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It’s hard to think and conceptualize a new technology that is innovative but I decided
to base my idea in what’s happening to our country. We can say that our country,
Philippines is prone to crimes. This CriDoPhone is the best and suitable high technology
to our country that will enable to free crimes and eliminate bad and illegal activities such
as crimes.

Introducing this new phone with the better and high specification. It is being called
Crime Detector Phone because it has the ability to detect crimes (crime detector
sensor) It works with its wide radar. You can detect crimes wherever you are. While
using the phone, the sensor works with the laser of the phone. A notification will pop up
on the phone saying “crime scene detected” The laser will point out the direction of the
crime scene. In that case, the police will be informed because of the security and IP
address of the technology. When the crime scene has detected, the police will
automatically know that there is crime happening because of the radar and IP address
that is connected to the police station.

Knowing this phone has unique and rare number, it is being hold by the company
and also protected for its ability to detect. Owning this phone, its not easy as you think
because when you buy it the company must first allow you to enable then sensor of the
phone. CriDoPhone is cost Php 6,999,000. It is very expensive because of its
equipment used in making this phone. It’s water proof and fire proof. It has unlimited
storage. The camera has 5,700 zoom and it is very clear. It is back to back and edge to
edge full screens. It can also can be hologram when you use its laser.

In general, having this phone is a very big help in our society. It also can help the
police to monitor and deal with the crimes. Who knows it will be the answer for our
peace and justice and for the better and success in our country.

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