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Hailey Lum 

Graphic Novel Impacts 

1. In 1606, King James issued a charter, granting to a body of men permission to settle on 
“that parte of America commonly called Virginia.” 
2. The English traded with Powhatan  
3. Virginia stretched from what is now South Carolina to Canada and the English claimed 
all of this 
4. The English stole food from Powhatan’s people like corn and beans 
5. In 1608, John Smith made a new rule: “he who does not worke, shall not eat.” 
6. The English starved, and still raided native villages 
7. In the winter of 1609-10, five hundred colonists failed to farm, fish , or hunt. This was 
the Starving Time 
8. The colony recovered and its population grew. Its economy thrived with a new crop, 
tobacco and became the prospect of profit 
9. In July 1619, 22 English colonists met in a legislative body, the House of Burgesses. 
10. 20 Africans arrived in Virginia, the first slaves in British America 
11. England’s America was disproportionately African because a half million Africans were 
carried by force. 
12. Laws governing slavery, like slavery itself, had disappeared from English common law. 
13. Colonial assemblies adopted new practices and devised new laws attempting to 
establish a divide between “blacks” and “whites” 
14. Between 1649 and 1660, England had no king, and became a commonwealth  
15. Charles II took over in 1660 
16. Nineteen women and men were convicted of witchcraft 
17. Bridget Bishop was one of the first "witches" to be hung... Her execution took place the 
June of 1692. 

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