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✧ Getting to Know the Rising Signs ✧

Aries Rising: Has a lot of enthusiastic energy towards associates and casual
friends. Is open about meeting new people and letting others into their life.
Shows their individuality clearly to all. Anger or passionate feelings show
early on in relationships or even to strangers. With an Aries Rising one can
be in or out of favor with them quickly.

Taurus Rising: Slower to open up emotionally and vulnerably but is

approachable. Can view people as resources or have a practical approach to
others, is patient and calm in more shallow relationships, can have a
possessive view about the world, which can manifest in many different ways.
Taurus Rising appreciates beauty and the physical, this carries over to when
they are getting to know someone.

Gemini Rising: Usually very social but is ultimately more detached when
first getting to know others. This person is talkative, funny, and interesting
but takes a bit to get close to. They do well with networking, navigating
groups, is flexible in “fitting in”, and is observant. Duality can be seen in a
Gemini Rising, usually via becoming distant and elusive vs. being highly
attentive and involved with those they are still getting to know or are not
close with.

Cancer Rising: Usually on the shyer side or is reserved. They take a while to
open up and get close to. They can be sensitive and reclusive with
acquaintances or more shallow connections. They may attract others with a
bit of mystery or emotional appeal. A Cancer Rising can swing from being
softly approachable to being closed off and prickly. Emotional biases could
seep through their adaptable and pulled back exterior.
Leo Rising: Is usually a very warm and extroverted person on the surface. In
more shallow relationships doesn’t want to ever be looked down upon and
tries to impress. They can be generous to those they aren’t close to. Leo
Rising might keep anyone threatening to their individuality or strength at
arm’s length.

Virgo Rising: Can be shy or quiet, cares a lot about first impressions, critical
or bluntness can come out in how they see the world, easy going with
associates or casual friends, remembers details about people they meet, and
knows what they expect out of others. Virgo Rising gives practical advice to
really anyone in their life. They are picky about who they truly get close to
but is helpful to acquaintances, co-workers, and maybe strangers.

Libra Rising: Can seem like everyone’s friend and approaches more shallow
relationships with charm, persuasion, and mellowness. Relating to others is
shown clearly but emotions and desires are not shown unless someone truly
knows them/is very close. Libra Rising is personable but when people try to
get close they tend to turn elusive and maybe distant. Those who compliment
them, romance them, or confront their deep or emotional side can get in.

Scorpio Rising: Can be hard to read or figure out for some. In more shallow
relationships they are reserved and private. When they do get closer to
people, they want to discover them and can be driven by mystery or
fascination. Feels uncomfortable with surface level. Despite their reserved
nature can be influential and magnetic in more superficial bonds/networking.
Their intensity is usually felt rather than seen by peers.

Sagittarius Rising: Tends to be open towards meeting new people and

making new friends. They accept all types of people, their attention can be
grabbed by someone interesting, and some can be easily impressed. They
have a heart-on-their-sleeve approach to more shallow relationships.
Sagittarius Rising has an optimistic view towards others. They can be easily
fooled or taken advantage of in more superficial connections. They prefer fun
casualness and is serious or gets closer when meaning is created in a bond.

Capricorn Rising: Is dependable and responsible with casual pals,

associates, and especially co-workers. They can be practical towards getting
to know others, only getting close if there is a gain by doing so (this isn’t
always a materialistic or status gain). They can be cold and hard when you try
to peer in closer at them. They open their doors when others are patient and

Aquarius Rising: Tends to approach almost everyone in the same way,

maybe this is viewing everyone as a friend or in a professional way. They try
to get to the core of the individual when getting to know someone. Aquarius
Rising are distant and can get indifferent when people try to pressure or
pursue, usually emotionally.

Pisces Rising: Can lack boundaries when it comes to casual relationships and
getting to know others. They tend to attract people who need healing/are
wounded. They can be easily swayed by acquaintances and peers. Is intuitive
towards the outer world. Pisces Rising can be vague and hard to pin down.
They can get lost in impressions and might be changeable in how they
approach a peer or acquaintance day by day.

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