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Football Survivor League Rules

• Everyone needs a log in.

One pick per week, you win, you advance to the next week. You lose, you are eliminated. You can only
pick a team once throughout the entire season so pick strategically.

-We will do buy backs only up to week 4, starting week 5 there will be no buy backs allowed. So just to
be clear, if you lose week 4, you are out. Also, when a buy back is purchased within the first 4 weeks,
that owner must make 2 picks that week, and ONLY for that week. If they advance picking 2 teams, they
will pick 1 team for the rest of the season for as long as they are alive in the pool. Should someone be
eliminated in week 1, and wants to buy back in week 3, they would make 3 picks for week 3. The
number of weeks missed is the number of picks that must be made when buying back.

-Starting week 14, 2 picks will be made by every member left in the survivor pool, and the pool will end
after week 17. This will be to lessen the probability of too many people left in week 17. Should there be
a tie before week 17 begins, there will be a designated game on that Sunday where all members left in
the pool will guess the total score of that game. The closest takes 1st place. We will post the designated
game before the week begins of course. If there are too many members left for a one game score guess,
the surviving members will have to predict 16 winners on that Sunday and the one with the most wins
takes 1st.

-There MUST be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finish in the pool. As for the proceeds being distributed to the
winners, 1st place will receive 60%, 2nd place takes 30%, and 3rd place takes 10%. We're not sure what
this will be until after week 5 when all buybacks and entries have been established.

-Every week, your pick must be given and locked in the previous Friday at 5pm. In the case Chris and I
are not in front of a computer all weekend, then your pick will not be registered. If you are picking a
Thursday night winner, then your pick must be in by the Wednesday night, also before at 5pm. If for
some reason your pick is not made by the designated time on any given week, you will automatically
receive the most popular pick on the board at 5pm on Friday. If you have already used the most popular
pick, then the 2nd most popular pick will be used and so on.

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