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I’ve struggled with depression my entire life.

Here’s the best advice I have for

people suffering from depression and those who love them:

Depression is a liar.

You can be really good at something, and depression will tell you that you suck.
You can be incredibly successful, and depression will tell you that you’re a
failure. You can have hundreds of thousands of fans, and depression will tell you
that no one likes you. You can have hundreds of devoted family and friends, and
depression will tell you that no one loves you.

It’s easy to look at a depressed person from the outside and see how unreasonable
their beliefs and reactions are. It’s obvious. But when you’re depressed, you can’t
see it.

And like all liars, depression doesn’t want you talking to other people. Because
when you talk to other people, you realize how distorted your thinking is, which
takes away it’s power. So depression lies to you again and tells you that no one
wants to hear you and they’ll never understand. This leaves you alone with it so it
can keep lying. Depression causes loneliness, and loneliness feeds depression.

So if you are depressed, please try to talk to someone. Talk to non-judgmental

family or friends. Talk to a therapist. They are experts at uncovering these lies.
You’ll be amazed at how much you’ve been lied to.

And if you love someone who is depressed, go talk to them. Let them vent. Don’t try
to fix them. Listen to them and ask questions without being judgmental.

Hopefully, over time, things get better. You begin to experience depression as
separate from yourself. It’s not you. It’s not real. It’s a liar.

Eventually, depression will become one of those annoying friends you have who lies
about everything, who you feel sorry for, who you learn to laugh at, roll your
eyes, and then go about your life.

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