4 a Fingering for execution 12 a ‘ 3 jit i BE ees) eis) ae tt cast ae is eee iat estat 3) ate 1 gp 12 gph [Systematic fingering Bor bE on $2 or Sliding fingering fea 1 ter eha La 5 ea) ssa 12 Fingering for execution) , ae Bs _ 12.24 M21 2d a 53585 G8 TT A a F. Augmented fourths, (Enharmonically — diminished fifths, ‘Systematic fingering {As for the perfect fourits with the exception, for short-fingered honds, of (he lwo lost fingerings Sliding fingering Fingering for execution [Systematic fingering © : tn, | Sliding fingering [Fingering for execution! G. Perfect fifths Fingering for execution| Systematie fingering, Sliding fingering Fingering for os H. Minor sixths, (Enharmonically — augmented fifths.) ———— Systematic fingering Sliding fingering Fingering for execution Systematic fingering is iding fingering L 1. Mayor sixrks. (Enharmonically — diminished sevenths.) Sliding fingering Systematic fingering Studi fingering, [ { 3 Minor serenths. (Enharmonieally Fingering, Systematic fingering ¢ gy Wali compulsory sliding IT °F ra ra Biugering for execution tA wnt in parentheses is only © The three fingerings here become one, which Is the fingering for execution, The ¥ be stuslied with great prudence, am by lang fingered hands done Uetares (some eheorcation | In spite of the reservation mate above, concerning the stuity of this interval in the present chapter. We seve theveer ver indicate Ue fingerings befitting a tegaty exerution of it, when i chrwunatie: succession, a thie batter ot ots a re aeconlaated| pattivipation of the movements of the wrist, haw its execution hn diatonic form SERIES C honie technique At the beginning of this chapter, we laid stress on the But we shall have lass) suthaess ences sen o# ar uportance of polyphonic technique, in the interpretation uf the works of Bach and Beethoven. se anore fully, and extend its in We ought to gener tiuenee to the majority of the key-hoard works of the Ger: nan school, dating, from the Reformation. For a development weeurted in Germany at that time, which was the very reverse of that which was happening in ltaly ov in France, where we see, in the course of the Lith cennry, the gallant style af the harpsichordists, with theiv Norid and brilliant grace of writing, gradually hing introduced into the repertory of the church, and making the organists of the lay forget the maynificent expressive discipline of a Titelouze or a Frescobaldi, so powerfully nurtured by the sizong resources of lain: while at the same period, in Germany, we find on the contrary, a profane musie pervaded throughout by the accents of the Protestant choral, We should be overstepping the hounds which are set us by the purely specialised character of this work, if we aitempted an analysis of the sarious veasons for the sw periority of German instrumental music, from this date up to the middle of the nineteenth century tistic importance of the hind of execution studied an the examples in this series, if we admit that the abaneonment of the polyphonic style, by the countries of Cathuhe tre dition, brought about, as a momentary consequence, their retunciation of a musieal supremacy which they had held for centuries, Apart from quality of tone, andl resect. ote dual timbres for each voice — a question wiose stuiy finds no place in a work of purely gymnastic piamsm — “the difficulties inherent in all polyphonic execution, re side in the complexity of the rhythms allotted to the Bn. rs of a single hand, and the divergrm movements of these fingers on the key-board, Ih is to am analysis of these two technical prineyples, that we shall limit the part which we may aspire to pla} in the examination of one of the problems of virtuosity which cannot — as we have just pointed out — be solved by the fingers alone. Bat if we may not here attempt to approach the ques sion in its fullest musical sense, we are at Teast certain that the study of the preparatory excereisesw hich follow will result in the knowledge al its essential technical characteristics f double notes in eonirary motion. pion wid the stavesto part vlways forte. EXERCISE No lu, (Technique o These exercises are 1o be practised separately. sometimes playing the upper pert legeto and the lower part siaceato Sometimes vice versus the leyate part always 54 ata: (LH. 2 octaves below} EXERCISE No 1. (Hand in motion.) e 2 Bringing out the inner part Bringing 0 EXERCISE No 3«. (Opposing rhythms in 2 purts—one note aguinst two.) EXERCISE No 3-.() note against 4.) EXERCISE No 3¢. (3 votes against 4.) 54 5 a ono 1 EXERCISE No 4. (Three parts in different rhythins.) EXERCISE No 5, (Jn 2 parts with trill.) meres om) EXERCISE No 5b. (Jn 3 parts with trill.) 58 Complementary Formulae for Exercises Composed by the Pupil or Recommended by the Teacher CHAPTER IV The technique of extension It was only towards the end of the eighteenth century, shen the pianoforte made its appearance, that the de. Selopment of a wide stretch between the various fingers ‘of ne hand, became a problem in the technique of the hey-hoard. ‘The resources of the new instrument insti- zated explorations in a more copious harmonic style, and a more laring virtuosity than that of the harpsichord. Until then the precepts for fingering in the oll methods, were generally determined by considerations of conve ssience far the harmonization of figured-hasses (1). Rare were the cases in which two neighbouring fingers hail to execute an interval wider than a fourth, either in a chord progression or in the enunciation of a melodie design, The natural technical consequence of adopti ig @ more widely spaced writing, such as the resounding faculties of the pianoforte invite, is the distension of the fingers, for their part is no longer limited to the rendering of the traditional cadences. Chords of the tenth and ninth be- ‘The very iuflexions of melody frequently come current. entail more extended skips, whose intervals have conti ued to increase up to the present day. Consequently ime today, that every pianist is oblized to have @ stretch between two neighbouring fingers, at his (1) The tle of « werk by Romens ee mechanies furnished by the fandame Te Siccepation af the theory a the of anes meted etelihed 7 fe auceatn of harmang clea shows fn thie vane SERI EXERCISE No tu. (Progressine stretching of the fin- gers.) On the whole, it will be well to avoid extension exer- cises practised with a motionless hand, during which the lisposal, whose angle exceeds the normal physical dispu- With the idea of correcting this Timitation of the natural functions, which the needs of execution have hy sition. dlegeees changed into a positive defect, many systems of stretching have been adopted, hoth by exereise on the key board, and by the most diverse mechanical devices. We need hardly ad that the former of these are alone likely Wo give satisfactory results, But althoust distortions to which certain pianists are imprudent enough to subject their fingers, thanks te mare ve less com they are less dangerous than the bruta pli tec! machinery, it does not follow that they ean be recommended indiscriminately. It is here that the teacher must take the conformation: of his pupil's hand into consideration and direct his stu dies according tw whether he belongs to the category of pianists with long or short fingers. With this Fact in view we have divided each series of exercises in this chapter, into two distinct sections, to suit each case respectively, We consider that, by conforming with this arrangement, recommended not by prudence alone, but it scems to us, also by logic, it may be confi- dently asserted that all such consequences as muscular fatigue or heavy execution will be avoided hacks are the u ‘These draw al results of thoughtless or too prolon- of the technique of extensions. ES A fingers are cramped on the key-board in an abnormal posi tion, ‘They are nearly always fatal to muscular supple hess and often provoke serious accidents. Let us once | more repeat that fatigue is the worst enemy of a rational ‘The width of stretch between the fingers, should | therefore only be practi-ed progressively, without condem: ning the player to the useless torture of holding down the keys, and with a care for the constant suppleness of hand training, and wrist st The normal seth which it will be of use to attain Detween the fingers of one hand, must first be establishes The limit of this extension is marked on the table below by the head of the arrow placed between the numbers of the (wo fingers affected, Only attempt to reach the maximum of extension between two fingers, after passing sweres intermediate degrees, eecording tw the following example : Example between Srd and 4h fingers. ely through all the and 30 forth for all fingers, In cases of difficulty in the execution of the widest extensions, accompany the movement of the fingers with 4 lateral rocking of the hand. which will facilitate the attack on each note. Ax far as is pussible, avoid letting the attack fall on the side of the keys. EXERCISE No 1, (This stretching exercise which we have already prescribed elsewhere (see commentary N° 5 Students’ Edition of Chopin's Preludes) differs fram the preceding one. in that its action on the fin gers executing the intervals is one of contrary motion In is more effective. hut also more fatiguing than the first. It must only be practised with great caution. The limits of extension to be attained between each fin er naturally remain the sume, as well asthe finger. ings: that of the left hand being naturally reversed. Do not try te hold both notes of the interval Merely observe the principles of legate, that ix to say fotlows hal each note should he linked to the next, practieslty as EXERCISE No 2 (Progressive formulae for extension | tensional formulae, haste slutary effect of relaning the between neighbouring fingers, for long fingered hands | muscles of the fingers which have been momentarily sub- jected to the elfort of u stretch. Practise each hand sepa onl. The execution of notes extrancous to the strictly ex. rately. C between Sed and 41h 5 be 125 4 [Se o © ® simile idem o® simile D. between $1h and 5th simile EXERCISE No 26. (for short-fingered hands.) A. between [30 and 2nd. rhe ge ©® ee tee B. besiveen 2nd amd Sea hey ee AEt by gy simile ©. between Bed and Sth. “Sait ieee simite EXERCISE No 3. generul distribuiion of extensions between all the fingers (long fingered hands.) + —— a snine fortnulac reversed. ice. EXERCISE No 36's.same jormula (shor firyered kunds.) senile _ ize ee i e = i « Seeger Tg Ie eS Each formula must first be studied separately, then in Lhe any the key-board. the wrist heiug held slightly bigher thaw succession. In this last form, the finger movements are to he accoinpanied by-a sort of rolling of the hand on when in the normal position, SERIES B Eatensions in doubles notes Exercises N* 2 and 3 of series A, chapter III will al- | that their object, if we may use this not very pleasing ready have served as preparatory studies to the specia- | term, is the ” dislocation " of the haud, The stuiy of lised examples which we give below. The difference | these exercises, and the same applies to all those contained which characterises the latter, apart from that of a more | in this chapter, must be carried out under the constant accentuated extension between the fingers, is the fact tha. | sapervision of the teacher, who will devidle on the number they do oot entail the passing under of the thuml, and | of daily repetitions for each one, EXERCISE No 1. (/ong-fingered hands.) Bs 2: + ill be henetical to apply the following variants snltable for either hand, to the preceding formulae : a ge = ee hen (t= oa ete. oF Ge SM ete f e a a This mode of work is recommended even for short Angered hands, as a preliminary study indispensable to the following exercises. EXERCISE No 2, (eatensions with tenuto.) A. long-fingered hands 7 tr —— “Ete : B. short fingered hands. rs frr 5 a SERIES C BXERGISE Nol. (estensions with passing under of the thumb (Jong.fingercd bunds), practise cach hand separe''s 4 1 gael - @ Special rhythmic variants, additional to those - contained in the table Z of rhythms gh we th anes bu, Special rhythmic variants as above. EXERCISE No 16is, idem (short fingered hands.) + alge A Qn out ae ©® = f e+ — ns Special rhythmic variants as above. EXERCISE No 2. (estensions with substitution of fingers (long-fingered hands.} with one finger hetd San Rbasag Sas San pit be he ssajsdaddd bese EXERCISE No 2! idem (short-fingered hands.) EXERCISE No 3. (extensions between adjacent fingers in chromatic motion.) Uona-tingered EXERCISE No 4. (extensions in chromatic motion bet ween the finyers furthest apart.) A long Fingered hvinds.) B (shart fingered hands | os Complementary Formulae for Exercises Composed by the Pupil or Recommended by the Teacher ”" CHAPTER V The technique of the wrist - The conclusion must not be drawn from the fact that we deal with the subject in the final chapter of this work, ie stuily of wrist movements only deserves a secon dary place in the technique of the pianoforte, Our idleay om the contrary, is that it ought to weeupy elementary: mee fe very first rank, when once the moi chanical difficulties have been overeome, the schedule of which we have established above, Une is usually inclined, especially in the early staze uf study, to trace all the merits of fine pianistie eecution te hind of purely digital desterity. ‘This conveption moreover constitutes one of the well established principles + most didactic works. Sinee the tone of the instrament is produced by the concussion of the hammers on the strings, nd since this coneussion results from the action of the hngers upon the keys. it see ough to con: ule that the mobility and agility of the fatter are the only important factors in the technique of the key-board, in reality, deprived of the help rendered to the fingers hy dlexibility of the wrist, this action has rather Timited The of sistuosity to which one might aspire by devoting his essential studies to it, would not be sults, “ur of vers high order From a mechanical point of view, the conferring of mobility on the hand and fingers, presupposes the accom puntiment of a parallel mobility of the wrist It is u widely spread error to think yelucity of exeeu- tion — that formidable ideal of pianistic studies — de. peauds solely on the rapidity of movements of the fingers. Tn the execution of any passaye req the displace ment of the hand over several octaves (in fa Juding that of the harpsichord which is ruled by other technical conven: in the shole literature of the pianoforte, ¢ tions) the fingers are, in truth constrained to follow the impulsion given them by the wrist, To imayine that the hand should be carried along the key-board by the mo- vement of the fingers is the equivalent of supposing that the wheels of a motor-car propel its engine. he execution of Chords I is impossible to appreciate the part played by the wrist in quality and geadation of tone, too highly. But this is speaking from the point view of musical interpre: tation, on which we regret not to be able to enlarge further, on account of the strictly technical nature of the present work We can find no better comparison for the action of the wrist than that of the violinist’s bow. It is upon this that the thousand subtleties of punctuation and the most ‘The different degrees af weight which its various positions can communieate to thr varied inflexions depend, and and consequently to the fingers, vender it the true I is factor in sensitive and eloquent phrasing, erefure essential apart from the technique of octaves ar staccaty playing, both of which are entirely ruled by its action, te prepare the articulation of the wrist in such a way as to make it ubsolutely responsive, anel to see to the supple hess of its movements, uot only horizentally, following the pplane of the key: but also in its aspect of vertieal re bounding, We har some typical examples of this sphere of the wrist endeavoured in the following pages to vive We leave to the ingenuity of teachers or students, the care of developing its various issues, according Ip the pee Certain natural gifts Fac culiarities of ‘ecuta litate the progress of wrist playing without apparent of Other ea ness, require on the contrary 10 be mastered by pers We advise however that indiseriminately fort ‘sof marked initial heaviness or stil. vering work. in both cases, the study herwafter indicated should be submitted to, For those who overcome these technical difficulties without effort, this work will only add to the evelopment of one of the most precious resources of reid by na their future talent. ture, it imposes itself in the most peremptory fashion, as Upon others. less fa long as they are truly desirous of overcoming obstacles which would most surely keep them far from that pia c perfection, which is the goal of their ambitions SERIES A 73 The technique of the wrist, - Horizontal movements - Vertical movements The study of the differe wrist movements required by | 4, Movements of impulsion, permitting of the execution pianistic execution can be simplified by being reduced to. | of tremoland passages, of chords played arpexsiani the following terms : of broken chords, and of " batteries” in fact of all pia- 1. Movements of horizontal propulsion. From these are | nistic formulae requiring a more active participation of derived scales. arpeggios, ylissandos and all leaps entail- | the hand than of the fingers as well as rebounding move ed by the execution of intervals exceeding the possibi ments and displacements to and fro. lities of extension of the hand, ‘The first of the movements described above will be 2. Movements of vertical propulsion ensuring the repe- | studied in Series A of this chapter, namely those of hori tition of the same chords or notes on the same keys, | zontal and vertical propulsion. by the same fingers, allowing certain accents or attacks a) Horizontal propulsion. of special intensity, (Far be it from us, however, to dwell The daily study of the chapter concerning key-boatd ‘on manners of execution occasioned hy the needs of mu: | zymmastics will have made the fundamental principle of sical expression.) ‘These movements are also the basis movement familiar: see the preliminary evereise of all kinds of staccato wrist playing, and of passages and | IN" 9. But the variation which we propose here sill allow trills played with alternating hands, of a less rudimentary application, and will make the ‘se 3. Movements of combined propulsion. that is to say, | of this movement more comprehensible, in the rapid exe: movements consisting of a series of actions on the part | cution of all kinds of formulae entailing the, dieplace of the hand by which itis simultaneously displaced both | ment of the hand. laterally and vertically. These are used both for sue Let us mentally imagine an ordinary seale of three ve cessions of chords or other notes, played by the same fin- taves, say the scale of (major, Ascend and descend this gers on different degrees, and also for any sequence of | scale, striking one note only in each octave, while the chords composed of three or four simultaneously at. fingers which should complete the rest of the vclave per- tacked notes, attaining or exceeding the interval of an | form their actions in the air and as rapidly as possible, octave. having arranged their respective fingerings previously EXERCISE No 1. Se ae note pote nate note vs rove ntased? PEF wo be played — tobe played — (be paved the plied Mate ‘This will convey the idea of the exact part which the Establish the point of departure of the notes to be wrist should fulfil to assist in rapidity of execution, and | played ” on each degree of the octave successively, adhe: it will thus be better understood, that in rapid virtuosity, | ring to the fingering of the seale chosen, whose key it is the impulse of the hand which causes the fingers to | should be changed daily advance and not the contrary. EXERCISE No 10. {same exercise on 5 octares, plaviiy one note in every other octave only.) | most wonelusive results in the general amelioration of velocity, naturally both hands are to be practised accor: | ding to this formula. matic scales, not merely by way of an ‘ment, but as the object of a sustained study, will give the 1 EXERCISE No 2 iglissando) Ghssanilo scales are played in two different ways, ac- eeruing 10 whether their execution be f. orp. In the first instance the phulans of the thumb is generally used and poised almost flat upon the keys — or else the pialans of the third finger stiffly straightened and turned over so as to present its outer surface to the key. finger is employed for preference, hut in this case these vino the phalany of the indey or of the third fingers retain their natural position on the key-board. The hand need merely be inelined in the direction in hich pressure is led, in order to sound the note, while in action fulfils the role of the the phalans of the fi EXERCISE No 2«. (glissundo p.) simile €& Oe — = Make a distinct pause on each point of departure and of arrival in the scale. Employ all the fingers in turn. Alwemately practise the sliding notes as though unstring: EXERCISE No 26. (ulissundo f.) quill on the cog-wheel used in games of chance. The position of the wrist also differs according to the case, In forte the wrist is turned over outright with its back to the keys: it draws the hand along in ascen- in descending the scale it precedes ity in ing up and coming ding, pian it pushes it along, both down. In both cases the wrist has entire command of the execution, the hand and fingers remaining passive, The study of Glissando should be commenced piaw, and at first restrained to the practice of limited intervals, whose extent should be gradually increased. The key of C major is naturally the only one to be employed for the study of these exercises. ing heads, that is to say in an almost slow tempo, and again in a rapid movement evoking the idea of @ rocket of sound, or abssando Forte, twa actives must be enplayed 9 eantinuniy sueression, Change the tinger on the final note. Give strong accent to the first and last motes of each scale. Work ina brisk tempo with great decision in the movements of the wrist, EXERCISE No 2c. (Glissando in double notes) The position of the hand and fingers in double note GChesaucio. differs according to whether the scales are in thids, fourths, sinths or octaves. Seales in thirds or fourths are played like single Glissando executed piano, Thins, $ 4 %, 4 a yO SIS pth when the hand is pushed along by the wrist. For scales in sixths and octaves, the fingering generally employed thumb and fifth finger) entails a special position. In ascending the lowering of the keys is effected by the fifth finger-nail, and the lateral surface of the thumb's smaller phalanx; in descending, it is effected by the outer surface of this phalanx and the extremity of the small phalanx of the fifth finger. EXERCISE No 24 (Glissando on black keys} For Glissando on the black keys, the usual mode of execution consists in using, for the right hand in ascend- ing motion and the left in descending, the external ex- tremities of the third and fourth fingers held firmly together and outstretched; the wrist is tured oyer, as in EXERCISE No 3. (Leaps) Leaps are of two distinct types: one, that which is effec- ted by skimming the key-board, in order to bridge the space separating two distant notes or intervals; the other, that in which the wrist causes the hand to describe a more 5 Example: or also when for an interval of reduced size, two neigh- bouring fingers, or even the same one, are used with a Example: The leap with a curve is especially suited to the link- ing together of two distant intervals, so that during the kind of trajectory performed by the hand over the keys Example: EXERCISE No 30. (For leaps skimming the key-board.) 4 ete. seas 75 single Glissando executed forte. In descending with the right hand and in ascending with the left, the internal extremities of the same fingers, in the same elongated position, are used, and the wrist regains its normal position. 2 or less accentuated cirve in order to carry it from one note or interval to another. The first is not unlike @ kind of mute Glissando of which the first and last note only would be heard. Tt is employed for preference, when the first note of the interval is shorter than the second : as it travels from one point to the other, the fingers are enabled to prepare their position for the clear enunciation of the interval at which they are aiming, tt & i § 4 3 i eee fe Ra bn gee id . a eee: Eee Poti tht, tf FF © + pe a ae ae =e e vets RVR PLY pete. 76 dete soy minor and dlinsnished inter EXERCISE No 3¢. be Employ saiccrasively all fingers. £ £ fe fee Fxample major thirds Seen During the study of curved leaps, take care that, in the {of the shoulder, and that the wrist describes its elliptical middle of its trajectory, the hand passes at about the height Crossing Hands movement with suppleness and decision, | it skims the keys as closely as possible These two modes of execution are to be applied suc. The passing of one hand across the other entails a dif- ely in the following exercises, which can be studied ferent wrist mechanisra according to whether itis effected ever or under the hand, ee | indiscriminately by either hand. In the first case the trajectory is rounded, in the second, A. tone hand motionyess) B, (Contrery movements in both huss.) + de Sa SES 3 = © i —§——=———=—_ te ®O B, Vertical propulsion Preparatory exercise for the analysis of the movement # Count one, two, three, on each triplet. One — to strike the note dropping the hand on the key-board with rapidity, suppleness‘and decision; two—to continue the movement of the hand below the key-board, lightly touch: ing the knee, which is taken as a resting point : three — to bring back the hand to the position of attack, that continue is abuse is, at about the height of the shoulder. During this exercise the wrist must he in a constant state of supple- ness as well as the hand. The finger used to strike the key, must alone be firm at the moment of playing Employ on this chromatic succession all the fingers and all chords of two notes, successively ete. — rn === ml = te = SS ed In this exercise the movement of the hand is not to be note the wrist should be brought back to the height of the prolonged below the key-board, but after playing each shoulder. To be practised as above. EXERCISE No 1. (For vertical attack and firmness of the fingers; to be played slowly only.) $ — 5 eto, - $33" jee! Make a large and pronounced movement for each at- | able to the execution of octaves or of detached chords luck. letting the wrist rebound to the height of the shoul: in playing forte and in a slow or moderate tempos der after cach note. which allows the hand to recover its elevated position of The position of the fingers must be prepared in the | attack before each stroke. air before each change of chord. In a succession of this kind, for instance. The movement of vertical propulsion is specially suit- ete. the curv described by the wris etween each chord will not be but EXERCISE No 2 (For the execution of detached octaves and chords.) ‘Add the following rhythmic variants : 79 EXERCISE No 3 The attack or the finish of a brilliant passage is often the object of reanforeing the tone of the essential notes. Practise the following formulae, attacking the initial note from a height : accompanied by @ movement of vertical propulsion, with EXERCISE No 4. (titernuting hands) aust the alternate attacks of each hand to succeed one ‘The technique of alternating hands depends first and another on one or several notes. foremost, on vertical propulsion Absolute reguiarity First practise on a single note according to the fol: of execution, is, in this case, based on a corresponding | lowing rhythmic formula : equality in the amplitude of the wrist movements, which A. Repeated notes (Employ each finger in turn.) Throw the hands alternately on to the selccied key,tak- | diminish the height of the attack, whose point of depar- ing the point of departure for each attack at the height | ture must, however, remain absolutely symmetrical in of the shoulder. As the rhythm accelerates, gradually | both hands. 80 1M. Trille or Percussions Same rhythmical formals a6 above, hut on ctiaus intervals G. Soules and Alternating Passages To be developed over several octaves D. Chromatic Seales Beginning with the deft hand (ise all fingers and wll rhythms Formulae to be developed over several octaves, above exercises, taking them as bass notes, intervals of AU! the preceding exercises are to be studied using all} seconds, thirds, fourths. and sixths, to give rise to an the fnecrs successively. entirely new series of formulae, permitting the study 11 will be sufficient to add to each of the notes of the | of double notes in alternate hands. Cin sixths In thirds, ete, Bs_In fourths De secon Ca San = peer e - ee Led et ete "ete EXERCISE No 8 (Alternate octaves) ‘he technique of alternate octaves is characterised by fact, that it is only the two thumbs which succeed one another on the same plane, thus establishing the interme diary part in-a succession. All the formulae in Ex. N° 4 are to be practised in the following way : EXERCISE No 6 (Passages shared by both hands.) Practise also with mixed rhythms and tinger Single notes (Study for one finger.) SERIES B Movements of combined propul Combined lateral and vertical displacements (As the vertical attacking impulse is given to the first, note of each group, the fingers, afterwards, merely skim the keys.) A. Movements of combined propulsion. Simultaneous lateral and vertical displacement. EXERCISE No 1 (Sucessions of notes executed Ly the same fingers on different degrees: formulae to be extended.) 1 eee simite eS eu} id e' OT jaeee* The above examples have been established by taking into account the almost traditional formulae which most frequently recur to the fingers in the execution of sue- cessions of octaves or consonant chords. It is by prac: (to be practised by butts hancst tising every finger in turn on each series of notes, that the fundamental technique of the following exercises ir which these formulae are used, will be most efficaciously prepared, 82 EXERCISE No 2. (Vouhle notes and chords.) same formulae in fourths, sixths and octaves, 83 Since progressions of shards executed by one hand can only come under one or other of the following headings \ lower juet de motion upper part motionless upper part in motion emer part niotiontess inner part iu motion outer parts motiantess (ower parts in motion ra inner parts matiandess {att parts in motion wo fo Je wil be sufficient for uy to suggest-one model for eacls headin, for which variations Will be suyplied by the application of the table of harmoni¢ combinations, (To be practised on chord formations of four and five notes also, inspired by the sume fovsmulie.) EXERCISE No 30 (Single tremolo) this, in rapid execution, ends by being merely a sont of ‘The single tremolo is nothing more nor less than a trill | embling which communicates itself to the fingers. tts whose position is widened, But instead of being pro- | Mechanism will be better understood, by puaciisr.g duced by alternate articulation it is generally subure | sl0¥ly the following progressive rhythmic formula dinate 10 a movement to and fro’ on the part of the wrist; as Reprat this esercise beginning with the upper note so a> | the double tremolo which might be described as * a trill to invert the position of the fingers on the different | of chords”. Except for certain special positions such as rhythms. Practice also on the intervals of the fourth, fifth, sisth and seventh. EXERCISE No 30 (Stationary tremolo) which require the articulated par The preceding observations can equally be applied to | icipation of fingers, it is executed in the same way, and is to be practised on the same rhythmic model accord- ing to the following formulae : ps Als practise the inversions of these positions, «swell as the harmonic variants provided by the eximples @) in the transterable table. EXERCISE No 3¢ (Tremolo with displacement of the hand.) « be € ae Ste practice heginning with the apper note. S soe furmuts with the following formations. EXERCISE No 4. (Open chords) wrist which brings about the emission of sound. The [+ che evecution of certain open chords the role enacted | greater the number of notes contained in a chord and the by che Jingers is an almost passive one. It is restricted | more extended its position, the more justifiable is the use to preparing on the key:board the position of the notes | of this movement. ty be playrel, and it is a movement of semi-rotation of the Murlels of open chords to be executed by rolling the hand. A. Stone, B tones. , 4 is ¢ i \ EXERCISE No 5 (Broken Chords) ‘The rocking motion of the wrist equally facilitates the execution of broken chords in double notes passing from one octave to another. In this case, however, the fingers ‘must remain firm and must not give way to the alluring tendeney of an arpeggiando emission of the simulta- 8S neous notes. Taking the following models as a basis. this special study can, if deemed necessary, be intensified as this form of virtuosity sometimes incurs unfurseen physical resistance. EXERCISE No Stix (Broken chords in scale form) Though their execution seems at first tw depend an a form of lateral propulsion, the simultancousness of at- tack of two or three notes will only be obtais of a vertical movement of the hand allowin tne tngers to fall perpendicularly on the keys. Employ the same formulae on the chromatic seate, 56 EXERCISE No 6 (Batteries.) This name does not only serve to designate a now obso- lete form of accompaniment, equally known under the omenclature of Alberti’s bass. |t also specifies the pianistic process consisting of a kind of measured tremolo, one of whose parts moves me- lodically on different degrees, while the other acts as a pedal by a continuous repetition of the same note. In extended positions, the fingers are powerless to simile £ simile 4 mark the melodie contour of the moving part with the necessary agility and force. In this case the interven- tion of the wrist becomes necessary for clearness of enunciation, It is manifested by a succession of rocking movements on the part of the hand, whose amplitude va- each ries in proportion to the width of the interval swing corresponds to a characteristic attack of the finger or fingers in action. 5 5 simile 2.2 8 ef 2 Eyteretelg ate EXERCISE No 7 (Rebounding on the same notes with the same fingers.) a f 2 i This formula differs from the example given in the preceding series, in so far that the movement of propul- tion instead of being given on each note or chord is com- mon tu a group of repeated notes. The first spring must 5 t fe therefore be sufficiently pronounced to eause the hand to rebound upon the keys in a series of as many bounces (which imperceptibly sink towards the depth of the key- board) as there are values to be executed in each group. 87 EXERCISE No 8 in facilitating the change of fingers by means of the suc- cessive advancing and withdrawal of the hand on the key- board. The substitution of fingers on chords generally brings that flexion of the wrist into play which we have else: where described as the * drawer movement ". It consists, Example TA Heversed Fingering Nema smiion ar Adbaned pntan oh ero te "he bed This mechanism which is easily understood in a slow | tion. Its assimilation is to be prepared by the study of movement, becomes more complicated in rapid execu- | the following formulae in legato substitution. simite 5 simite a8 ‘Vary the rhythms of the substitutions without repeating the bass notes. The same work for the left hancl, with the fingering reversed. B. Articulate substitutions, SERIES C The technique of octaves The utility of suppleness in the movements of the wrist, for the execution of octaves, is @ fact so obvious that we feel no need to insist upon it. But we should like to try and establish the factors by which the mechanism of this movement, comparatively simple in the case of detached octaves, differs and becomes complicated when it is associated with the action of the fingers; an action which, practically nonexistent in the execution of detached oc- teres, is,on the contrary, of extreme importance in the case of octaves executed legato. Jn seems to us that the movements of the wrists neces- sitated by a perfect legato execution of octaves can be divided into three categories. 1. The movement of suspension, that is to say, the ale Jemate saising and lowering of the wrist, without letting the fingers which play the octaves leave their keys. 2. The backward and forward movemem from the white to the black keys and vice versa. 3. The movement of lateral displacement in ascending vr descending motion. Scrictly speaking, the movements of the first Legory are nut absolutely indispensable for the legato exe of octaves. No interpreter, however, in possession of a slightly re- fined technique, fails 12 employ them, almost uncon- sciously, We shall therefore attempt to demonstrate their use and define the conditions of their application. EXERCISE No 10 tenuto In octaves, legato playing is necessarily fictitious, since it is a material impossibility for the thumb to insure an uninterrupted continuity of tone between the various notes in its part. Only the illusion of it can be c:eated,and this is achiev: ed by conferring a slight predominance of tone on that part of the octave which can be fingered, and which, con- sequently, is really capable of being bound. Now this way of playing imposes a muscular con- straint upon the executant, which is contrary to his natu val physical abilities, since it requires a greater expendi- ture of strength on the part of the weaker fingers than from the thumb, which is admittedly the strongest. It is here that the movements of wrist suspension in- tervene; these, since they enable the executant to distri- tute the weight of the hand among the different fingers at will, thus make it possible for him to counter-balance their inequality, to increase the powers of resistance of the third, fourth and fifth fingers, and on the contrary, to lighten the action of the thumb, while preserving its sup- pleness and mobility; in fact, to co-ordinate, in a single supple and easy gesture, muscular efforts of a contradic- tory mature. A. Movements for loosening the wrist. First practise these movements on a single held octave, counting ane to lower the wrist, two to raise it. To be repeated twenty times, gradually increasing the rapidity of these movements without diminishing their amplitude, EXERCISE No 10, AMierwards practise holding one of the notes of the octave only, letting the repetition of the other co-incide with the lowering of the wrist. 89 Then start linking the octaves together, applying to them the principle of hand movement described ubove, and laying the part confided to the weak Angers, strictly legato. EXERCISE No 1c. = ripe Invert this formula for the left hand. This formula is gradually to be extended to groups of | until a diatonic scale has been established, whose length ‘octaves whose number should be increased little by little, | should, for the present, be limited to one octave. EXERCISE No 1. ‘The seales are ty be played,in a moderate tempo. EXERCISE No le. of both hands and introducing the principle ot repetition of the thumb into this exercise, so as to develop the mobi- lity of this member. Continue the preceding work (seales of one actave only) stressing the preponderance of tone in the outer voices Se Let the attack of the thumb always coincide with the lowering of the wrist Lateral action of the thumb 90 EXERCISE No 1/ Legato of the outer parts of both | wrist in the preceding exercises, practise the other voices hands. (Reverse the position for the left hand.) legato (upper voice in the right hand and lower voice in Having attained flexibility in the movements of the | ‘he left) in the following way : Invert this exercise for the practice of the left hand. H. Drawer movements *. These facilitate the displace- They must first be practised by dividing the advancing ment of the hand in passing from the black keys to the | movement towards the back of key-board, or the move- white, and vice versa; and, in the latter case, allow the | ment of retreat to the initial position, into a series of thumb to slide from one to the other, thus ensuring an | small displacements on the same keys. almost perfect legato in both voices. EXERCISE No 20 corresponds to the following positions of the fingers on the keyboard; the figures indicate the successive positions, in each octave of the fingers on the keys. Let the fingers advance or recoil by means of a very | to white and from white to black keys in the same way, slight but precise movement of the wrist, while the hand | without exceding the interval of an augmented fourtn remains supple. Practise disjunet intervals from black between two consecutive octaves. EXERCISE No 26. oh & ¢ Accelerate the movement progressively. As the rapi- ) of the wrist, in such a way as to reduce the action to dity increases, gradually loosen the successive relaxations | a single perfecily rounded gesture. ot EXERCISE No 2c (Trills or shakes in irregular rhythm.) i = = =. Increase the interval between the octaves up to the minor sixth. EXERCISE No 24, (repeated octaves.) the vertical propulsion or the nervous contraction, of Since the so-called " drawer movements” maintain the | which certain pianists make use,rapidly cause a sensation suppleness of the wrist, their use is especially satisfactory | of weariness and effort. in long passages of repeated octaves. They make it pos- First study according to the rhythmic formula of exer- sible to execute these with a minimum of fatigue, while | cise N° 2c. - So as to become familiar with the advance and retreat of the fingers on the keys. Then repest earl of the ing models ¢wenty times, practising one of them each day on different degrees. ia EXERCISE No 2¢, (Study of chromatic successions in octaves, with sliding fingers in both voices.) by 4 m4 ist 454 se ih 48 ie) ® Same fingering reversed for the left hand, as the sliding takes place on the same degrees, Lateral displacement of the wrist. ted and therefore rendered more comprehensible by the EXERCISE No 3u (Broken chords in succession.) preliminary study of the following exercises in broken The mechanism of this displacement will be accentua- | octaves. oo In a general way the two variants given above should be applied to all the exercises in octaves contained in this chas. ‘Thatr efficacy will be especially felt in the study of formulae in disjunet motion. oe EXERCISE No 30 {Jncurved or turning movements.) The impulse given by the wrist at the moment of pass: ing from ascending to descending motion, ar inversely, must proceed from a supple but absolutely neat and un- hesitating gesture. The fingers must remain in close contact with the key boat. They must, so to speak, skim the keys even in the execution of the most distant intervals. The theoretical principles of the movements for loos- ening the wrist having been well established (1), by soy 4 m1 Stas Edn of Chopin's States (Sy Ne 10, Op 25) EXERCISE No 41. (Scales.) means of exercises whose study requires care and atten- tion at least equal to that given to the preceding chapters, practical formulae for the execution of octaves legato can now he approached. First practise scales and arpeggios to the models previously indicated for single ete Then scales with all fingerings, in all major and minor keys, over a space of three octaves, ulternately legato and Staccato; and in contrary motion, EXERCISE No 4. (Chromatic Scales.) Pg Gh es eer bi aS | 6 FS FORE oe . it Ca fH ees ea Cnn? REE? ass Ts EXERCISE No 4¢. (Arpeggios.) ote. Le, agg Bete : ae Sere EXERCISE No 4. (To ensure legato in the outer voices.) ; a22s hg 4 © 93 Next practice ordinary arpeggios (perfect chords, chords of the seventh and of the ninth) with the varia- EXERCISE No 5 We give below some traditional patterns of passages in octaves, the musical ” padding ", as i were, of pianis tic rhetorie. By the application of the variations of shythm and transposition from the transferable table, by A. Passayes in actaves with both hunts in parattet motion tions of the rhythmic table which is to be cenerally em ployed for all the formulae throughout 1 exercise. the extension of their scope on the key-boari taken alter- nately legato and staccato, they will be transformed into the most efficacious exercises, and their study will make preparation for the execution of numerous pianistic writings contained in the repertory a very = a sais” = to be studied successively legato and staceato and with different fingerings. 95 Complementary Formulae for Exercises Composed by the Pupil or Recommended by the Teacher 98 oy REPERTORY “There can be no question of mentioning hee all those clasial works, whose mosial value backed by 2 special technical interest ind to which the study of this caletion of exersee might serve t's complement of» preparation. We have only beable to elude thee compontuons.a Knowledge of which indispensable to anyone Undertaking classical pranistiestdhes. We lve the completion ofthe rear othe care af the teachers according to the requirements of his pupils, We do not Fink’ necenars to recommend the works of Clementi Czerny Cramer, Ressler, etere to, him, No serious musi education could be complete without them. “The degree of difeulty of every piece is indicted opposite the nares ofthe work, in the column corresponding teach chapter, inte fllowing tanner: N. D. aot difficult - R, D., rather diffcule - D., diffult - V. Dy very diffe Te wil be well not to forget in refering to these qualifications tha, nthe perfect interpretation of a musical work iis 80 the Chapters 1, - The Harpsichord vf2i3]4 ITALIAN SCHOOL G. FRESCOBALDI 1587-1654? ba Freebie expensive nalvhoni pling nal ite sopes " LAgi dell, Romanesca™ (earaions) + “Jud| fed Pinita sopra," La Monica" (vem) Ina) |al Toccata ©. Minor (evenness, polyphonic plying) 117}, Brelade, Fugues and Allegro‘ £5, Major. Féntasy in C. Minor (generous and expressive articulation Than) A Goldberg Varitionen (complete technique). - Fugue from the Capricela on the Departure of «Fron ‘clearness of playin). Toten F {evenein, rlh ‘Toceate in D. Major (Fantasy aed a Polyphonic playing) * Sean a; Chapters Raa. ralnal Ba laal laa nal rd] BRR 2 Be 2 al ral eg ee ec 2a OE Ba ae rd eal aenk oe nal Well-tempered clavichord (Preludes Ist bool) Xe Mevenness, smooth playing) Re 2 (eens: aril bat bundy Re 3 (lightness, suppleness of the wrist) Ne 5 (evenness of the weak fingers) Ne 6 (evenness eh end Nr 17 (evennens of fingert, lightness of wrist) N° 14 Cevenners of both hands) N: 55 Clemens. evenness. (Pealudes 3nd book) "M(evenness, neatnens of attack) 6 (evenness, crossed hands) Xe 8 Greaens, independence of fingess) Nar = crosed hands) (regularity of laying} (tis Superflgous fo recommend the study of all thal fugues of both books. Thi constitates the chert and most varied insteuetion in polyphoric.playing| snd independence of fingers) J. F. HAENDEL 1685-1559 Sigue (elasticity of the wrist. evennens x fingers) 5rd Suite ~ Prelude, Fugue. Air and Variation (even hess. polyphonic playing. grace notes) Harmonfour Blacksmith, (evenness, inde} pendence of Singer) Pagsacagin ith variation (ler atic ition) Sth Suite — (eleatness, independence of fingers) ith Suite — Gavotte with varations(ranning execution, ‘evenness) ©. H, GRAUN 1701-1759 Gigue in Bb Minor (evenness. crossed hands) Sih Suite Sth Suite 2. - Transition from the harpsichord to the pianoforte W. FRIED, BACH 1710-1784 Capriccio in D, Mino (wrist evenness polyphonic playing) ©. Minor vee Toga laying) © in E Minor (oolyaome jilaying, extensions) hiiep Ducand edi PH. EMMANUEL BACH 1714-1788 Aliegro in A. Major (west evenness) Wortenberg sonata in AA. oy? (evenness, expressive slave) Wartenbere sonata ‘in’ B. shiner (evenness, expressive hisinet T. P. KIRNBERGER 1721-1783 Luque in 2 voices in D. major (evenness) Fugue in 3.voiges in D. minor (extension, evenness alyohoric playing) i Gourante in Ab major (evenness, both hands) Alegra for dhe Singubr (cation) (evenness stretches. JOM. CHRISTIAN BACH 1735-1782 Prelude ang fugue in C. minor... 9 Finale sonata tv Bb major (erennc) JOSEPH HAYDN 1732-1809 The, dy. f all the Haydn Son Ton “Leta ower ‘ous for exerising the finger (eters edition) following numbers ral Sonata a! I (in- its entirety ; expressive and running| ecution. pee eal eal ed ne J Adasio (expressive, grace nots). te 4 Allegro (evenness, shythme precision) 18 lin ae entirely. sally, evenness). 8 9 Finale Cightness of the wis) Sonate n? 12 Presto (lthtnes, suppleness af wrist) Sonate a 19 (inte eoticetr. precision. lightness evenness 1° 23 Finale (ightgets of fingers and wis). Andante with variations in F- minor (evenness, grace notes oned hands) Anetta con varaioni (linger technique) Fantasia in C. major (evenness, writ) W. A. MOZART 1756-1791 ati fumed scoring the Pele itn Bop C Gout snereineen te 3 in B rll ln anon nice NP nF nts aca. nes) B98 Ae ler asta) tosis. es NE ie © maori, ‘lin, ‘evened NET mgr Y ive Tuyea") brio, rhythm) ” ¢ NTS te'O jar Ube cari, evenness Ne 17 in B &. (allegro) (evenness, elegant playing) (or the aabtgl aeay af thse oon we co svt George Spores cs) Renda Avior Ueenres sorts i) Rondo For race nt sremer) Fey Edy soa deh Fant with fo itu fn 'Co nr (ott spleen clears gnc M, CLEMENTI 1752-1832 Gradus and Parnassum (selections to be made by the teacher: complete hnger techugu fon: 5 (oroken octaves, evennees, tossing fon. 47, Finale fevennes, broken thirds) bet edition of Clement's sonatas i that of Cas tous: Senor! 6th Canon in two parts (suppleness of wrist subst{ tution of finger) (BI. Sela's edition) nd J. L, DUSSEK 1761-1812 Sonata «The return to Paris» (varied technique) 3. - The Pianoforte When the pianoforte became universally adopted hoard technique underwent tadieal in. The variety of rentiments expressed by a Broader {power iatraeml ssedemanded not Sly Aiversity of means for their translation, but also the tise of multiple combination af writing in a sna piece In therefore becomes difficult from Beethaven onwards to'sesigo « dehnite place to the works whore class ation we have undertaken, in a prowramme oj rady based on the specialisation of thete difculties shall cherefore, at ties, only retain certain salir pvees in thete works i order to ends thei nt ‘one of other of the chapters ofthis volume, legit. ate. "It ‘does not follow fom this, that thera ments of the same, work are not worthy of simile or that they cannot be the abjects of work Wi eve othe pei Ther, the completion of such. parts of ou] ‘inevitably rudimentary limited as we ar] By" considerations of & purely technical order. L. VAN BEETHOVEN 1770-1827 _ a al2)3}4]s 1 3fafsr |2\3|4]5) fz] sya _ . sa) Op. 30,85 (rene, let hand aled op. ie . 5 ile ' . lesiet| Op. “2, in? 3 (extensions, eccompaniment shared by both| ila eal ee UA) nS hs § Dawe (eprive ars stoic), a) — op. 13 known as the Pathe its entirety). | rd} rd] Op. 53, n° 3 (evenness in ext eae ird| ie 2... + +=§6§6=6hr te eet St iia) || Tome ee eit] a] = Pe ene, OP ahr 2 ‘op. a ‘Allegro i ralnd| ceceneainet ‘and expressive Bets dela) Srey Geer te eo nascar fp prada at OR Ferrets (eveesssfigtness) << [a [a[" | vied! = oe we ur dird) |ral Op. 85, 8 arent eer . | d ird) oo SP A Alege ace re), : a (ale = BM MLR ie nto: "Ie | 8) Chae hn mot ep. econ ra les a ae aid), la/a] Sst Fr aaa] 25 afet’lafiy xeric wie ee ll eee | ae ahajalala] SS tds tied 4] @| 4 op. 101 valvalvd) fe 4 (evenness, running srecution) ae “8 d d re ry _ palate) S67 fyinee Set Stat allel" 28 PERE ee ie reas ° wo \valval died en 9. n° 2, Scherzo (lights ale ‘| ere 4 oF iio ei waa. SLAY | a Nee dee ese | fal fea oe lal “lal [a ge enema ln ans fed di Wane on 35 ei faa [a] aes em amare ayia tay een Dita Cig eI J] Ree le rie, se Leal rte ererr rrr PgRSaya/a) Fepiom seams ge 8 Cooed ete? sincuesi| a] $d] | ah ~ tons in Scherzo of the sonata op. 106 lek sage Ke) . | : d al Aaa Peet MEMOS To Cute ie in EB, op. 1B. al alah ala { oe I — { oe & a LDLr—S—C—sss—sesesesese Bont {ine se fee rupley item alalal la fepetiaiy impose upon ourselves, Forces up only * rte comm ple eee - G/ 4 [fala] ile nur th cy ino robe SHS eich seca dala] siete ' jo the Finale. ++ 4 /edlrdl dlyd) ei Glscoath of the fingers, extension). a|_lval a Momento capricioso, op. 12 (wrist double tee). ald] Ne 2 independence and evenness of the weak fingers).| |vdjva) a) al Revere cree eae Gattattoreta). «| [aed Ne 2 (adap vada FEE Salen i aS wel 9)" [|] Men ead Imitation to waltz (brio, poetry, vitality ‘of executions} d|d) fala] Ne ium ot te open ; HF Hl © Sey sata een dan a soe 3 "ies ep gts oa tls ee ind rea ae anatg 2 ve lla) | a Sr r————i“C=#"”wCtiCtisdzs_C ald jaa Ss onto w) Scheer sine Teal fog) Se 2 {cnc igh ech ina 2 ca fron" De Winder ite nud ail af] 3 Gee al tnd’ heir | Simao. et et a TR) rec “ina a) lala a alal [al |S 3 feee'samaten" eens) aaah SEED (ROMORSR LR i, chars! )9) 8) | NG ERED iltpndre arene of rein a} ale al eo Sit crs Sik |] ad erent led jal |S ae cin “dla ue EYAL Tal Np dette aus, a rience : aja) 07 I ee Tat sen ga) ‘lal 8 ©: CEERNY 1701-1857 alaledea| | Sl Sehcenet tend nt boar mej) Pele) : flee) “ees ld) ala , i" N® | op. 23 in G. minor (complete technique) . . | vd vd ; oie & mines (compe mh: alee F, MENDELSSOBN 1098-1807 Beek ee ‘eee wed Sony iho wore: NAS SE cette ’ SS AS ton smn avn) || |] Meme va Fendt ein eae Be sts—S—s 4 Se Bie deena eine eins) | IA gla] GE otter, ind 2222 Aer Chapters 1[2]3]415 Op 51 (eauali jews oe. Jal afedl a Irmprompta Fan ‘veins, slociy dla ines sherzos Six concert studies op. {0 (after Op. 38 exten alal frala ence of finger Se 3 + 3} 4) a) deal 19 Frauen Wien > Halliemsicn) SF. 39 (ern broken formate. afa{2 {ata egaattg of Boece, wre tupplenen)s Op. 54 ighinesy of execution, win) dfrald| a] Symnhony stuier 13 chord and wet cnn Fluuny op: 4 {complete technique), :] aval dal eerie op. Preludes op, 2 NT erent togeneenonsrenlnen of wi lal aleal No 3 (Gast anicltion, suprlenee of wnat) : a Ne 3 (arength of fingers fa apid emvsvion) 3 (Grenneey | lightness left hand) dl val Ne 8 (finger independence, wrist suppleness) § Gretchen evenness playing) aa). fea Fantasy op. 17 Bnd pan (chord technique, wrist play) 8 Usependonce and ree ‘Jralval [4a] Humoreque op 20 Reais techngue) 12 (hmpess of fi YG a] fea] "Noweete op 21: NS 14 (evennens of bol han aja NEP tenth ners, suppleness of writ lee ai Nig Enya, a nd tieulton ba “) lela] | ea] NO (octaves wit play. NP17 (chord technique, ‘extensions), didid Ne 8 (varied technique) Ne 18 Goes ection, fre 08 ily” Sonata op. 22 : : val val a] Ist movement (extensions, strength of fingers, volubility Ne'19 ighines, continuous fa) fool] Rondo erat aupleneny enn of finger. Ne 23 (thumb. tranamision, Bo 34 (Son eal eveson) a lava Jala Airs "hogs claticity of wri) Op, 64 n° 1 evenness velocity, lghtnen).. . . «a /a fotermesto (cromed hands: evennes, buoyancy). Polonare: Hinde Gthsey neat relator) Oe fl had echoes bint btn | a) a] a] Romane om D8 oT Cehange ef bands evenncee Smacin) a|“}a14] Romance af the op. 52 (evenness end” independence of BF 33 (chord and erat technique, octave let hand) Ja] | alealeal “writ movemens) tasy (polyphonic playing, chord technique) . |vd] d | vd] Fuguettes op. 126 att 4 and 6 (arcane, petra Gesande der Frike (Morsing 307 Op BEE (qrace-nter, extemsions sight hand)... fla] |afed] trbution’cfmeldy in bot hand ia Ob: 37, we 2 (expressive double notes) a) fel | Op. 48, n® | (octave and chord techniques). . oa |vd wal Op 8, Iphone plying seething Wt hand Ja] al FR, LISZT 1 ' "Br Tat movement (chord and extention technique) | wal dla a i On aerate appenen loclensea son coors] _[lral'd fea] mah bore revere be pre saris i _ Finule (veomergnnen, velocity ofboth hand valwdl | (a pee ae ee | Op. 58, Ist movement (extension technique) = al dlyald ion that election becomer diffest. We shall onl} | | Scherzo (velociny, Hightness}.. =... . - + -[vdivd ‘mention the most significant of his works, counting! = fil Compt tec 12 fala} a foal nthe profeors for heamendment according to thet Bereeue (renner, Huidy, supplenen) alalala tersonl preereces ofthe cohntrs omanons we se Barearle {polyphonic playing. double nots lvalval dle Et i ‘Brel rilavey sation cares ‘afrala Tee a ies i Concert ailearo (Complete techniaue). afr a) eT "Fader sng of tne, eneson | led | Studies fr the Moncheler method Neb fn'AS minor (ortt sopplenen,stenae plying) | dvd idl NOE Gr wie aa) a] Ne 3 Lanta etpiesne tecoue a double nts ae 3 (olyphonic playing, articulation, precision); <

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