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(en hnty acto mMenraiv oman) 4 0) SARA DEVLIN | Topics To what evkent mgt HOD Identiti; on clement of evil ak the centre __ uroptan and African ecyitesabton 2 L"Heavt of Dacknest” by Teseph Conrad proclaims that ab the centre of | Gurepean civitssabien, here ia “mongkvowt avid that drives the infections preach core of _civvnivakion a ever _sakveking hy deste th geek. Conrad portrays th He neve than an alt= ——_hesantming Ber resonrees. Mh is an endeavoue spreles ith Wtele regard re the consequences ef ad, and _¢ Me shy wckion ch fhe soba cal _evoples. The chance te dain profs lead mang of dhe colonists within the aevel ta Abeta, and the 4 AL th ere, pare qoute seu expend drove them into Azegly set nade Gonrad orques thet csliiebien Go just» force, nidsng behind the fagade of “onligntenorent and thak _tuyarny de. to atermat spat ott only ee darknest, end dashractien of the sont | Gonvod insiauoles that the fermidable dominance that the valucs of wWeatern {civilisation rold over Whois ea “sewage” nabave iy tle move than 9 seeking “ ta -puobl.Twse pure greed tor “etimive A. ths "prectows tevslele of Livery’ a hal isthe ade predominant metivatven for he spread a covibbabion ia, ——_{ tht_Abrasam _tonge. ‘Theve os 9 consistent sense of inch of empathy rewards the | Atrican soliver, end their land, ath the “ehycetlest blarwag” of B nature {The fe ene is the Belgian Office deus sa on the idee of avlitefion — beerog o guveuct of prodst farther, by qertraying the Guvegeam een at in indignant feqaces , cnth ite pnestedge of the "brutalty” ob colanvaabvon [Marlen cemach the building sttennbling eo united sepalehre, © place of death las L: Pespite hidving beneath the fagade ef “weaning there ignerant _fmituicrs fran Hreie Reve Sai, The Company a impligs that ib fe suare of Whe [berth entities of the grosth of civitsoddor. The decker sno eames ous [remarks chow how he will “never 320” thers colencsta that eebwen . ay ore “oaved sten agaca”: Theve is alte ihe implietvon af the “changes” that take ela inside eaa—pMien one whe travels te the _Conge._ —} Heverhedewing of the utter dupare and edness that syercomes many of the This ta perhaps thee © —wiara vevew e, Maeks« “ b ele Whe on “impostor”, that he it experiencing ene of those internat -chongery the desea & be favthar ine tne pockets ch hvouelé, ond pavhap: Hae Company, The Company is __gectraysd te be “pum for profi” ond nothing nese, They dvaseqard the tim’ “hanventy owtsion” the Neble Gente anbeely, beraging money, rather than aiigntenmert. They oxplect the LM nctuntied” bewies” ck Afiree, ott te farther their con monetary gatas. WieZitr Contad dapics the colenishs og pee getcabert of profek and that rhe ove Whe main _disving force fer the cagsd infectron ef civsticedten. ao) : Z : ee Eos ee ieee sate po : | =2 = ae driven by pee fe waaay = Conf Ct deh erent preheat van applicant (rng se = mail imagery Cian conten POT) conPic. war, viouncr via) man &weman oppression Tnother nod internak conflict a Kinane ss ee resultant of pycholegicak » rrauma ahaned 04 Mee woman. a, 4 Comer D> seen an a response ble Thesis 2 Deep eee eens vant, , send — _awtiewtates ine layers of conflict wetweer created im arolgh er dvinpouering oP WOMAN: exooie) Mrérmal x etrernat ee viounr aupictions of men symbolic of tre nostile conflict bukit over years of ost ae ee internal conflier wien momarnood can oe consiceved resultant of enforced gencar res. conflict— — rebutatory SARAH KOTTEK SECTION A- PLATH Plath's ‘Avie!’ is a feminist text that articulates the layers of conflict created _ through tne systematic aisempowering of women. HOStile conflich wertmower against |_women is exposed through Plath's use of violenr and graphic depictions of men. Tnrougn a feminist perspective, Plath's depictions of tne naraships of motnernoca can be considered directly resudtant of enforcea genaer roles. in response x0 the dembaning of womankind, Plath calls for a wbtewe rePutatery conflicr AS a path towards wewenns empowerment __Taroughout Ariel, Plath positions a tema spearer as the victim of violent men. in ‘cut! although the Speaker nas cut’ ner own "thumb" the ¥/o0d in “representation of nav pain ise aescrived as “a million soldiers... Cin] reacoats ’ as well as “saboreur” and “kamikaze man’, The repeated images of dangerous men | aads tae audience to percitve the perpetrairor of nev pain & the hostile socierar Lpressuves mat pushed ner into “domusricity', ratmer than tre speaker nevself. This shift in responsibility encourages audiences 10 empathize withthe speaker: Plath ’s warm nistoricak wav references ave also seenin ‘Daddy’ where she Lealls upon Holocaust imagery, in *his poem, “daday" can be considered a symbol for the ingrained parriavchal values Mid wy society. Tak speaker reveals that she has “always been scared of him Section A - Ariel - In that toys dees He | Plath’ port tavite vs be Challenge Society eat expectations t eS ES Cee Seeereee ft esse eae pase oie Enea The a ppdicont 1 0 porn triton by : Sylvian Plovthe —oemel _obispons tele ofp fasta —_____ Aout corr Sdan3n The paws. confronts Ere ren cnet grt for robes ox the Spee Urea rere evel chailengrs thetn Chevrgh Sa0e 45m Ol erty. = aoe = alee es eee ee aoe | ee = atsaaaaia = | Hippe by tus 3 sage Amey srs Within no play of “Higpeiyhas, Gunpides questions the secital veer qf men and woenan, and beso beth axporcance a lack of central cusy chate desiced . ewecpioles portrays wth apand Merhals anc godt alche setecurn Hheie mesh tan. laies bo ove ce meh wed be Lo Men ant women alte |: mountain cenbsl ever thedy feelings A everwhnelmtng dane peak of lute for be Lveqaly. He ie Tae The cet of ieve ev pee, and cr G thes thak lee prewidtng tne with cvemhelming Merve Se povtvagud ao a manna of panuhment, a the core with Phoadve'’s lave er We ate cen, Hippelytan She cxprester Rev anguish, and Hpgelybaa thea stata his atter centempt for Mev Aegrchiag women an a negative Wohl. Hee father, ecame, Thescus, however, admeawsha nia elie, suggesting thet perhaps Curgda siews beth man and semen as Wvingevs A destyuctven, and ave te blame for eho eragly chat ecard orehen es play Hep peighan An “Hippoiytas, rhe chovarter A Phacdra server a aymbel ef varning te ambience new ackeag uptn year dancer con Lead lo tragedy. Heater, of ts act Phaedra aching agen her dana ted pounls her ae a fagave A warming, sas hey peepebester, Aphyedile. Bergres berg oyed Ua ack, Pheedis me inthatly vesnated the “plague” within Mew, at che read be “silenu” hertuf te “conceal tak sAbness.” tom Duper bung & Ged, and pleting herslf above the “vilenes Jomo EAT gon Mer dusire Lo be loved by Mlypelghs She vk angered ey his revevance for Artemis, 2 gumisho tim by geing cqaunst hus wishes af net Teena cecnsnbeeaily involved ith wemen. Out ef jesleuny, she atts afta her aie fev revenge, ce jushee fev the srengdeimys of Hhppolyhua- Phaedra 1s am oxample A the brat i weeny ager once dunes sin lial te trequly. She deade that “Aesth a the bat pleny demenstratyag thes Rash rialeey Phaedra abso spearenty the feig oP Wemen unthva Gree seerekys they are there bo qrende Rors for Whew turbans, and be vente bound te there “yirtues’, Repulsh on o every tong, te a nebleweman iach om Phaedra ,and se the oe willing een whe tofe ok hey ten be raacinhacn har “panty snd lempevance’: Gari pidea fortvays fheedra aa a hypecrcte; che is cvbvial ef tetmme dhe ngage o® “lechavewus dabigiets) yet i che preach" purcty and Lamperance y but she 4 guclly A Aerviag thppeighas. UF os theengh Wes gerhragel” Haot ewrigiden conmubades wv vit A aeime thal they are “dever) get only are there fey themselven Thevy oa) ; featebion 13 ogential, and women such at fhoskes orl Mba “resclve te dco” rather Vaan ce Yhe yudlgunent by socials Gar pide i ferbrawing, aumen ay mere thar their Wadetvenal rote states, yok alse cevsals there siauke hae cabeabons

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