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Hamsters are small rodents that are commonly kept as house pets.

It is typically stout-bodied,
with tails shorter than body length, and have small, furry ears, short, stocky legs, and wide feet. They
have thick, silky fur, which can be long or short, colored black, grey, honey, white, brown, yellow, red, or
a mix, depending on the species.

Hamsters' name comes from the German word “hamstern,” which means “hoard.” This is a very
apt way to describe how hamsters eat. They have pouches in their cheeks that they stuff with food. Pet
hamsters will often store food under their cage bedding. Hamsters like to eat seeds, grains, nuts,
cracked corn, fruits and vegetables.

Hamsters are nocturnal, which means they like sleeping during the day.Male and female
hamsters waste no time when mating with one another. If you put two opposite gender hamsters into a
cage together, the female will become pregnant very quickly. Their gestation period lasts 15 to 20 days.
After the birth, the litter is blind until they are two weeks old and at 3 to 4 weeks the young are weaned.
Females tend to have two to three litters per year. Hamsters have very poor eyesight. Their scent glands
on their backs secrete an easily identifiable smell. To find their way around, they leave a trail of scent by
rubbing their backs against objects. When a hamster needs to find their way back home, they will use
this scent trail as a guide. Hamster's teeth grow continually. Chewing on wood or twigs keeps their teeth
short. Without something to chew on, their teeth would grow so long they would injure the roof of the
mouth and lips.

Hamsters typically live one to two years, but can live up to three years in captivity. Generally,
hamsters are ideal house pets because they are gentle and are easy to take care of.

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