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Types of letter:

1. Application: To introduce yourself to a prospective employment.

 Emphasis what the applicant has to offer the employer.
 Give information on experience, qualification, skills, personal qualities and interest.
 State the purpose of the letter. (Eg. Applying for the passion of…)
 Request an interview.

2. Enquiry- To obtain information from the recipients.

 State your purpose
 List your questions or requested action
 Encourage a prompt response.

3. Response to enquiry- To supply information in response to an enquiry.

 Answer question as clearly and consistency as possible
 If the question can’t be answered, explain the reasons and offer to assist with
alternative solutions.
 Close by expressing willingness to assist as possible.

4. Order- Written to manufacturing, wholesale or retail to request products or service.

 State if the order is places in prepones to an advertisements.
 Include all the information about the product such as: product name, model number,
capacity, material, quality and price.

5. Complaint- To convince the reader that you have a complaint and to obtain a desired
 State the issue briefly but clearly
 Identify the product or service
 Explain the problem
 Propose a solution
 End letter respectfully by making you tune positive and courteous. No demanding
or insulting.

6. Response to a complaint- To tell the customer how you plan to handle the situation.
 Make sure you express how much you values the customers’ business and
 Show that your company is fair and reasonable.

a. If you can solve the customers problem.

 Express your regrets about the situation
 State the corrections you will make
 End on a positive note by encourages future business with you company.

b. If the customers don’t have a valid complaint:

 Thank the customers for bringing it to you company.
 Express regrets ( not an apology )
 Explain clearly and concisely why your company is not a fault.
 State the company denying the request and reasons for denial.
 End on a positive note. Try to create good will for future business.

Composing of letter

Focus on the purpose of writing the letter and the results you want to achieve. Use one
paragraph for the body of the letter if the heading and reference clearly states the subject
matter and the messages is brief and simple.

When more than a paragraph is used or needed, the opening introduction should
acknowledge recipients of any letter to which is replying or state what the letter is about.

Introduction: The introduction Statements that may be used to start the introductory
1. I have received your letter dated XXXX in which …..
2. Referring to your letter dated XXXX, we are pleased to inform you that….
3. Thank you for your enquiry of ….
4. Please accept out apologies for….
5. With reference to your advertisement in the (State name of newspaper) on (state the date
published), I would like to…
Main Paragraph: The main paragraph gives further information and set out the information
being conveyed.
1. It should be brief without being either inadequate or abrupt.
2. All required information should be given without being long to put off the reader.

Closing Paragraph: The closing paragraph sets out the conclusion and often indicates some
following-up actions. Always try to end on a positive note but avid sounding insincere.
1. If you have further quarries, please feel free to contact me.
2. If you require any further information, please for not hesitate to contact us.
3. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
4. I look forward to hearing whether my application has been accepted.
5. We remain committed to help in whatever way we can.

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