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What was Joseph Juran's contribution that channeled him to the area of quality and

a. pareto principle.

b. Quality management

C. Juran trilogy.

2. What was a book written by Joseph Juran?

a. juran and the quality planning

b. Juran's leadership.

c. control and quality of juran.

3. What profession did Joseph Juran have?

a. business administrator.

b. engineer.

C. attorney.

d. philosopher.

4. Where was Joseph Juran born and where did he die?

a. Born in Romania, Lasi and dies in the United States.

B. Born in Romania, Sibiu and dies in Canada.

C. Born in Romania, Brali and dies in the United States.

5. What are the divisions in the juran trilogy?

a. quality planning, quality control, quality verification.

b. quality planning, quality implementation, quality control.

c. quality planning, quality control, quality improvement

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