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Name : Ishananta Alfian Widanarko

Student Number : 18524004
Class : Indonesian Islamic University Faculty of Industrial Technologies,
Electrical Engineering Department Class A

Date of Announcement: March 11 , 2019

Reading: Engineering Materials
Vocabular Example:
Write 15 1. Crane (noun) =
key words English: a tall metal structure with a long horizontal part, used for lifting and moving
and heavy objects
phrases Bahasa: 1derek
from the
table on 1. Durable (adjective)
page 23. English: able to withstand in its current condition for a long time; able to keep its
property for a long time.
Bahasa: tahan lama
2. Scratch-resistant (adjective)
English: able to withstand against scratchs.
Bahasa: anti-gores
3. Hardened  Harden, hardening (verb)
English: an activity to make something unbreakable/tough.
Bahasa: mengeraskan, memadatkan, memperkuat
4. Drill (noun)
English: a device to make a hole on something, for example walls.
Bahasa: mesin bor
5. Adhesive (noun)
English: a type of glue, usually for woods or metals
Bahasa: lem
6. Encapsulation (of ….) (noun)
English: a casing to wrap something (synonymous with casing, enclosure)
Bahasa: penutup, kesing
7. Casts  cast (verb)
English: an activity to make or give a shape from molten thing
Bahasa: mencetak, mengecor
8. Clear (adjective)
English: transparent or semi-transparent; light can pass through
Bahasa: transparan, tembus-pandang
9. Strength (from “strong”) (derived from adjective “strong”)
English: level of toughness; how tough an object to withstand something
Bahasa: tingkat kekuatan
10. Reinforce (verb)
English: to enforce/strengthen something
Bahasa: memperkuat, menguatkan
11. Machined (verb-v3)
English: created using machine
Bahasa: dibuat dengan mesin
12. Low-cost (adjective)
English: cheap
Bahasa: murah
13. Self-lubricating (adjective)
English: the ability to lubricate itself
Bahasa: anti-aus, mampu melumasi diri
14. Light (adjective)
English: light-weight, not heavy
Bahasa: ringan
15. Valve (noun)
English: something that act to insulate/hold something (usually liquid substances) to
prevent them to flow continuously
Bahasa: katup

Language Write the result of the reading activity.

Study and
Writing Task 2,3,4,5 (c3)

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4
1. An alloy is a material that formed by mixing metals or elements.
2. A thermoplastic is a material that becomes plastic when heated.
3. Mild steel is a metal that contains iron and 0.15% to 0.3% carbon.
4. A conductor is a material that allows heat or current to flow easily.
5. An insulator is a material that does not allow heat or current to flow easily.
6. High carbon steel is a metal that contains iron and 0.7% to 1.4% carbon.
7. Brass is an alloy that consists of copper and zinc.
8. A thermosetting plastic is a material that remains rigid at high temperature.
Task 5

Plastics are synthetic materials. They can be softened and molded into useful articles,
such as plates, car components, and medical aids. Also, they have many applications in
engineering. There are two types of plastics: thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics.
The difference between these two types of plastics is about the ability to withstand the
heat. Thermoplastics soften when heated again and again, meanwhile thermosetting
plastics set hard and do not alter if heated again.

ABS is a thermoplastic which is tough and durable. Because it has high impact strength,
it has applications when sudden loads may occur. That’s why ABS is chosen for making
safety helmets.

Nylon is a hard, tough thermoplastic. It is used where very silent, low-friction operation
is required, such as in motorized drives in camera, due to its self-lubricating ability.

Acrylic is a clear thermoplastic. Acrylic can be formed in several ways. It is hard,

durable, and has many uses, such as aircraft canopies and double glazing.

Polyester resin is a thermosetting plastic used for castings. It has a number of useful
properties, such as hard and has good chemical and heat resistance. Due to its useful
properties, it can be used for boat and car bodies.
Skimming What are the main idea of Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 of the book “Electrical Power
Practice Systems Technology”
Chapter 1
Chapter 1 is discussing about the measures that used for power generating and its
related articles (such as unit conversion, how to calculate/compute numbers related
to it, etc.) as an essential basic knowledge to discuss materials in the next chapters.
Chapter 2
Chapter 2 contains more advance discussion about power system fundamentals,
such as work, energy, and so on, like Kinematics and Electrical Physics in Physics

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